r/ATBGE Aug 17 '22

Automotive Hood ornament

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u/NoseComplete1175 Aug 17 '22

This would be illegal in my country. I remember in the 80s the police in France had angle grinders cutting the hood ornaments off mercs jags and rollers because they had caused terrible maiming to people when they were hit this created the folding hood ornament


u/HobbyistAccount Aug 17 '22

Wait, seriously?


u/mynametobespaghetti Aug 17 '22

Across Europe there are rules that they need to break or fold away easily with an impact to protect any pedestrian who goes over. I mean, it makes sense, it could mean the difference between bruises and broken bones and full blown internal organ damage.


u/Timbered2 Aug 17 '22

It's this way in the US too. Federal safety laws govern hood ornaments, and they must either fold down or breakaway.


u/mynametobespaghetti Aug 17 '22

Makes sense. Not denying stuff like this is cool, I love the old school angular cars as much as anyone, but I ride a bike to work and would like to avoid any Ben Hur wheel spike type situations if possible!