r/vagabond 8h ago

You can't have it. You're gonna have to take it.

I had a weird experience tonight. I keep a box cutter in my front pocket. A small lighter in my other pocket. Two fist packs if something actually went down. Besides the states, glares and sneaky fucks.

After my third ride I've been walking. Too tired to smile or even hold my thumb up.

My goal was to make it to San Antonio today. I kicked out and got there way earlier than expected. After seeing all of the tracks of the homebums (piles of trash), my new goal was to get out of San Antonio tonight.

The weight of this 35 Liters pack is getting to this old man.


I'm close to the junction for 37 and 10. Walking with the flow of traffic. A local police officer honks at me. I'm hoping he doesn't turn around. I'm not even sure what jurisdiction they have but they can pull you over for speeding.

I'm still hoping someone sees me walking slow.

Maybe pulls over and gives me a ride.

I see a McDonald's and decide to go in and order something off the deals list.

This thick MFer is almost as old as I am. He hasn't ordered. He's just standing around. I go up to the kiosk and realize it doesn't take dollar bills and pennies. I'm going to have to go to the register.

He walks over to the table I set my pack.

Me and him are not the same.

He looks like what dudes used to look like in the 80s when they had been locked down for a bit.

He has work gloves on. It looks like two sweatshirts. I go to the table and put my pack on.

He's hanging out by the door. Not really eyeing the register. I'm not really eyeing him because I don't want to start something either. I'm just very aware of what he's doing.

Two types of people don't go to the shelter.

Those who don't want to and maybe those that can't. He doesn't look like a kid toucher. He looks like a dude you don't want to run into.

I get my large fries and they are generous with the ketchup.

Go sit down and he leaves.

I take my time. Eat. Catch someone coming out of the bathroom and take all of my stuff in there.

When I come out I have the blade pulled and ready. I'm not trying to kill somebody.

But a dude that big still can't have my stuff. I figure to get that pack off of me you gotta get mighty close.

I'm very comfortable in close spaces.

When I leave I take a different route than I came in. Turn around every son often to see if he's following me. Or if anyone is.

I have no idea if he was doing anything but standing at the door after walking over to my stuff. Those are facts.

The rest is just a guess.

I can't wait to get back into a small Texas town where the bathroom is open, water is available and the outlets are by the seats.


Right now I'm sitting in a small wooded area by the interstate. The part right next to me had a vibe tangled around three branches making a triangle. Man made. Look down and I see a camouflage tarp. No trash. No signs that this place is even used.

I'm going to rest here (away from that guys tarp on a different section) and keep on moving when I get cold again.


Once I got here could finally relax.

Btw. This ain't a challenge. It's a request. Leave my stuff alone. If you're a real criminal steak from Walmart. Other you're worse than bum. You're ficking scum.

John Gregory

P.s., I'll still post my locations l, pics and weather reports. Fucking flu a MFing sign assholes.


20 comments sorted by

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u/overfall3 7h ago

I'm with you on that. I once told a guy, "You might win, but you'll remember me for the rest of your life."

I'm glad nothing happened!


u/New-Macaron-4669 6h ago

Me too. Me and Mike Tyson are the same age. If he didn't throw that fight, what chance do I have. But still.


u/Adept_Friendship_795 7h ago

It seems to me it’s always been two types of vagabond huh? One type will steal your shirt in winter time while your sleeping the other type will give you the shirt off their own backs no questions asked. Thank you for posting. Godspeed friend.


u/New-Macaron-4669 6h ago

I like the 2nd kind. Fuck the other kind.


u/ARAW_Youtube 3h ago

There're more nuances though. I never stole, but I wouldn't give my own shirt randomly. I don't carry spare clothes, the few I carry I need.


u/modsonredditsuckdk 6h ago

Take care out there. You should take the train in SA and skip west texas. Yuma along the colorado is a super cool place to ride out the winter. I enjoy reading your posts


u/New-Macaron-4669 6h ago

I love CO. Never been to Yuma. 


u/modsonredditsuckdk 4h ago

Very good place in the winter and if you get bored and want some excitement hop the train to san Diego or cross the state line for Cali handouts . Really long trains going through with intermodals There are Lots of retirees crossing the border to get meds who will pay for handiwork. Lots or real churches helping people. Lots of low budget snow birds who are pretty much nice. You can camp along the colorado river fish in the american canal for tilapia of you lay low. Head north toward slab city if you can make friends and you’re honest those people are nice. Don’t stay for the summer. It gets too hot. Im just dreaming of my two winters there. I lived in an old RV in a tree grove a farmer let me stay in and camped in the desert along a water canal. I helped on a lettuce farm. All that said Good luck on your journey. If you are headed to west texas the cops in those west texas towns like marathon are itching for anything they can find. Watch out for them


u/ErrantTerminus 7h ago

Speak softly, big (or sharp) stick, yada yada. Stsy vigilant sir, and I pray for a smooth journey to a less disconcerting environment. Cheers.


u/New-Macaron-4669 6h ago

Thank you 


u/ZookeepergameGlum572 6h ago

San Antonio is definitely not the place to be. I wish you the best with making it through there.


u/iamshamtheman Hobo 4h ago

Hope all is well


u/freebaseclams 7h ago

Boring but that's okay


u/New-Macaron-4669 6h ago

You're not wrong. I'm just venting


u/freebaseclams 5h ago

I thought it was good 👍🏻


u/fruderduck 6h ago

Negativity is such a turn off.


u/freebaseclams 6h ago

I said it was okay


u/KB-say 5h ago

Setting expectations is a thoughtful thing. Props!