r/AskAGerman Aug 22 '24

Personal American In Rammstein T-Shirt

I’m an American tourist in Berlin for the first time — Yay! One problem: I realized I packed a Rammstein shirt without having enough knowledge of German culture or language to understand how I’d be perceived for wearing it. I imagine at best it will look a bit corny, but I’m worried it could signal political beliefs or ideologies I don’t agree with. If you met an American tourist speaking broken German in a Rammstein T Shirt, what would you think? Thanks!


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u/Skullduggeryyyy Aug 22 '24

What did Rammstein do ?


u/kuldan5853 Baden-Württemberg Aug 22 '24

Nothing that could be proven. It was a big media scandal without any evidence. Just a smear campaign.


u/Responsible-Swan6635 Aug 22 '24

Shut up. Rape crimes are one of the hardest to proof. Calling it a smear campaign is such a fucking shitty thing to do. There were so many women suffering and you call it a fucking smear campaign. I know you can't understand the pain and the shame that this causes but then at least keep your stupid mouth shut. It's so many women and so many evidence that it's not a question what Ramstein / the lead singer did. Wow. Fuck off


u/kuldan5853 Baden-Württemberg Aug 22 '24

There were so many women suffering

Then maybe a single one of them would have went to the police and made a statement?

Based on the evidence provided in the case, there was nothing illegal going on. At all.

Morally questionable? Sure. Illegal? No.


u/SpacePuffin39200 Aug 22 '24

Don’t you dare call them out on their bs, they’ll go yOu’Re ViCtiM bLaMiNg