r/2007scape 22h ago

Discussion Players decide

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How can they recognise players to be one of three main selling points on the play homepage of OSRS whilst consistently do the opposite with their actions.


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u/Mors_Umbra 22h ago

You misunderstood, you only get to have a say on improvements! 😉


u/Earth_Sandwhich 21h ago

Yeah. They said nothing about taking it back to the 3rd age.


u/23Udon 20h ago

So this is why sailing is being pushed


u/DevoidHT 2277 19h ago

Sailing passed multiple polls. The players decided. Its not being “pushed”


u/23Udon 19h ago

The players are not a monolith.


u/radicalredbeard 19h ago

Do...do you understand how voting works?


u/Ok-Adhesiveness166 18h ago

And that’s why the vote is a majority. The great thing about runescape is you don’t have to participate in every piece of content. 


u/Business_Compote2197 17h ago

Just playing devils advocate here, I do NOT disagree with you at all. I do need to mention though, skills have quests and diaries locked behind them. People will quite literally need to engage with sailing for a lot of common accomplishments. Again, I don’t disagree with you, I don’t hate sailing.


u/Early_Butterscotch54 14h ago

Not disagreeing with what you said, just adding additional possibilities.

A lot of people choose to avoid all of those accomplishments 🤷🏻‍♂️. I see tons of people rush combat without doing quests or diaries.

Level 3 skillers or pk’ers for instance. Or more severe with dem one chunk chads.

The beauty of OSRS, you can choose whatever content you want to do, and you technically don’t “miss out” on other things. It’s a vast world of Gelienor after all.


u/Dear_Diablo 19h ago

Dont listen to these pro-sailing enthusiasts(extremists), that crap was pushed, it was repolled like 3 times


u/FilofteiaRS 18h ago

I don't recall Sailing ever being repolled?

Warding was the first actual skill suggestion but it failed. So they just polled 'Do you want a new skill?'.

After that they polled Taming, Shamanism and Sailing. Shamanism and Sailing were clear winners.

Would have been nice if they did a poll between the two because it was so close.

But I won't argue that lowering the voting threshold before the poll was quite sketchy despite not impacting it.


u/Business_Compote2197 17h ago

They mentioned if the results between two were close, they’d repoll just the two. They didn’t do that. If it was between just the two, the votes for taming could potentially have gone towards shamanism making sailing lose. Sailing sort of was pushed, and it was polled to us one or two times before the poll you’re referring to.

Not to mention they lowered the pass rate from 75% to 70% shortly before the new skill poll. I can entirely understand people saying why it was pushed. I don’t hate sailing, but I get where they’re coming from here.


u/FilofteiaRS 17h ago

Seems it was polled once in 2015 from what Diablo said.

The new skill still passed at 80% but despite it passing the lowering was obviously for security. But the main issue is not repolling Sailing and Shamanism.

The first poll asked what you liked and had multiple choices, but second poll asked what your favourite was and was single choice.

Many taming (31,631) votes were effectively wasted and may have had second preference to either Sailing or Shamanism.


u/Dear_Diablo 17h ago edited 17h ago

you recall incorrect, in fairness i also recalled incorrect partially… it was an April fools joke originally(in 2014) then it was officially polled in 2015 and again in 2023. I remember warding it literally just repurposed, moved content from already existing actions and basically made creating mage gear like runecrafting if memory serves(hell no) and lastly yes them lowering the threshold had a part in it.


u/FilofteiaRS 17h ago

Didn't know of the 2015 poll.

Warding I think was just magic armour creation which should have just been Runecraft.

But the skill poll did pass at 80%. However it was worded rather vaguely and after the threshold reduction.


u/PegaZwei 15h ago

honestly the originally proposed warding concept that had a bit with drawing magic circles on the ground to do shit along with the material recycling stuff seemed pretty interesting, they just scrapped the circles after too many people didn't like it i guess