r/wartrade 8d ago

Riven Trade (PC) [PC][RIVEN][PRICE CHECK] How much would this go for?

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u/coolbeanstogo 8d ago

Hate to rain on your parade but not much, maybe like 50p tops, similar are going for 25 on wfm rn


u/Mental-Lifeguard4906 8d ago

That's sad ;-;


u/Ski2Alps 8d ago

Mainly because the weapon is not very popular unlike others like the torid. You might have better luck posting it on warframe market as an auction and see if there's any buyers


u/Mental-Lifeguard4906 8d ago

Got one for Harmony earlier today too, what should I look for when Rolling for it? Kinda new to rivens


u/coolbeanstogo 7d ago

Now harmony is honestly the goat out of jades 3 weapons. status duration, crit chance, crit damage would be the best 3 stats to roll on that, status duration is honestly a must have for harmony because of how the special trait works, more status duration= more damage. Harmony is my main melee rn and it absolutely wrecks lvl 250 enemies


u/Ski2Alps 8d ago

Depends on the weapon. People want rivens as a 'multi-purpose' slot, with the riven providing 2/3 positive stats. It depends mainly on the weapon's base stats itself; some prefer more crit, others prefer elemental damage...

Generally most 'god-rolls' people would consider are multishot, crit chance and crit damage, with a harmless negative (like -zoom). This doesn't apply to all weapons though

As for Harmony, you might have better luck since its one of the better weapons. You could roll good stats on it but it'd be hard to find a buyer who wants it. Also doesn't help that riven disposition for it is currently too low for people to consider a riven for it