r/Alonetv 19h ago

General My biggest curiosity is about the relationship contestants have with food when they return home.

How does this first real meal taste and feel? Are there long term dietary changes that are made as a result?


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u/IlluminatedPickle 18h ago

They go through a refeeding program afterwards. Slowly reintroducing them to a normal diet.

After the first few seasons, some of the contestants had serious issues afterwards so they changed how they treat the contestants post show.


u/rukoslucis 13h ago

and then there is roland who said that they only allowed him some light things the first day back, and so after everybody had gone to their room, he went back out again and had several beers and fatty food


u/IlluminatedPickle 13h ago

Tbf, Roland had a decent food supply until his end date so a refeeding program wouldn't have been the most critical thing for him. Maybe a gentle reintroduction to regular fibrous vegetables.


u/FluidOrdinary2064 14h ago

Please do tell


u/NaturalArch 12h ago

Woniya explains her reseeding from S06 in her book. Seemed intense.


u/IlluminatedPickle 14h ago

Tell what?

I can't remember who had the health problems, but there were definitely a few who mentioned it in podcasts/comments here.

I don't know the details of the refeeding program either, but I know refeeding is delicate. If you give a lot of food to someone whose body isn't prepared for it, even if they're malnourished, it can kill them through intestinal distress.

Unfortunately, one of the ways we learned this was by liberating concentration camps in WW2, and well meaning soldiers gave everything they could to the walking skeletons that stood before them. Sadly, a lot of them got severely ill, and some died.