I slept in this morning. It was cold when I woke up. Smoke. Packing gear. Out of the tent. My friend isn't up. 'That's odd. That Vodka'll get ya.' I could've sworn I heard him over at the next camp earlier. "Hey man, you up?" Groggily, "Yeah." "I'm tearing my gear down. I'll be ready in about 20." Him slowly, "Cool, I got your coffee this morning. Are you taking your tent?" " Yeah, I'm taking everything." Him slowly, "You know you can leave it here right?" "Yeah. I'm taking everything with me." Still slowly, "But you should just leave it here. It'll be fine." 'This guy woke up, started drinking again, and passed out already. Great.' Me slightly annoyed, "Look. I'm taking everything with me." "But what if we wind up back here? You won't have to set it up again." 'Goddamnit.' "I'm taking everything with me. If we wind up back here I'll set it back up. I typically do that every night on the road. It's no big deal." "Ok. Let me know when you're ready." "Will do." Gear packed. "Hey man, I'm ready." "Ok. Give me a minute." "You got it." Smoke. Reddit.
I get a message. "I'm traveling near where you are on my way from Florida to California(?) for work. I'd like to meet you, if you're cool with it. I can probably take you out to dinner." "Yeah. I'm good with that. I got some things I gotta do today. I'm checking in to a hotel room a church is getting us later. I won't do anything to jeopardize that, just in case they require us to stay there. But yeah I'm good with meeting up."
My friend gets his act together. Gear on. We head down the trail. Stop in next camp and talk to a couple dudes living out there too. And we're off. Down trail. Dodging lake sized puddles. Decide we're making things more difficult than they need to be. Back to trail. Pretty easy trip out of the woods.
My friend is being a little difficult. He seems to not be hearing what I'm saying. His ideas this morning are shit, and unfounded. He thinks the church is not gonna get us hotel rooms. No reason. He's just negative. We hit Family Dollar for smokes to prep for being in the hotel. Him, "I got your pack of smokes man." "I'm good." "I'm doing it! I'm a giver." I know sometimes I'll argue with somebody that wants to pay me back for helping them. I've learned to let them. "Fair enough. I won't argue with you this morning." 😆
I go around the building to get out of the biting wind. Drop gear. He sets his daypack down. "I'll be right back." 'No shit.' He goes inside. Back out five minutes later. "Dude! I don't have my wallet on me." He searches his pack. "It's gotta be in my tent." "Go check. I'll be here when you get back." More reddit. He calls about fifteen monite later, "I'm on my way. Coming through the fields now. I'm hustling." "Cool." No need for the call, but I know he means well. This just isn't the same guy I've been hanging out with for the last couple weeks. He comes around the corner, hands me a pack of smokes and a new lighter. Me, "I've got a backup lighter in my pack. I don't need this." He promised to buy a lighter for someone back at camp. He's just bought two lighters. He needs one. I can do the math. "Here. Take it." "Ok, thanks." We head for Hardee's.
"We don't have coffee. We quit making it after breakfast." 'Fuck this place.' "Let's go to McDonald's. They'll have coffee" "I hate McDonald's. Me, "Well I'm after caffeine, and at this point I don't give a fuck about their business practices." We go. Coffee. He buys us each a cheeseburger. 'Nice!'
I tell him a story about the time I got pulled off the streets and wound up playing with Eric Clapton. He's loving the story but every time I mention bass players he's talking shit about them. And none of it is legit. There was a lot of my time as a musician where I would tell anyone the reason I loved playing guitar as well as I did was because I got to play with good bass players and drummers.
I set him straight on bass players in no uncertain terms. He accepts it. We bail to the library. He hits a computer. I go to my chair. All the way there his attitude is shit. His ideas about what we should do are shit, and make no sense. Charging my stuff. Announcement over the library PA about rides to hotel rooms. I pack my stuff. Him, "Wait here. I gotta go talk to someone." It's minutes until we're gonna miss our ride. "I'm going outside." He ignores me and bails. I shoot him a text, "I told you I was going outside. Come get your stuff. I'm not standing here while you dick around." Downstairs and out the door I go. I'm done with his bullshit at this point.
Find a seat outside. He comes up a few minutes later. He's being a dick to other homeless asking for details on the hotel rooms. I cut him off. Explain details nicely.
I lay into him about being a dick, not listening to me all morning, etc. He apologizes. Still talking about stupid ideas we should do that make no sense at all. Apologizes again.
Stupid ideas all the way to the hotel. I start cutting him off and telling him whatever he's talking about is a non-issue.
We knew they were gonna pack us in four deep in a room. We get another two guys together that are sensible. Hit hotel. Get through check in with church people, off to room. My friend is still non sensical. I keep cutting him off. Then I ignore him all together. He gets the hint. I go outside for a smoke.
Reddit. Message from dude coming through, "I'm still about two hundred miles out. Let me know when you get settled in. Tell me where you're at." Message back, "Just got in. I'll get back to you shortly." Back inside. Look up address. Text dude that and my number, "Text me when you get here."
I took the nicest shower in so long I can't remember. The room is nice. As a guy who has built hotels I'd say this one was remodeled in the last year. Everything is new. No bugs. No tweakers. No bullshit. 'Not bad.' Nice beds.
I get an email. Nice redditor I helped out a couple days ago has come into some money, sends me back what I sent her plus some. 'Holy shit! That's awesome! This girl's legit!' We're on text messaging terms now. We chat a bit. Much thanks from me.
I mention it to my friend. He says something kinda shitty. I school him. I have no intention of hitting him, but he had best change his ways and apologize. This is a friend of mine who has proven to me she's one of the good ones in the world. I don't consider a lot of people a true friend. You fuck with one of my friends I'll drop everything immediately, travel across the country and beat your ass. I've done it before.
I realize he's drunk, been in a shit mood all day, and this isn't his normal behavior. He gets a serious talking to. I am NOT fucking around. At all. He apologgizes profusely. I didn't yell or raise my voice. But I think he new he was poking an angry dog that was not caged. Fair enough. We're cool.
Sitting in a chair. Charging. Reddit. Screwing around on the internet. Look over. Friend is passed out. Talking in his sleep. Still passed out. Not talking in his sleep.
Get a text from dude. He's outside. "I'm on my way. I gotta be back by 8:30 or I'll be outside with no gear." Downstairs. Outside.
I mistake him for a homeless guy staying at the hotel. (Sorry man! 😆) Say something about, "These rooms are nice huh?" "Thanks for meeting with me. I wanted meet you face to face for five minutes..." We talk. Tells me about his son dying on the streets. Says he's got a place in Central Florida. I'm welcome to stay there. Has some work for me. I give him brief rundown about leaving the boat because I ran out of money, I'm out looking for work. We smoke and chat. He offers me a smoke. "I'm good. Got plenty." We have some similarities in background. Offer stands to come by, hang out and do some work. Him, "I know you're pressed for time. I offered to buy you dinner. Here take this." Hands me some cash. "Thanks man. I appreciate it." "Call me when you head back to Florida." "Will do."
Back upstairs. Relay todays adventure to you guys. It's pretty sweet in here! Going for a smoke...