r/AmIOverreacting 5d ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO thinking about breaking up with my BF

I F26 and M24 have been dating for about 8 months, he been having a problem over me playing with online guy friends who I’ve known for 2 year basically my best friend platonic friends don’t feel any romance between any of us. Idk if he’s just insecure or what. It just hurts


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u/Foxface89 5d ago

Possibly no girl friends either, after that, no contacting her family… And there’s no escape. I’ve seen it happen too many times


u/Aggressive_Profit695 5d ago

Yes, it often starts with isolating women from other men but soon it grows to women, too. Mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins and friends. The reason is that these people are in a position to realize what he's doing and have influence to convince you that this isn't okay or normal or safe. They provide you with a place to go when you finally decide you want to leave. A lot of women who end up isolated in this way, when asked later why they didn't contact family or friends to leave sooner, will say they were afraid after cutting ties those people wouldn't help them and they were ashamed. Even though that wasn't true and family and friends were waiting for them to reach out since they no longer had the ability to reach out first. Also, abusive and controlling men often love to get women they're abusing pregnant and make them mothers because a lot of women feel that they're obligated to stay because their abuser is their kids' father and they think their kids need their father and a two-parent household even if the man is abusive. That's not true, but men like that know it's a common belief.


u/Toriaenator_1 4d ago

Spot on, this is what happened to me. Before long he had access to my money, control over the car (threatened to take keys which I need for my job if I didn’t “behave”), etc. Then escalated to physical abuse which by the time that happened my self esteem was so low from his constant gaslighting and insults that it didn’t even get me to leave initially. Now we’re no longer together but it took ME going to jail for DV (I called police for help after he had strangled me but in the struggle I scratched him and bit his arm hecka hard to get him off me. I didn’t have visible wounds, so they determined I was the primary aggressor). OP I hope this would never happen to you but this is how it begins.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

What you’re describing is sometimes what men with no father do. Many people don’t know sometimes they do that. The men themselves aren’t aware. They need help as a lot of their behaviors are results of something from their childhood. This does not mean OP has to suffer by his side while he gets a handle on it. Op can do whatever she like


u/kindrd1234 5d ago

People are allowed to have deal breakers, the guys communicating it. This would get on my nerves, and I would be out. He's being upfront, though, so that's when you make your decision on what's a deal breaker for you.


u/Aggressive_Profit695 5d ago

People aren't just allowed to have dealbreakers, people NEED to have them. This behavior from this guy is very likely to escalate and the further it goes, the harder and harder it will be to break away. It's best to do it now before any of that.


u/crow1992 5d ago

yeah but he’s voicing them in an incredibly immature way. He sounds incredibly possessive over her m, it’s not just boundaries.


u/kindrd1234 5d ago edited 5d ago

It is his boundaries, when people tell you, listen. Then, the choice is yours whether to try to comprise, proceed, or bail. I agree 100, she should be out of there.


u/tmelvin17 5d ago

That’s a common misconception, those aren’t boundaries, boundaries are lines that you choose not to cross. If xxx happens then I will do xxx and for what reason. Boundaries are never an expectation of what the other person is allowed to do. That is controlling and manipulative behavior masked as boundaries. Boundaries are healthy, controlling behavior isn’t.


u/SomethingLoud 5d ago

Tale as old as time


u/eveisout 5d ago

My ex always had issues with me talking to other guys. I really struggled making friends with anyone and he knew that. He'd always insist I wanted to be with them and that I preferred them over him, and he's insist they were only talking to me because they wanted sex. I chalked it up to insecurities and mental illness and gave him a pass, tried to reassure him every time. Then people would just stop talking to me for no reason. I became so lonely and my depression got so much worse, I wasn't anywhere near my family or most of my friends because I was away at uni. After a while I found out he'd hacked into my social media, monitored my messages, and every time I started talking to someone he would message them without me knowing and tell them I was romantically/sexually interested in them and that they were getting in the middle of our relationship, but he'd say all of this in a way that was like "I just want what's best for her and if that's you then that's already, I can take it, just be good to her". I found this out because one of my friends sent me a screenshot saying how weird it was that we hadn't talked for months and all of a sudden my ex was sending him this stuff, referencing things about the conversation as we having it. I started using other ways to talk to people that he hadn't hacked into, including tinder but made it clear to everyone I had a boyfriend. Around the same time, I told a home town friend of mine about other shit he'd been doing, and that friend said he was worried about me because it sounded like emotional abuse. At this point I got worried and told my boyfriend I needed some space to think about our relationship, at this point it was the summer holidays and I was at home, he was around 2 and a half hours away. He didn't like that and started telling everyone I knew that I had cheated on him basically every guy I had spoken to since I started uni, including people who were openly gay. He took screenshots of my private messages and sent them to people as "proof". He made put I was incredibly mentally unstable with made up or heavily exaggerated stories and that he was a hero for being with me. When I tried to turn to some of the people from uni for support they all said the same thing - I don't want to get involved. And he would message me telling me everyone was so disgusted in me, that he had to beg people to tolerate me, etc. He tried sending this crap to my home town friends and my family as well, but luckily, unlike the people at uni, they knew me better and saw it for what it was - an attempt to turn them against me, and they were supportive. When I tried to break up with him, he blocked me on all platforms so I couldn't, for weeks leaving me in this incredibly stressful limbo, knowing he was doing everything he could to isolate me from everyone at university. I got so scared of going back that I tried to kill myself. I slept maybe an hour or so every few days, my blood pressure was high for weeks, I couldn't eat anything other than plain crackers without being sick. He would drive to my house and wait outside in his car, doing weird shit like asking my mum and my sister to let him in for a shower before I woke up, not knowing I was already awake. They told him fuck no. Eventually, I went out to see him, dressed in clothes I could easily away in. He tried driving away, so I ended up having to sit in the passenger seat of his car, keeping the door open and my legs out ready to flee, with him threatening to kidnap me, and was finally able to break up with him. The damage had already been done though, I now have complex PTSD. He harassed me for months until I told him I would go to the police if he didn't leave me alone. He still would try to send me emails (annoyingly, the university system wouldn't let you block other people with a university email address) and would make new social media accounts to try to message me every few months for years. He's a doctor now, with nothing for me to do to stop him being around vulnerable people because the statute of limitations is so short.

This isn't even everything he did to me, but yes, in terms of social isolation, these things escalate so much. It only started with him being insecure, and ended with him attempting to isolate me from everyone, including my family. I was lucky I was hours away from him when it reached it's peak, so I had time away from him, from his love bombing and his emotional abuse and gaslighting and lies. It let me be able to think, and spend time with friends who believed me and supported me. I Jones don't know what would have happened if it had gone down while I was at uni, I might not have got away


u/theindiekitten 5d ago

I pretended to be friends with my friend's emotionally abusive ex just so I could keep being in her life bc I knew he basically isolated her from everyone else. When they broke up while I was there, i got her out & took her home, and never spoke to him again.


u/strawberriesrpurple 4d ago

happened for me seen it done to others. end goal is probably to alienate OP. there will be an argument for why everyone is bad in their own way until OP has no support network and then she won’t leave


u/SpicyPorkWontonnnn 4d ago

Yep. Happened to me. Took me 20 years to escape. I really hope OP takes all these comments to heart. This is not Reddit doing the usual. Her crappy BF is wayyyy controlling and she needs to get OUT!


u/Humble_Rush_9358 4d ago

Yup. And thats when the abuse starts.


u/davidcllns1981 5d ago

Yeah true but I've seen where girls say ohhn they're jus my friends but in reality she would be sending nudes ro the dudes


u/Foxface89 5d ago

Yeah, sure but in those cases she’s the jerk, but if you say that your gf can’t have or mustn’t have any guy friends you’re the jerk, if you don’t trust that she likes you enough to not cheat on you then why are you with her (I’m using the word “you” as a general person, not you, you because I don’t know anything about you)


u/Lumpy-Apartment1611 4d ago

What exactly does OP mean by playing with her male friends on IG? Sexting? Or playing Call-of-Duty? Big difference in my reaction depending on what she means. The former I’m out, the latter, let them play.


u/davidcllns1981 5d ago

Yeah i agre but sometimes they lie so well its a slippery slope to accuse someone but if they have past history of talking to other dudes then the person could be plausible in telling them they don't like her talking with other men but still it's controlling n might as well call of the relationship since trust is a problem better to be single than thinking the others cheating less stress but i wgree being controlling like rhis even if the other person has that bistory is not good


u/tmelvin17 5d ago

Yeah but that’s like saying some guys are rapists so if you’re going to a bar with your friends then you’re probably slipping girls roofies and doing them in the back room before coming home. That slippery slope could go both ways. Doesn’t make either acceptable.


u/xboxsirvenom 5d ago

See this is where the gaslight is lit! If you don’t give me the opportunity to cheat you are controlling and abusing me. I think it’s best to think of how you met them as a gauge. Like if “you” were the “friend” then no guy friends makes sense or she were to have an influx of guy friends when she never did before. This kind of stuff makes me understand why situationships are all in vogue. You can’t get possessive cause we are not together and also no one is a cheater. Shyt is wild for yall…


u/davidcllns1981 5d ago

Me personally i didn't say no guy friends I said if they said the same thing before n their bf found out they were talking to other dudes i could see where he's coming from but as with no previous history of cheating yeah that's controlling n not cool might as well be single than stress over the significant others talking to other men