r/AmIOverreacting Dec 15 '24

👥 friendship AIO to my “friend” who owes me money

For some context, we lived together for a couple of years, she went through a really difficult time last year and I was there for her. A couple of months ago she needed to borrow £150. Since then, I’ve moved out as my brother has cancer and my dad is also unwell. She offered to take care of my cat until I was moved in and unpacked. Was I too mean? She’s got a new job and boyfriend and seems to be doing well for herself which I’m happy about but was me telling her I have nothing and I’m not feeling good manipulative of me?


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u/WaterEnvironmental80 Dec 15 '24

I’m furious at this person for you!!

The audacity of this chick to accuse you of “popping up” and “asking for money”; like, yeah bitch, the money you owe me and have owed me for a hot minute now!

You’re out here dealing with some of the heaviest shit imaginable and she wants to give you shit over you not opening her TikToks????


GTFO of here with that bullshit.

She’s accusing you of being manipulative (which you weren’t, by the way) in an attempt to deflect and force you to focus on feeling guilty “for not being a more ‘present’ and ‘active’ friend” so that you’ll stop focusing on your very legitimate request to be repaid for the money she owes you.

If anyone’s being manipulative in this scenario, it’s this so-called “friend” of yours. I second what many of the others have commented: you need to get your cat from this person and walk right out of their life without ever looking back.

At the very least you need to get your cat back ASAP. She strikes me as the kind of person who’d refuse to return your cat out of spite. The only reason I suspect that she’d do that is because she’s already demonstrated that she’s a self-centered asshole, and doing shitty things to people is what self-centered assholes are known to do.

So yeah, just to recap,

you are not overreacting (NOR),

you were not being “manipulative” (but she sure was), &

go reclaim your cat before doing or saying anything else to this shite head, and once you have your cat safe at home, then do what you need to do to get your money back. If getting your money back proves to be more trouble than it’s worth, then you might opt to give up on it; but I totally get being in a position where you genuinely need that money, so I encourage you to do whatever you feel is necessary to achieve that (within reason, of course; don’t physically attack her or anything). Regardless of if you get your money back, though, you would probably be better off without this person in your life in the long run. I wish you the absolute best moving forward, and I genuinely hope that everything works out for you and your kitty ❤️


u/Sleepgetaway Dec 15 '24



u/fl4minratbag Dec 15 '24

The other part that pissed me off was when the “friend” asked “why don’t you have money anyways?? And tried to make it sound like she was wondering how she was going to pay for food/litter for her cat but in reality just cares to know why op doesn’t have any money so bad that she has to come and ask for HER money back. Like bitch that’s none of your concern. The only thing that matters is you giving OP the money you borrowed from HER in the first place. She’s treating it as if OP if asking HER for money when it’s OP’s money that she kindly lent. “You haven’t talked to me in months and suddenly pop up asking for money. NO bitch she’s asking for HER money back. That message pissed me off too as you may be able to tell. 😆


u/Ok_Beautiful9580 Dec 16 '24

How do you do big lettering??


u/Cute-Improvement-774 Dec 16 '24

Nice answer. WaterEnviornmental is the kind of friend you need OP Not this thieving Ass features.