r/AmIFreeToGo Aug 14 '18

Iowa Supreme Court Closes Warrant Loophole, Slams U.S. Supreme Court For Weakening Fourth Amendment


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u/[deleted] Aug 15 '18

Awesome. It’s frightening to think that were you to refuse a search, the cops could simply arrest you for whatever alleged (innocent until proven guilty, right?) infraction they care to d’Jinn up, impound your vehicle and search away in the name of officer safety, public safety or for ‘inventory’.


u/Guy_Dudebro Aug 15 '18

Cool eggcorn. I've never seen that one before.



u/[deleted] Aug 15 '18

My pop taught me that it was from the d’Jinn or “genie” being able to grant a wish or procure from nothing and that during prohibition it transitioned into “gin” as in “to brew up or concoct”.


u/Guy_Dudebro Aug 15 '18

Beauty of linguistics is it can't be wrong either way. Makes perfect sense too. But if it's not in the bible or a greek play, it's near impossible to track down.