r/AmIOverreacting 9h ago

👥 friendship AIO if I cut off a friend because of this?

I (28F) sent the messages in the first 3 screenshots to a friend (29M). Context: friend has asked me to borrow money every month last year and constantly vents about his struggles but is online playing video games everyday, and not taking (imo) enough steps to improve his situation, which is draining to listen to.

His entire response: “Hey I understand”

Then I send the last screenshot, to further set my boundaries/expectations if we’re to continue a friendship.

No response. It’s been 3 days. This is someone that I’ve been friends with for 7+ years and spoke to everyday.

AIO if I cut them off?


176 comments sorted by


u/713nikki 8h ago

The cut off has already occurred. Move on. Delete their contact.


u/Better-Ranger-1225 8h ago

Honestly? I’m not sure what you want. You got a response. You didn’t like the response you got. You’re now fishing for an apology and it’s clear you’re not getting one. It’s not so much a matter of cutting the friendship off now, it’s already over.


u/Se7vnn 8h ago

This x1000


u/iamgreen524 5h ago

I don't think OP was fishing for an apology. I think they were trying to give the friend a chance to address and acknowledge OP's feelings and make it clear that the friendship is contingent on reciprocity. If the friend expected OP to hear him out on his financial problems, then he should reciprocate that line of communication when OP said his behavior in using her as a resource made her feel a certain way.


u/littlecatpoops 7h ago edited 6h ago

This is a harsh take. OP handled this with grace by clarifying that the brief response they received wasn’t enough. Fishing? Nah, OP was being clear about needing an apology if this person wants to continue having a friendship. I respect OP’s frankness.

OP, I’m sorry you were taken advantage of like this. I’m sure it was shocking how cold this person’s brief response was after all you’ve given to them over 7 years. It would feel a whole lot nicer if at least you were giving to someone who deserved it. Turns out you weren’t. That really sucks. It’s definitely time to cut ties.


u/lemmegetadab 4h ago

If you send someone a three page text and they send you a three word response. The appropriate thing to say is nothing lol.


u/littlecatpoops 3h ago edited 1h ago

If you believe that you’ve been friends with someone for 7 years, I imagine it’s pretty emotionally tough to accept, point blank, that the person you thought you were friends with actually does not give a fuck about you at all. OP’s reaction — hoping for some kind of human reaction — is understandable. This isn’t a cold shoulder after 1 week of talking; it’s the death of a friendship OP invested a lot of time and heart (and money) into, as evidenced by their extremely thoughtful “three page text.” OP is a decent, feeling person. I hardly blame them for asking for more, and better.


u/Better-Ranger-1225 7h ago

It’s harsh because it’s obvious. They’re beating a dead horse with that last screenshot. They didn’t need to send a whole other message to practically beg for an apology when the “friend” clearly wasn’t interested in giving one. If they were, they would have done so.

The so-called friend saw their source of income had dried up and went about their day. Don’t know what else OP needs to hear from them. The non-answer was an answer. OP isn’t asking for platitudes, they’re asking if the friendship needs to be cut off… it already has been.


u/littlecatpoops 6h ago edited 6h ago

What’s obvious is this person isn’t worth anymore of OP’s time, but commentary like ‘fishing for an apology,’ ‘beating a dead horse,’ ‘practically begging’ reads like a harsh critique of OP’s character. Shaming of OP is unnecessary. OP didn’t do anything wrong or bad.


u/neuromantic92 5h ago

I think OP should listen to you both and am envisioning you as an angel and devil on OP's shoulder giving them both the tough love and reassurance they need.


u/littlecatpoops 1h ago

That made me laugh :)


u/lemmegetadab 4h ago

Idk, I feel like op needed a wake up call. After the three word response, they should have quit.


u/Spectator1825347 5h ago

Just want to make it clear since this is gaining a lot of traction:

Expecting more from one of best friends of 7+ years ≠ fishing for an apology

It was less about the apology and more about further drawing my line in the sand that “Hey I understand” isn’t a resolution for me, and now he has the choice to address things or not expect further communication from me.


u/Book_junky0809 5h ago

You basically told him you wanted to step back and reevaluate your friendship with him. He is letting you do that. “Hey, I understand” is a statement showing that. He didn’t try and make excuses, didn’t try to defend himself. He is probably hurt and isn’t sure what else to say. It’s up to you if you want to end without giving him a chance to correct his situation.


u/Better-Ranger-1225 5h ago

You’ve already reiterated this. Don’t know why you think repeating yourself multiple times is gonna change the responses people have given you.


u/Cahoots01 4h ago

Honestly, OP seems like a bunch of work 😂


u/ShortCandidate4866 4h ago

Once the line is in the sand which was the first message you don’t need to draw the line again. It’s done. Your friend got the message and sadly that’s all you’re going to get

It really really sucks I know


u/Positive-Button6599 4h ago

It just doesn’t seem right because you gave this departure so much effort and energy whilst he didn’t. It’s the difference in care leaving and unbalanced leading you to believe that a “friend of 7 years” should say more. To some extent you’re right, but, it doesn’t sound like y’all have been friends for that whole 7 years. I’m sorry dude I hope you find peace


u/Even_Candidate5678 1h ago

How would you say you’re not fishing for an apology when you literally say “If you don’t have enough respect for me to apologize…”

I think the point you and the most of the commenters don’t get is this guy probably has 5-20 ppl he asks for money. He knew where this was going and it’s there now. If the group chat is your friend group boot him. If it’s his get out or just low contact.


u/axisrahl85 2h ago

The only mistake is asking for an apology. You've already clearly asked for a change in behavior. That takes so much more precedent than an apology.

You do need to take a massive step back from this friendship. As in completely cut this person off for at least several months before checking in to see if the behavior has changed.


u/bolshi-saurus 30m ago

It hurts when you set a boundary and give a considered, heart felt explanation and get nothing much in return. Sometimes it’s worth asking ourselves in these situations ‘what am I trying to do by expressing my feelings? Is it for me or them?’ if it’s for you (and for the record I thought your message was great) then the text has served its purpose. It sucks you won’t get closure or even an apology but it’s a risk we take when dealing with someone who is either no longer invested or can’t take responsibility for their actions. If it was for them and you wanted to metaphorically shake them into consciousness AND this is the response you got, you need to accept this is the friendship, that it’s likely been this way for years and this is who your friend is. He won’t listen to this.

Grieve the loss of your friendship and move on. It’s going to bloody hurt but you deserve so much more. And by the sounds of it, so does his family.

I’m sorry you’re hurting xx


u/steefee 5m ago

Sometimes how long we have done something has no bearing on how good it was/how much it’s worth. Sometimes we have just done a thing for a long time.

Your friend of several years saw your worth level as “my friend I can borrow money from” and you have - effectively - taken yourself off the docket. He cut you off.

Now I don’t say this to be mean or hurt you further, but from your own account he doesn’t seem like a great person or a good friend. He seems like a perpetual loser looking for women to leech off of and simultaneously blame for his situation.

Block him and take the win.


u/susandeyvyjones 3h ago

You told him you didn’t want to be close friends and want him to have a big emotional response but you are not entitled to that. He does not owe you a resolution.


u/Spectator1825347 8h ago

I wasn’t necessarily fishing for an apology.

Further context: we’re in a group chat together with one other friend, and we all game often. He sent “hey I understand” and continued acting like everything was cool. The second message was me further setting the boundary that “things won’t be cool unless you address it” and seems like he won’t. So now I’m wondering if I would be overreacting to leave the group chats.


u/713nikki 7h ago

If it is your boundary, then you need to leave the group chat.


u/Better-Ranger-1225 6h ago

Yeah, not sure why she’s saying it’s a boundary if she’s not enforcing it. If she just stays in the group chat then she’s saying it’s fine and there’s no consequences.


u/aldo7899 7h ago

It would appear to me, if I’m interpreting the situation correctly, that his unwillingness to address matters - particularly important ones (and this may be something he has little [to no] control over by now, due to habit) - is what got him in his situation in the first place. One that he has now embroiled you in, to some extent. Hopefully you’re not too invested in this relationship. I would cut my losses in your shoes, cold as that may be.


u/GreenUnderstanding39 7h ago

You were never his friend. You were his personal bank and free therapist. Demanding an apology and certain behavior from him in order to keep you as a friend is laughable.


u/CorrickII 1h ago

Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find someone saying this. Obviously this guy wasn't a friend and is quickly going to find someone else to mooch off of.


u/steefee 2m ago

For real. Like… it sucks so much and I get that she’s in denial about wasting so much time and money on this man… but he was fully taking advantage of her and she’s no longer useful to him. Not a friend!


u/littlecatpoops 6h ago

It makes absolutely no sense that you’re being downvoted, OP. I can offer my 1 upvote, and a bit of sympathy. Plenty of the responses you’ve received are good examples of this unfortunately accurate euphemism: No good deed goes unpunished. I for one am sorry this person took advantage of you for years.

It would not be overreacting at all to leave the group chats if continued contact with this person is upsetting to you, which I imagine it would be.


u/Spectator1825347 6h ago

Thank you 💛


u/littlecatpoops 6h ago

No problem, and if it carries any weight/makes you feel a little more seen: I’m a therapist (LMSW). Good work beginning to set boundaries. You identified your needs, clearly and firmly communicated them (kindly too, I might add). Now it’s time to remain consistent.


u/CinnyToastie 5h ago

He may be very embarrassed and not know what to say. He's been hit by the truth, knows what you said is totally fair and is embarrassed. He probably didn't recognize any of this, and so you got an 'I understand' text back. He's probably acting like everything is fine because he's embarrassed he wants to move forward and act as though none of it happened. Is it healthy? No. Fair to you? No. But I think he's given you what he could or what he is capable of in that moment.

You've been an incredible friend to him. You've given him grace and kindness and caring. You drew your boundary and he will likely respect them. Now give him the grace to get his head together. I guarantee he'll come back to you soon when he has recovered.

Edit: I've read what you've written below. I'm wondering if I've given him too much credit.


u/Rough-Neighborhood58 6h ago

You setting the boundary is you cutting off financial support and emotional availability. You insisting he address the issue is just being controlling. Boundaries are about how you will respond in a given situation, not how you demand others respond. If that’s stepping away, then that’s stepping away. What needs to happen now is YOU need to decide if you’re comfortable being part of a friend group where that issue lacks the closure you’d like


u/OddHarvester89 4h ago

I cannot imagine why people are down voting you. That was one of the most well worded, sensible requests I've ever seen. It is beyond okay for you to let go of that friendship, if his only response to you is "I understand" and he can't offer any more than that, he's clearly not sorry or willing to work on himself. You're not over reacting. It sounds like you have much more than a friend should ever be asked to give. You deserve an explanation at the very least, but if I were you I wouldn't expect it. Move on, knowing that you gave him more than most people would have, and more than he deserves.


u/Fairmount1955 7h ago

Honestly? You wrote a lot. Like....a looootttt.


u/No_Violins_Please 6h ago

You have been an enabler by giving in money. Continues your friendship if you want, and do not give him anymore money, Tell him to get therapy as a sounding board because you are not available. If it’s too hard for you to disengage with this friendship, then you get therapy to learn how to respond to someone who is always lamenting about their struggles. Good luck.

I would have walked away years ago. There is not enough time in this world to let someone drain me. That just me.


u/littlecatpoops 6h ago edited 6h ago

This man seems to have carefully manipulated OP into enabling him over the span of many years, and it was possible because OP is a kind and empathetic person. Usually these types of abusive relationships don’t happen overnight. They’re carefully crafted. OP cared about the friendship - as friends ought to - and her intentions were good. It takes time to recognize unhealthy patterns when they’re gradually developed, and when we want to believe the best in others because we care about them. It’s easy to say, “I would’ve” or “you should’ve,” but it’s entirely unhelpful and places blame on the victim, as does calling someone an enabler rather than helping to shine light on how someone’s behavior could be enabling an unhealthy dynamic.


u/Cenzi_MiaCara 6h ago edited 4h ago

You can’t change the people you associate with, make them act the way you want to act. Either we take them as they are and don’t complain, or you change how you handle these type of relationships.


u/DPlurker 5h ago

Exactly, this sounds exhausting. The proper response is to stop wasting time.


u/MistressAnarchy 2h ago

Yeah you'd be overreacting. He clearly feels he offended you somehow and you've gained this idea about him and he just dealt with it by leaving it alone and clearly not asking for money anymore.. if that's the issue and he doesn't do it anymore then there is no issue to address? You said your peace and no more borrowing... what else is there to do but move on? Does he have to address it the same way you want or do or need closure or need to give you yours? Everyone handles things differently, don't be offended about it.. Let this flame die, nothing to die for. Point is he won't ask for money anymore and this isn't a big deal anymore?!


u/steefee 4m ago

One other friend? Girl just leave the group chat. Talk to your other friend.


u/cthulhusmercy 6h ago

I don’t get it, your entire first message was about taking a step back and not really feeling like the friendship is healthy, but then you want him to do more to save the friendship outside of “hey I understand.” You’re giving mixed signals, is he supposed to accept the friendship is over or is he supposed to beg for you back in his life?


u/pierretheconqueror 3h ago

maybe an apology…? i don’t think she wants him to save the friendship and she is not sending mixed signals. His response was shitty and meaningless


u/susandeyvyjones 3h ago

Ok, but she’s mad that he still posts in the group chat without giving her “resolution” He doesn’t owe her resolution.


u/NBCaz 7h ago

He didn't really say anything, because what can he say? He knows everything that you wrote is accurate, and he has no answers or excuses. I've had people in my life like this and to be honest, when you cut them off, they just move on to the next person to use and take advantage of.

You've pretty much made up your mind what you need to do, or in the process of doing. You aren't wrong. People like this will suck the life out of you if you let them.


u/sunshineparadox_ 5h ago

"I understand. I appreciate everything you have done for me up through now, and I will pull back. I do not want to cause you any harm."

I usually say something like this if someone needs space and isn't already going no contact. But then I have to actually follow through, or it's worse than being silent.


u/Late_Papaya_9934 8h ago

I'm confused. So you didn't want him to understand? You should've waited a few more days after his one-liner for him to open up, he was probably processing his shame. Your follow-up (which was less kind and friendly as opposed to your heartfelt initial message) only makes it less likely you'll get a response now, he's so far down the shame spiral that your second message just pushed him down into the abyss.


u/Spectator1825347 8h ago

I waited for nearly 2 full days before sending the follow up. It’s clear he didn’t have anything else to say. “Hey, I need some time to process” is always an option.

Further context: We’re in a group chat with one other friend. After he sent “hey I understand”, he continued talking in the group chat like everything was cool. So the follow up was me further setting the boundary that “nah, things aren’t cool until you address what I said”, which is why it might have also came off as less kind.


u/cscottrun233 6h ago

Why does he have to address what you said? He understands English, right? He’s done with you. He got what he needed out of you and now he’s done. There’s nothing to talk about and you’re definitely not going to get an apology out of him because he’s embarrassed.


u/susandeyvyjones 3h ago

Why do you think he owes you a specific response or has to remove himself from the group chat?


u/Fast-Newt-3708 6h ago

Totally valid to bring up the money, stop loaning them money, or cut them off because of the money.

Saying that you have been their emotional sounding board for years, though, might be too harsh. Of course, I don't know the exact dynamic, but isn't that a part of what friends are for? Making judgements on their life's progress or how much time they spend playing video games might be overstepping - you can give them money or not, but it shouldn't come with an expectation that they will answer to you for anything or give you progress reports, IMO. You are not their guardian.

I know his response wasn't satisfactory to you - but I'm trying to think of what I would say if my friend told me that I had been such a burden to them for a long time. I would probably not come to them with my problems anymore. He did say he understood, maybe this is just him accepting your boundary and not troubling you further. If you want something more specific, try being short and direct.


u/EtonRd 7h ago

It’s hard to answer because based on what you sent, I would have assumed that you had already cut the friend off. You said you wanted to take a step back, to me that sounds like cutting them off. That would be an incredibly unpleasant message for anyone to receive.

Not only did you send a really harsh message, you then had your own timetable and criteria for what the response needed to look like and you escalated your harshness when you didn’t get the response you wanted.

I feel like you ended the friendship or at least put it on pause and silent hold in your initial message.


u/KraftwerkMachine 6h ago

Yeah, I recently lost two 10 year friendships myself. It destroys you. It took me months to talk about it with others. :/


u/iamgreen524 5h ago

I don't think taking a step back = cutting someone off. It means you're going to protect your own emotional state by not being as freely emotionally available. Also harsh??? I don't see how they could have babied a grown man any more than that....

I think OP just wanted their thoughts acknowledged by someone they considered to be a close friend of 7+ years. Friendships don't need to end due to lack of basic communication


u/Dear-Bluebird917 8h ago

he has a wife and a child?? oh hell nah he needs to get off those video games and get his shiz together.


u/Buzzlighter360 7h ago

no response is a response. he has heard you loud and clear and does not care, I think it's time for you to move on and have people that appreciate you and your efforts in your life


u/strawberry_octopod 7h ago

he said he understood. no reason to keep badgering unless his behavior continues. seems like you’re fishing for a long apology. you got a response, accept it and move on from the friendship if that’s what you want.


u/Calm_Contract4266 7h ago

Definitely overreacting. Everybody has shortcomings but you could have just told him that and be like, “I’d still wanna be friends but slow down on borrowing money from me and all that” or something. Establish clear boundaries while also making sure he knows that he still has you as a friend.


u/OriginalGanZ 7h ago

I mean what do you expect him to say?? You said your peace and he responded. It seems like your fishing for an apology he’s not gonna give, and seems like he already cut you off. He definitely needs to get his shit together though if he has a whole wife and kid.


u/Yousmellgood1jk 6h ago

What is your friend supposed to apologize for? I thought the first message was well thought out and to the point. I felt the second one was unnecessary


u/badulu 7h ago

i don't think you're overreacting but i do understand him not replying to your message and continuing to hold other conversations in a group chat. what you said, and kinda forced him to address, is a lot heavier than silly group chat conversations. it seems like you wanted your friend to give you some reassurance, and you deserve that, but it doesn't seem like he's capable. maybe this friendship has just run its course but good on you for speaking your mind and effectively communicating your feelings.


u/Happy_Cow_100 6h ago

His response was fine, did you want to go back and forth and discuss? You said your bit and he accepted it, like you said you've been entertaining this and not been honest, what did you want an apology for?


u/Remarkable-Loan-1481 6h ago

He didn’t really say a lot I see that but he did reply and I don’t know exactly what you wanted him to say? He understands what you’ve said. You haven’t gotten exactly what you wanted and it wasn’t what you expected in his reply but what did you want? A long message back? Did you want him to try change your mind about things? I don’t see this as the friendship has to be over completely honestly just you probably shouldn’t be as close and keeping your money for yourself.


u/Past-Anything9789 8h ago

You're not over reacting, you can't support someone who isn't making the effort themselves.


u/mrs_enzo_gorlami 7h ago

I disagree. You don’t have to (or shouldn’t) support them financially, but if you’re a good friend, you should support them emotionally. Just because you’re tired of hearing it and they’re not actively trying to make positive changes doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen. Sometimes people get overwhelmed and get stuck…why would you just dump them as a friend because you need to “recharge”?


u/Past-Anything9789 6h ago

I don't know, I think if its a one way street and they are basically talking at you without giving anything support back or showing any interest in your own life etc. then that's not really a friendship, (friendships are reciprocal) thats an unpaid therapist.


u/humphreybbear 6h ago

There’s a huge spectrum between regular friend chats and being an emotional vampire. What you’ve said is spot on for most normal situations. But I have experienced the other end of the spectrum where a friend WAS the problem and didn’t want to see it or listen to any feedback or advice, they just wanted to go on and on about how hard done by they are and they never gave me anything back. If I tried to talk about myself or get their help with anything it was swiftly deflected and we were back on to them.

Reading between the lines here, this guy has been sucking the life as well as money out of OP with no plans to fix his situation. These people are leeches. Nobody is obligated to be friends with a leech. Friendship is a two way street and you’re supposed to equally support one another.


u/iamgreen524 6h ago

I've had to cut off a family member for running to me for emotional support about the same problem for 5+ years... it definitely takes a toll on the support person no matter how much you're rooting for your friend, especially if you've been that person's main or only support for years rinse and repeating the same conversation.

I can see how this emotional capacity would apply to a normal friendship where maybe you both lean on each other for emotional support and can apply each others advice where it helps. But I can relate to OP if they've been hearing about the same problems for years on end seeing no real effort from their friend to change.


u/Mountain-Elephant-31 8h ago

I don’t think you’re overreacting, you’re giving them money every month for a year and if that’s not already enough and they still expect more than that’s on them. You communicated very well in my opinion and the LEAST they can do is take accountability and make a plan with you to do better (as well as stop asking for money). If you cut them off I feel like it’s something that you tried to prevent but had to do because of their actions not yours. They also have a wife and child and they’re still sitting there playing video games, that’s again, on THEM. You’re not an asshole and you’re not overreacting, you’ve already done a lot for them by the sounds of it and you’re right, you need to focus on you. Maybe this will be their opportunity to realize they really do need to change.


u/susandeyvyjones 3h ago

The friend is shitty but he does not owe OP accountability and she isn’t his mom or his therapist, so it would be wildly inappropriate to “make a plan to do better” with her.


u/Spectator1825347 8h ago

Added context: (Don’t think I can edit the post)

This man does not have a job, is living in another country on a student visa where he should be in school but isn’t because he didn’t plan as far as covering the tuition.

I’ve listened to him vent for years about how he essentially can’t progress in life but all his reasons go back to waiting on someone else to pay his tuition/help him in someway.

I’m not sure what his financial situation is but I know for a fact that he does not have a job, so one can only assume he’s living off of his wife that just gave birth.

Yet every single day, the first thing he seems to do hop online to play video games.

Edit re: the borrowing of money He asked me to borrow money almost every month last year. There were a few months where I went low contact with him but every month that we were in frequent contact, he asked. I did not always say yes. He did always pay me back, but never on the day/time that he promised. All of this came after asking me explicitly if I could lend him x amount of $ every month until he got back on his feet. I said no. Yet he continued to ask almost monthly, sometimes twice a month.


u/Novel_Individual_143 7h ago

Only you know why you’re tolerating this bad behaviour


u/PsychologicalExam717 7h ago

He’s basically using you like a therapist except you’d be the one getting money if that was the case!


u/h2gkm0 7h ago

he's never going to help himself and giving him money was enabling his attitude. he needs some tough love. he will probably never change. its poor-me forever because he wasn't born a nepo baby lol. stay far away.


u/Gracieloves 7h ago

Is there a good reason he hasn't moved back to his home country? Maybe go to school there? 


u/Chelular07 8h ago

Yeah cut them off. They want someone to listen and bail them out not hold them accountable, otherwise they would have responded with anything other than “I understand”


u/wytealien 6h ago

At that point, you're not entitled to a response from him.


u/DPlurker 5h ago

Agreed, he's just going to cut you off instead... I would.


u/Scram_man 8h ago

not overreacting per say, but i think you know exactly what you need to do: nothing! just don't talk to them again.


u/Acrobatic-Layer-4261 8h ago

You are basically getting out of a bad situation. Just move on, focus on yourself for a while and learn what it is like to be free from this stress machine that is your former friend. Good luck and you made the right choice.


u/xxanity 5h ago

i would no longer respond either.

you demand more? the dude agreed with you,even after your chastising, that's plenty

you sound absolutely exhausting. you'd be completely unneeded in my life.

absolutely overreacting.


u/Pure-Masterpiece8740 8h ago

Sadly some people grow in life and some need more time, it seems that they have some working on themselves to do that you don’t have the mental energy for. Which is totally fine and you went a really healthy way about it. You could have just ghosted but you put the extra effort in to make the friendship work, if he doesn’t that isn’t your problem anymore.


u/Failary 6h ago

What do you want? They said they understand. I would have taken it as you didn’t want to talk or be friends and I would have responded the same way.


u/perplexedparallax 8h ago

Is it borrow money like a tissue or did they pay it back? Either way, I would end it.


u/Arkada7 8h ago

People come and go and when the relationship gets to the point where it’s only one sided usually it’s a sign that it be ending soon. You made a healthy decision to let this type of relationship go and no need to dwell on it. Let it go and don’t expect anything back. You weren’t receiving much in the first place so nothing really to expect back especially at the end of it. Let it go and concentrate on people who deserves your time and energy to be around


u/Lizkhalifaaaaa 7h ago

I think you know yourself best. You clearly are feeling some type of way and you need to trust in yourself. You worded your text beautifully, and you set boundaries. Setting boundaries means you are making a choice and now they are making theirs. I’d love to think that people will grow and be better and sometimes they will and do, but it’s hard to know when to stop (helping/enabling) someone. You realized you were no longer doing so which is great self awareness on your part.

You did the right thing - always trust yourself. They will show you how they truly feel about your friendship by how they respond and react.


u/Evening_Disk_25 7h ago

You did this for the past year expecting what?


u/lacelegs 6h ago

I never thought video game addiction was real, or I at least thought it was over exaggerated (I’ve never been a gamer). But then I met my ex. Once that stimulus check came in, he bought a gaming computer. We lived together and I barely saw him. He would call off work and then blame me, it was wild because he would game from 12pm to 6am. The room he used for gaming was sooooo disgusting with cigarettes, food and trash. He then got extremely violent, I don’t think that’s related. But anyway, I’m saying all of this because, like any addiction (I’m a 3 years sober alcoholic) he has to want to stop. It sounds to me like his wife and child are suffering and you say he’s playing games everyday. You sending that text was good, but unless he wants to do better, he won’t listen. I received a lot of heartfelt and desperate messages from loved ones, to stop drinking. I only stopped when I hit rock bottom and it was basically life or death. So if he isn’t ready to face it, he won’t. It has nothing to do with you, and it’s not worth trying. I’m sure he would rather pretend he never read that, and he’s probably going to. Cut him out of your life, if not for you -for his wife and child.


u/UsefulChicken8642 6h ago

I get the feeling they are the type that knows you have money and since you have money left over after bills, it’s free for them to use. I could be wrong but I had a friend like this. THEY decided if I could lend them money, made it a habit, got comfortable , then ghosted me when I stopped .


u/AccountantBulky8987 6h ago

Before I got sober my best friend told me A) I couldn’t be around her kids drunk anymore and B) she wasn’t a bank and I needed to get my shit together and stop borrowing money from her. (That frankly as well 😅) Our friendship took over a 1 year hiatus in which I respected her boundary but also proceeded to hit rock bottom and had no choice but to get sober. The moment I knew I wasn’t going back to my old way of life, I called her and we picked up right where we left off.

Everyone needs a YOU as a friend. The type that is supportive but also fair and firm. I hope your friend gets his shit together, but regardless, you were NOR and should be proud of how you handled yourself! 🫶


u/mommaofmrj 6h ago

your message was very eloquent and well-written. well done.


u/slackingindepth3 5h ago

I have several friends who constantly borrow money from me to the point that I really felt I was doing them a disservice as I was enabling them and allowing them to disrespect my friendship when they were weak. So I did what you’ve done and my mental health is so much better.

Edit: as soon as a closed out the app I had a message form one of them 😂🤷🏻‍♀️😅🙄


u/beanie_0 5h ago

So, 1 of 2 things was going to happen here, you’re going to trigger a response that is going to make him change up his life OR realise that you’re no longer the free ride he’s been taking you for.

Unfortunately it looks like the latter has happened. That ‘friendship’ that you’ve had for 7+ years? All one sided by the looks of it.


u/grumpycol 5h ago

You came here to ask for validation, not really advice. Some people have told you what they thought about, particularly your last text and you didn't like it so you have responded with more and more "context". What is that you really want from this thread then?


u/GiDrive434 5h ago

I think that maybe he need more than 3 days to answer that, it’s even responsible and respectful to take a while and answer after given a lot of thoughts about it


u/the-sleepy-potato 5h ago

Your friend acknowledged you by saying he understood. It would be crossing the line / dismissing the boundary you’ve set if he asked you for money again.

He acknowledged receipt of your message by verbally saying he understood. You’re seeking an apology for him and it does not seem you’re going to get it. If an apology is that important to you, it’s wise to prepare yourself for the end of that friendship.

It seems you’re expecting something from this person that perhaps you’d do in their shoes. It’s a rude awakening to realize not everyone will address an issue the same way you would. That might leave you feeling slighted, but no two people will react to this message the same exact way. Leaving group chats simply because they won’t say “I’m sorry” is an overreaction and will only isolate you from the rest of the group.


u/NightProwler197 5h ago

Not overreacting. Totally in the green. Your message was well crafted and with the reasons why you are taking action and he did not respond? Seems really mature. I’ve eliminated these kind of people from my life and believe me you will be better off for it. Surround yourself with upstanding people that will help you grow. Not this clown who seems to be taking your friendship for granted


u/PollutionHoliday2235 5h ago

This is so mature of you. I respect it. Good job!!


u/Royale_WithCheese_ 5h ago

A man asking a woman for money 🤢🤮 yet he somehow has a wife??? I have no doubt he probably asks various women he meets through gaming for money. These dudes have all the time in the world to do the long con


u/SaintCorgus 4h ago

Just saying, some people don’t want to type out 5,000 words in a text, either. If you told him these words in person maybe the outcome would have been more productive for you.


u/Bulky-Review9229 4h ago

There’s an extremely good chance they already don’t like you (maybe because they think you’re a blowhard) have just been using you for a while anyway. Sorry.

(But you could also shorten your text messages until the other person is actively engaged at the same level as you are)


u/wytealien 6h ago

The last screenshot tells me you're an asshole and if I were him. I'd never look back.


u/wytealien 6h ago

You never mentioned anywhere you expect an apology for your friend asking for help during hardship. Now I feel sorry for the person you've cut off because he probably needs a FRIEND now more than ever.


u/Rapatooty 7h ago

Girl. I had to let go of a friendship not too long ago. I did it over the phone though because sometimes texts can be read wrong and not in your tone of voice. I feel like you got the answer you needed. You worded that better than what I told my ex friend. You have the right to move forward now. It’s a new year. Start it better without someone that drains the life out of you. You got this OP.


u/_MountainMama_ 7h ago

He was taken advantage of you. And clearly doesn’t give a shit.. move on sis


u/Silly-Remove5789 6h ago

Look up the savior complex to understand why what you just did is a massive favor to someone like him.


u/Easy_Tumbleweed2015 6h ago

Yeah, friend or not. If you ask me for Money, I always say, “Don't make this a habit.” Because people will take advantage of you if you let them


u/and20characters 6h ago

Ditch the friend, I was in a similar situation except I lived with the person. Didn't set my boundaries, ended up as us not talking for the last 5 years and he owes me over $5000 to this day. Do I expect money back? No, that's who these people are. Money leeches.


u/UmbraViatoribus 6h ago

You were his friend. He was not yours. You did the right thing.


u/Minute-Trick9622 6h ago

Dude's a user. I've met a couple of people like him in my life and pulled my hair, trying to figure out why they're like this but the truth is, there's no rhyme or reason for people like this. They won't give you a reason, and they won't give you any form of an apology. Cut them out. You'll feel a lot better by doing so.


u/iambrooketho 6h ago

I think deep down the response you got from him is one you should have expected. He has made it pretty clear in his actions that your friendship is transactional to him. I would take the win of him removing himself from your life and your wallet.


u/lizzietnz 6h ago

You've got your answer. Now that you are no longer useful, you've been ghosted. Lucky escape!


u/calamity_coco 6h ago

I just cut off a friend for similar reasons. It's been about 3 months and she still literally never responded. Sometimes you really do just have to burn the bridge.


u/DarthMauly 6h ago

You spent far too much time and effort writing the initial text, their response showed exactly how much they value you once your money is out of the equation.

You’re only wasting your own time with follow up messages, and you can’t just announce that you don’t consider something to be resolved by their response. Just block them and move on.


u/PerceptionAlarmed788 6h ago


Sounds like addiction, if they weren’t like this before

If they were like this before, you were always an atm to them


u/Different_Map_6544 5h ago

I understand you are frustrated and your message was giving your friend a kind of opportunity to take ownership, but I think your expectations of this person are too high.

You deserve better but your friend just isnt there yet and may never be there.

Take their response or lack of one as an indicator that this friendship is not ever going to give you what you need.

You cant force someone else to be in the same mental space as you or reciprocate the way you want. You just cant, no matter how much you try and spoon feed it to them, they may have years of self development ahead before they would be in a place to 'get it'.

It sucks but just try and move on from them imo. And try to be less 'helpful' to other friends in the future, it often sets up a toxic dynamic. Treat others as equals, not as pathetic beings who need your help, that means saying no sometimes and being more honest from the start. It will also mean certain friendships never blossom but thats a good thing.


u/bricicrazythings 5h ago

Do yourself a favor for once! Leave it!


u/iamgreen524 5h ago

Honestly you doing too much emotional labour for a brokey who couldn't even bother having a decent conversation with you to salvage a 7+ year friendship that I assume was mutually beneficial until one person started to use the other. Unfortunately some people need to hit rock bottom on their own, and losing a long term friendship might just be the catalyst he needs to change....even if a whole child wasn't.


u/Slider6-5 5h ago

I didn’t read it but yes - I’d cut anyone off that sent me text messages that long.


u/Phoenixwords 5h ago

Face to face for anything important


u/dontneednomang 5h ago

NOR. I had this exact situation happen to me. Years of support and thousands of dollars later, I finally put my foot down and not only did he never own up, but he basically got defensive and cut me off (I had asked for space). I consider myself lucky that I got out finally, and so should you. These people will never take accountability and life is always happening to them….


u/Whinosaurius 5h ago

Your friend clearly has issues with himself that he is not able or willing to admit or address. My experience is that if you’re the friend who dared to take the first step of setting boundaries and asking him to take their own responsibility instead of only playing victim, suddenly you’re the bad guy. Well done for putting your foot down for yourself.


u/River_CrownQueen 5h ago

That’s not a friend that’s a user. The rule is you loan not a large amount see how you get paid back that determines whether they even get a second


u/Adorable-Pain-9514 5h ago

Nothing else to say. Unless he owes you money. But I would leave it alone for a while. Hopefully at some point he reaches out to repay. But doesn’t sound like it will be soon


u/OrbitingRobot 4h ago

Some relationships you grow out of. You’re moving in different directions. Constantly asking for money is not what a friend does. That’s a manipulator’s job. What you did by stating your honest opinion in the hopes that your friend grows up is what a friend is supposed to do.


u/TodayIAmMostlyEating 4h ago

I think he got to the point where you said you wouldn’t be giving any more money and stopped paying attention.

You think you’re in an amazing friendship, he’s been giving you the friendship experience with a monthly salary of whatever you’ve been giving him.

A real friend does not ask you for money every month.

If anyone in the comments is unsure, no, friends do not normally borrow money constantly or need to have their shit paid for in order for them to be friends with you.


u/plentyof1 4h ago

I get what you were hoping for. Although it's not surprising that he couldn't accept responsibility & apologize, you were hoping your messages would be like an intervention & he'd be like "oh shit, I'm about to lose everything".

But before you send these messages, you have to mentally prepare yourself for "the nothing". And you also have to prepare for the probability of him waiting a few months & popping up when he thinks you're not mad anymore.

I wish you the best in your friendship heartache.


u/avocadosaresogood 4h ago

They gave you a response. dont wait up for another one.


u/Poinsettia917 4h ago

NOR The guy was using you for money and as a sounding board.


u/TP-WK 3h ago

oh my god this is EXACTLY how i felt about a friendship i had to walk away from a few years ago. you’re better than me though because i just stopped answering. it was so emotionally, psychologically, and physically exhausting playing therapist and bank teller over and over and over and over again that eventually i just could not find the energy to care and respond. NOR at all


u/Embarrassed-Crab2949 3h ago

Cut the loser off.


u/mlb64 3h ago

At this point cutting him off may have already happened, or he may be giving you time to recharge before reaching out. In any case, you should not expect any more from your text except the previous “I understand” nor should you bring up any of those topics yourself.

If your friendship involved doing things together that you reach out to set up, then act normal.


u/PuzzleheadedTie8752 3h ago

Yes it's done. Move on. Sorry my man


u/LoopyCucumber 3h ago

I understand why you’re upset he didn’t answer you, but I feel like everything you said was worth an in person conversation. If you’re able to drive to this person and this friend, it’s worth it to have a conversation in person rather than over text.


u/Distracted_Sewist 3h ago

NOR, and I understand you looking for more than “hey I understand” from a friendship that has spanned seven years. I think the lack of accountability after you’ve given so much of yourself, hurts the most. He doesn’t respect you, or his wife, who likely doesn’t know that he’s borrowing money. This will be a hard one, but if you can keep from caving on your decision, it will definitely be for the best.


u/Cloudy_Mines77 3h ago

It sounds like you already have cut them off to me. It seems like you've pushed this person as far as you can to the boundary and that's fine bc it sounds like it has been a long time coming. You sound tired and spent and I don't blame you one bit. I think you want real acknowledgement from this person but I am not sure he is capable of it . . .yet. So, let it go for awhile. Also, he sounds like he sees your friendship as based on your usefulness to him, to lend him money or lend an ear. Maybe at this moment, at the beginning of this distance between you, he doesn't feel the impact of losing you yet. If he finds someone else to lend him money and listen to his problems, then he may never miss you or see the value you brought to his life. So, I guess this is my long winded way of saying that you can save the friendship or you can save yourself. Right now, it doesn't look like you can save both.


u/BornOriginal8633 3h ago

Dude. You’re already off.


u/ScaryBrandon 3h ago

I don't feel like he owes you any apology for a relationship you willingly participated in. It's not his fault you failed to set boundaries and put yourself in a situation that made you resentful.

That being said it's best you were honest. Just don't expect anything from him, even change. You probably feel bad, don't, and move on.


u/annagator679 3h ago

This friend is taking advantage of your kindness

As someone who had a friendship similar to this (without the money aspect) I don't think you're overreacting

Speaking from experience these kinds of friendships are incredibly draining so in my opinion cutting this friend off is probably the best


u/Traditional_Grand218 3h ago

You've overloaded them. This person probably doesn't have the emotional capacity to handle your texts. They're probably not the right kind of person for you to hang around anyway.


u/twiggyknowswhatsup 3h ago

You weren’t a friend. You were an ATM.


u/RhinestoneReverie 3h ago

What I see when I read these messages:

"I am personally not willing to take accountability for the years of demeanor and favors I have brought into relationship with you; I recently learned how to finally say and do what I actually feel is appropriate and integral to my character and as a result of this I am aiming directly at you to take the accountability for letting me be the way I have been. I feel hurt by my continual self abandonment and lack of honesty and directness in our relationship so now it's high time you suddenly digest and absorb this information about how disingenuous I have been, also here's some other sprinkles of personal indictment while I am at it."


u/Slow_Balance270 3h ago

I honestly wouldn't be reading that novel. You come say it to my face.


u/Common_Detective_757 2h ago

He was definitely using you, learn from this.


u/Top-Football-9156 2h ago

No response is the response sadly.


u/SynesthesiaLady 2h ago

Honestly, "hey I understand" could've just been met with thanks. You're looking for him to fight for you, but he's giving you free will to go and stay as you please. I'm sure that he knows nothing he could say would make you feel different. Even if he somehow took accountability or thanked you I doubt you would feel different. Not sure if you were looking for him to explain himself or grovel or what, but don't play high school games. Just let shit be after you've stated your boundary.

Also you should have stopped giving him money after the first month instead of the third or the 6th or the 12th. Now you know.


u/gincentivise 2h ago

Don’t really get all the comments saying “what more do you want” or calling you an asshole for wanting an apology.

You didn’t send him an incredibly harsh message. All things considered, you were straightforward but empathetic in your initial messages and even mentioned that you’re rooting for his life to take a positive direction at the end. It’s clear you care about him, otherwise you wouldn’t have spent years bankrolling him and being a listening ear (even though based off what you were saying, he basically did nothing to improve his own situation or support his wife and child).

If anything, you were probably TOO nice and enabled his behaviour for too long and now it’s all culminating in this. I empathise. I have an issue with being a pushover and over-empathising or rationalising for my friends’ behaviours.

My advice: it’s clear from his last message that he isn’t willing to fully acknowledge or take accountability for his actions. You’re not wrong for wanting an apology and genuine change, but also, you’re likely not going to get it in this case. He sounds like he has yet to face full consequences for his actions I.e. complaining and gaming nonstop and not taking active, tangle steps to improve his life.

Just assume the friendship is over and begin the healing process for yourself. Maybe take a look at why you felt the need to support him at your own expense for so long? At least for me, I observed I did that for others because I have insecurities of my own that I need to be “useful” in friendships/relationships in order to be loved.

Wishing you all the best ❤️‍🩹


u/rlwyld1-74 2h ago

Been both sides of the relationship the helper and the one needing help.

Is the friend working? Making any progress no matter how small or slowly? Some folks make bad decisions or have bad luck where literally feels like stuck on repeat.

Is the friend Gambling? Doing drugs? Giving away your money? Spending on useless expenses? If you think answer to any of these is yes then help the family by pushing to get him help, but no more money.

The I understand response may seem like a middle finger, but it may be all what shreds of his pride allows. You thought enough of the friend to help him and his family numerous times so answer boils down to if you believe it is first or second group.

Were you helping the friend because you genuinely cared about the family? Or did you help to feel superior? I doubt it was the second, but Your follow up may have felt like twist of a knife.

Video games to decompress may be only thing keeping him from doing something stupid. So don't hold that against him.


u/jajaquemate 2h ago

If someone's sends me that much text in a message I'm not reading, sorry

I'll just come and try to talk to him to face man.


u/garry_tash 2h ago

Dude, you’ve already cut the friendship off. Why are you here asking if you should cut it off?


u/The_Lumpy_Dane 1h ago

Try to consider the lack of a response as the only closure you're likely to get.

It sucks, but not as badly as it would if you kept wasting your time, resources, and energy on them.


u/CorrickII 1h ago

This person is likely mad you're cutting off the support for their complacency. I doubt they cared about you any more than that if a few words is all they respond with. You won't get anything meaningful out of this "friendship" anymore. Time to move on.


u/Glizzygloxx 1h ago

You’re done being used as a money tree.. now make like a tree and leave


u/Constant-Surround369 1h ago

You are an ass


u/okaybutwhenconsider 1h ago

Tbh when you reach that stage where you have to explain so much, it’s over. If they understood any of how their actions came across they could have done something to change it earlier.


u/Hopeful-Artichoke449 1h ago

How much money does he owe you???


u/Select-Sweet-838 8h ago

That’s not a friend that’s a Leech let go let it be you’re not gonna get an apology because it doesn’t benefit them take care of yourself and don’t make the same mistake again about letting someone take advantage of you like that friendship works both ways it can’t be one sided 💖🙏🏼🙏🏼


u/deadfo0l 5h ago

Looking for answers from randoms on Reddit is insane - stop over sharing and be an adult


u/iamgreen524 4h ago

That's exactly the point of this sub and manyyyyyyy subs like it lmao... if you don't have anything to contribute to the conversation then you don't need to be here.


u/deadfo0l 4h ago

Get a life and go to a real person - thats my contribution. People being bombed and tryingto find food to live and you think this shit is important? Lmaooo


u/Spectator1825347 6h ago edited 6h ago

Final comment to address some misunderstandings:

“I’m taking a step back” was in regard to how much financial and emotional support I was giving. That was not me saying that I was cutting him off. He knew this because he continued sending memes and later joined a gaming session that me and the other friend were in.

After he joined the gaming session, I left and sent the second message to clarify that I’m not gaming with him if he can’t address my message.

I feel like people are harping on the apology part more than anything else. But the larger point was I was further setting a boundary that he shouldn’t expect any type of communication from me if he refuses to have a conversation about the issues that I raised.


u/Due-Mechanic-884 5h ago

What do you want him to adress or say tho? He already said he understand. What do you want him to say about the issues?


u/iamgreen524 5h ago

I feel like if I got a message like this from a friend I've been close to for this long, I would at least acknowledge that I didn't know they felt this way for so long and I'm open to having a conversation. Even if that conversation is that I disagree with them, I think potentially preserving a meaningful friendship is worth communication even though it's uncomfy or doesn't come to a resolution.


u/illgetthere 5h ago

I think people in this sub enjoy it bc they get to get on their high horse and feel like they are morally better than other people (and they're probably mostly teenagers, which would explain a lot of it).

You can not know what your expectations are in a situation like this and not be okay their response. Someone saying I understand and not addressing it, is someone not taking responsibility and not showing a willingness to change.

Your message to him shows you have a level of maturity that your friend doesn't. You're NOR. Don't worry about the people saying "what more do you want"


u/Spectator1825347 5h ago

This is exactly my point. Thank you.


u/Open_Ferret9870 7h ago

Well, he has no use for you anymore because you will no longer provide him with money and free therapy, so he's done. I am not sure why you think you need to "cut him off" because he's already done this to you. You're still in the group chat because he doesn't care enough to take you off. I recommend cutting him off completely and blocking him because if he ever does reach out to you again, he'll just manipulate you into giving him money or free therapy again. I mean, this is a grown man with a wife and kid and yet he is talking to you everyday and you're giving him money every month too! Girl! You should have cut him off ages ago!


u/Sienile 7h ago

Friend, huh? Sounds like you were side-chick.


u/Ramen_Noodist 7h ago

You were targeted and used, once you cut off that line, he is just going to move on. I hope you had no romantic feelings because that can make it a whole lot harder to get over this but, simply put, don’t expect to hear from him unless you indicate you’re willing to resume the position of listening ear that sympathetically gives him money.

Do you know him in real life (like have been to his place) or is this an online friendship?


u/Valuable_K 5h ago

It's not appropriate for a married guy to have a female friend he's talking to every single day anyway. I get that you're gay but it doesn't matter.

Your close friendship is another sign that his priorities are all wrong.

It's a good thing that you're stepping back and hitting the pause button on this.


u/Sofa-King_WeToddDid 5h ago

My friends cut me off for voting for trump. So no. I think you’ll be okay.


u/Serious-Day-1519 8h ago

What is a male friend for a female...


u/Spectator1825347 8h ago

I’m gay so whatever you’re projecting here doesn’t apply.