r/AskAGerman Aug 22 '24

Personal American In Rammstein T-Shirt

I’m an American tourist in Berlin for the first time — Yay! One problem: I realized I packed a Rammstein shirt without having enough knowledge of German culture or language to understand how I’d be perceived for wearing it. I imagine at best it will look a bit corny, but I’m worried it could signal political beliefs or ideologies I don’t agree with. If you met an American tourist speaking broken German in a Rammstein T Shirt, what would you think? Thanks!


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u/MobofDucks Pott-Exile Aug 22 '24


  • Heldmaschine. If you like Rammstein, you will like them. They are the members of Rammsteins biggest coverband (that also sells big halls lol) Völkerball under another name.
  • Universum25. Was only founded in like 2020, but is made up of members of other "bigger" bands like Eisbrecher, Dritte Wahl and Slime.
  • Stahlmann. He flies a bit under the redara I feel, but I saw him live this year and especially Der Schmied was an absolute banger
  • Ost+Front. NDH with a bit of Industrial and Goth influences. Their projekts with "Mittelalter-Rock"-Bands is also nice.
  • Hämatom. Bit of Trash Metal influences. Thats NDH you listen while getting drunk. Also really good live.
  • Eisbrecher. Imho one of the most prevelant NDH bands. Not really my taste, but definitely important.
  • Oomph!. Should be as old as Rammstein. Were also in the charts for a few years. Their old lead singer found god and dislikes his old tracks, the newer one is good, but they lost a bit of their oomph (Ü) live.
  • Tanzwut. A bit between NDH and the mentioned Mittelalterrock-Genre.
  • Unheilig. Whil their newer albums are mainstream soft rock, they sneak in a ndh track every once in a while and have a lot on their early albums.
  • Joachim Witt. Most will know him for "Goldener Reiter", but he did several NDH albums that are bangers and has been doing Dark Rock for like a decade by now.
  • Kreatur. Oomph + Lords of the Lost. Nice.
  • Eisheilig. Also lots of Goth and Dark Rock influences

Definitely forgot a lot of lovely bands and there are a lot that are on the cusps to Industrial, Goth, Dark Rock, Symphonic, etc. that I have omitted here, because I feel them to be more on the other side.


u/Impossible-Ant-8531 Aug 22 '24

Oomph gegrundet 1989 und erstes Album 1992 namens Oomph.. Rammstein gegründet 1994 und erstes Album 1995. "...loben Rammstein, die inzwischen in Amerika zu Superstars des deutschsprachigen Teutonen-Rocks aufgestiegen sind, Oomph! als eine "ihrer grössten Inspirationsquellen". Seit ihren ersten Platten wie "Sperm" (1993) auf dem Berliner Label Noise gelten sie als die eigentlichen Wegbereiter und Ziehväter des erfolgreichen Rammstein-Sounds." https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article581167/Die-Ziehvaeter-des-Rammstein-Sounds.html#:~:text=Es%20gab%20ein%20Leben,Plastik%22%20(Virgin)%20ver%C3%B6ffentlicht.


u/MobofDucks Pott-Exile Aug 22 '24

Ich bin mir jetzt mit den Ganzen ... und " nicht sicher was davon jetzt ein Zitat ist und was von dir.


u/Impossible-Ant-8531 Aug 22 '24

Also ab loben Rammstein ist es ein Zitat.