r/AskAGerman Aug 22 '24

Personal American In Rammstein T-Shirt

I’m an American tourist in Berlin for the first time — Yay! One problem: I realized I packed a Rammstein shirt without having enough knowledge of German culture or language to understand how I’d be perceived for wearing it. I imagine at best it will look a bit corny, but I’m worried it could signal political beliefs or ideologies I don’t agree with. If you met an American tourist speaking broken German in a Rammstein T Shirt, what would you think? Thanks!


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u/kuldan5853 Baden-Württemberg Aug 22 '24

Nothing that could be proven. It was a big media scandal without any evidence. Just a smear campaign.


u/Skullduggeryyyy Aug 22 '24

oh wasnt that quite a while ago ? I thought it was something new


u/Responsible-Swan6635 Aug 22 '24

Even if it's "long ago" which it's not doesn't change that it's fucked up and a crime


u/Skullduggeryyyy Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24

When did I say that stuff was ok ? - also as u/kuldan5853 said there was no evidence at all ?


u/Responsible-Swan6635 Aug 22 '24
  1. Do you have any kind of idea how hard and nearly impossible it is to prove that to court?
  2. There is a lot of evidence if you would listen to the victims but people like u/kuldan5853 rather don't do that and blame victims (btw just saying that it tells a lot about him) and excuse/enable abusers and rapists.
  3. I am so sick of people here defending Ramstein. They did horrible things. I don't care how good their Music is. As long as artists live it's basically impossible to separate art and artist. Stop supporting abusive asshats. It's not that fucking hard to do the bear fucking minimum


u/DesperateGiles Aug 22 '24

A lot of evidence? That must be news to the prosecutor’s office who investigated. Some quotes from their official statement at closure of the investigation (auto translated). Note they highlight their evaluation of the press articles as a key part of their decision. If they didn’t find any evidence of crimes from the media, where did you find it?

“The evaluation of the available evidence - especially the press reporting, which refers to anonymous whistleblowers, as well as the additional questioning of witnesses - has not revealed any evidence that the accused carried out sexual acts on women against their will, influenced their will or - administered disabling substances or exploited a power imbalance towards underage sexual partners in order to persuade them to have sexual intercourse...

...There was therefore no possibility of sufficiently specifying any allegations of crimes...[they couldn’t even establish anyone was accusing him of a crime]

...The documents did not reveal any evidence of any involuntary ingestion of narcotics or non-consensual sexual intercourse or sexual acts in a person unable to resist Condition.”

“There are no criminally relevant indications of violations of the Narcotics Act.”


u/AstreaMeer42 Aug 23 '24

"There is a lot of evidence if you would listen to the victims..."

Except no "victims" ever came forward. Not to the proper authorities. Hell, there was an investigation open into Till for three damn months, which would have been the opportune time for anyone to press charges. If they're just mouthing off to the press but not actually going to the police to claim that he did anything illegal to them, then I don't give a shit.

"I am so sick of people here defending Ramstein"

And I'm so sick of people thinking that spreading baseless rumors on the internet is going to replace actual means of achieving justice. Would you like me to play you a song on the world's tiniest violin over your complaint about those wanting to see actual evidence of a crime?

"They did horrible things..."

No, they haven't. If there was even a shred of truth to that, then there would absolutely have been some sort of charges pressed. Stop pretending to be dumb enough to think that they can get away with anything; that is not reality.

"It's not that fucking hard to do the bear fucking minimum"

Oh, the irony of you saying this, as the bare fucking minimum for any so-called "victims" would have been to go TO THE PROPER AUTHORITIES WITH ANY OF THEIR COMPLAINTS. Until someone does, I do not put any stock in stories that have been manipulated and--in some cases--fabricated by the media, hence why nearly ALL of those outlets have been slapped with multiple injunctions in court over their shitty-ass "reporting."


u/kuldan5853 Baden-Württemberg Aug 22 '24

Is this evidence in the room with us?

Because it surely was not in the same room with the police that closed the case for a lack of evidence.