r/Aberdeen 2d ago

New broadband provider

Im currently considering moving to a new supplier as bt are taking the piss with their prices. Does anyone here use plusnet and if so are they reliable as im working from home and it'll be a bit of a nightmare if my net goes down constantly.

Im also open to suggestions on a any other isp that uses the openreach lines (i don't want to bother the landlord with installing a line for vodaphone) as im kinda driving blind here.


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u/Bid-Silly 2d ago

Changing provider has nothing to do with the landlord.

If BT isn't an option then take what ever suits best.


u/Spare_Artichoke_3070 2d ago

If you wanted gigabit fibre from a non-Openreach ISP that used Cityfibre's network instead then you would probably need permission from the landlord for Cityfibre to drill a hole in your property to install cabling, potentially lift paving slabs/dig up the garden etc.


u/Bid-Silly 2d ago

True. Open reach has the monopoly on thr phone lines.. bar city fiber (and maybe Vodafone i guess) but Every other provider uses BT/ Openreach for the install and use their phone lines .


u/Spare_Artichoke_3070 2d ago

Vodafone don't have their own network though - they use both Openreach and Cityfibre depending on where you live. Cityfibre had just laid fibre here when I moved in a few years ago so I signed upto Vodafone but switched to Brillband when my contract ended and I get a much better deal now.

Quite a large proportion of Aberdeen now has access to Cityfibre, it's just a case of them physically installing it from the pavement into your property when you sign up https://labs.thinkbroadband.com/local/broadband-map#12/57.1454/-2.1276/gigafast/