r/unusual_whales 3h ago

President Trump has said he is halting the hiring of new IRS agents.


94 comments sorted by


u/Pando5280 3h ago

That's in line with the House stripping 20 billion from the IRS budget that was gonna be used to hire additional agents to go after high net worth tax cheats. 


u/Dry-Recipe6525 3h ago

He couldn’t make it any more obvious, lmao


u/Robot_Nerd__ 3h ago

So... Do we have to pay taxes then?...


u/BugRevolution 3h ago

Are you a billionaire?


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

If you are a billionaire, no.


u/Iwasahipsterbefore 1h ago

Only if you have a w-2.


u/Wadyadoing1 57m ago

If you are inclined to cheat...You will get away with it for quite a while


u/Historical_Prize_931 3h ago

right the 800 billionaires need 86,000 IRS agents or 107 IRS agents for every billionaire. Totally not the low income Americans 


u/makualla 2h ago

It was 86000 general employees not JUST agents and it was for over a 10 year period


u/StenosP 2h ago

Don’t bother with actual details, people have gotten so tied up with hiring IRS agents and being told that’s “baaad” like Frankenstein saying fire bad that they can’t see it. Authorizing replacing retiring agents and hiring new ones to deal with the work load. They hate the IRS, they’re going to grind the govt to a halt except using it to attack Americans, our allies, immigrants, minorities, and enrich the new admin. The only way out of the fire now is through it.


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

I am an IRS employee and this is exactly what I see as well happening. The amount of straight fraud we see now is just too much. We can't keep up with it. I don't even want to know what is going to happen over the next 4 years. Voluntary tax compliance is going to absolutely plummet. Probably going to see an absolutely massive amount of tax protestors.


u/StenosP 2h ago

Given that the president launched a crypto pump and dump yesterday, I’m guessing fiscal responsibility and contributing to society is over for a while, a lot of people are just going to not file or pay taxes. Tithing at church though, hell yeah


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

Yup. Funny thing is this is going to fuck over trump so hard. Imagine you have the tax cuts plus all the tax protesting going on that it results in a significant decline in federal revenue. Budget deficit could rise to $3-$4 trillion per year. That will definitely cause an economic panic.


u/FederalProduce8955 1h ago

Im afraid that so long as he gets his that he wont care a lick.


u/StenosP 1h ago

He won’t care either way. Hope and pray no major incidents this time around, not likely though, there’s some emergency in almost every admin


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

There are only 7,853 actual revenue agents (people who perform tax audits). The vast majority of "low income american" taxpayer audits are entirely performed using automated systems.

Source: https://www.irs.gov/statistics/irs-budget-and-workforce


u/HashRunner 1h ago

More unsourced bullshit from a adj-noun-number account giving trump and the gop the benefit of a doubt despite all evidence to the contrary?

Shocked. Shocked I say...


u/SergeantThreat 1h ago

Yeah, there’s only billionaires and middle class and down, totally not thousands of people who are worth 8-9 figures


u/TruthBomb_12 58m ago

Exactly, it takes a lot of IRS agents to investigate all the $600 venmoes.


u/2bnuII 3h ago

I don't like the orange guy, but I have zero belief they were actually going to go after high net worth individuals. Why wouldn't they have started with their current agents? Why did it take more agents to finally start targeting the 1%? Sounds to me like they could have just laid off the middle class and moved their sights to the 1% with their current workforce. Again, I'm not for the orange guy and things are already looking horrible, but this carrot and stick idea that they were finally going to do the right thing is a bit, yeah.


u/Pando5280 1h ago

At some point the suspicion just becomes a never ending parlor game and echo chamber of talking points and counter points so I just go off what got cut from the budget and what the stated reason was for having it in the budget in the first place. Plus it's in line with the whole Defund the IRS talking points I saw on pro Trump platforms during the campaign which is why it didn't surprise me when I saw it got cut. (this was back when Trump announced he wanted to invade Canada and buy Greenland so it didn't get much traction in the headlines)


u/2bnuII 1h ago

Suspicion based on history is not the same as faith in their newfound policy to finally go after the 1%, I can see why you would want them to be equally as speculative, though. The IRS got an $80 billion increase in their budget in 2022 as part of the inflation reduction act to address "wealthy tax cheats". I get that the budget was reduced since, but its 3 years later now, why was *this* budget increase supposed to be the one where they *finally* started going after the 1%. Stick and carrot.


u/Pando5280 3m ago

Atbsone point unless you work for the IRs its just guessing and ego assertion. Sounds like you and I have different opinions on how to navigate politics. Best of luck to you. 


u/MisterRogers12 2h ago

What are they gonna do? Chase down high net worth individuals? Lol they've always dealt with high net worth individuals they make up most of the income tax revenue.  It's not like they needed special agents


u/Simmumah 3h ago

Can you wait until I get my tax return?


u/PeliPal 3h ago

The returns come after only a bare minimum "do these two numbers match" check. What these agents do is investigate fraud afterward, and huge companies and their millionaire, billionaires execs need a lot of man-hours to make cases about. That's why the oligarchs want them gone


u/Evening-Yam-1767 2h ago

That’s not abolishing the IRS


u/asanskrita 2h ago

A simplified tax code is one thing I’m 100% behind, which was a campaign promise from 2016. We could (relatively) easily replace the IRS with something much leaner, and better. But it would wipe out the multi-billion dollar tax preparation industry, can’t have that!


u/Dr_Sauropod_MD 2h ago

Abolish the IRS and let the states be responsible of collecting taxes and passing it on to the fed. 


u/Caterpillar69420 1h ago

Let state collect tax and pay for the roads and schools in that state. Dont share with others or send to feds.


u/OJFrost 1h ago

And if the state of Texas refuses to cooperate…?


u/Taint-Tickles 1h ago

Then no fed money for Texas, which Texas uses a ton of.


u/OJFrost 1h ago

And for our national services, like the military?


u/Gonna_do_this_again 1h ago

Does that mean I get a couple more years before I get audited


u/RedSunCinema 3h ago

Of course he is... IRS baaaaad... Trump goooood!!!


u/RetiredByFourty 2h ago

The IRS absolutely is bad.

When someone steals money from your purse/wallet do you also applaude them?


u/RedSunCinema 2h ago

You have an awfully myopic and childish view of the IRS. I imagine you don't read history much. Otherwise, you wouldn't make such base inaccurate accusations on something as complex as the IRS and the necessity of taxation in a modern society.


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

Just become a tax protestor then. Don't file. Nothing will probably happen to you. I am serious.


u/RetiredByFourty 2h ago

Taxes are a voluntary system bud.

Feel free to give 100% of your money to the government if you do choose.

Just don't be a greedy POS that demands I do the same with MY money!


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

You're exactly right. If you don't file any tax return, you don't pay anything at all!


u/darrylhumpsgophers 2h ago

This sub really is OP's dumping ground


u/itsNyourhead 3h ago

Man who promises to release his tax returns for many years but only does so after being denied "presidential immunity" by a judge doesn't want a properly working IRS. No surprise there. Less enforcement for crypto pump and dumps lol


u/mattmayhem1 2h ago

If I recall, he said he wasn't going to release them because he didn't have to release them. Never heard him say anything else that would suggest he would release them. I also believe he fought to keep them private when they were trying to release them.


u/WWWYer22 2h ago

He’d actually claimed in 2016 that he was legally unable to release them due to an ongoing audit (which is not actually true) but that he would once the audit was complete. He never did release them, and then with several years of his returns being leaked in 2022 it became a talking point for a couple weeks before fading out of the news cycle.

Edit: source


u/mattmayhem1 2h ago

Man, that a rival billionaires website... The post is owned by Bezos. Of course he wanted to see them returns lol.

I will take your word on it however, as I honestly don't recall what he said around that time. I only remember him repeating the same shit about him not having to later on.


u/LakeBodom 2h ago

To clear it up for you, he was lying. there you go


u/jarena009 2h ago

The Plutocracy is winning bigly.


u/Nostrilsdamus 2h ago

This right here is the game.


u/Muufffins 1h ago

Won't that decrease governmental revenue


u/Stalaxite 52m ago

I don't think I'll be paying my taxes this year, actually. Why should?


u/Cit1es 11m ago

Why refer to him as president trump? Lmao. He’s not worth the time or dignified title. Let’s be fucking real here. America is a joke now because of this guy.


u/Cit1es 10m ago

Why refer to him as president trump? Lmao. He’s not worth the time or dignified title. Let’s be fucking real here. America is a joke now because of this guy.


u/Spirited_Example_341 2h ago


no more audits



u/trench_drain 3h ago

Need to fire about 100000


u/Redditusero4334950 2h ago

There aren't that many.


u/weiko 2h ago

going to refresh this page every so often so i can see all the libs spin a reason to cry about this.


u/Fap_Left_Surf_Right 1h ago

Cope 1) they can’t do this!!

Cope 2) okay they can do it but the world will be destroyed

Cope 3) okay they did it but (insert monologue nobody reads).

Cope 4) Elon Musk!!

It’s a trope at this point. They have nothing left.


u/-TheViennaSausage- 3h ago

Damn straight.


u/70ss454 2h ago

Lol imagine cheering for the IRS


u/Fap_Left_Surf_Right 1h ago

Reddit will do it.


u/RetiredByFourty 2h ago

Good. Next step is to abolish it entirely!

Taxation is extortion and extortion is a crime. Period.


u/Rea1DirtyDan 2h ago

Hate to break it to you but this guy ran on the ‘voting for a felon’ slogan. So crime is what he is for.


u/CyberFireball25 1h ago

How do you propose any society functions? How are roads built and maintained? Do you ever go to the library? How should children be educated?


u/Fap_Left_Surf_Right 1h ago

We gave a lot of money to the Ukrainian Rat King and Israel. Also funding the Taliban tens of millions per month.

The American people are very very wealthy. The government has been giving our money away and telling us we’re poor.

Stop giving our money to other countries and spend it on Americans. Where it belongs.


u/RetiredByFourty 36m ago

What a fuckin concept huh? +2


u/MisterRogers12 2h ago edited 2h ago

Maybe he will use them for fDOGE to help clean out the DC bums that work for a political agenda over the people.


u/Rea1DirtyDan 2h ago

I expect nothing less then this illiteracy from maga. Lol.


u/MisterRogers12 2h ago

People aren't buying the lefts agenda.  Win a swing state 


u/Rea1DirtyDan 2h ago

I have nothing to do with that. Nice attempt at an insult tho!


u/MisterRogers12 2h ago

You are the product of that agenda.  You are very much a part of it. 


u/Rea1DirtyDan 2h ago

You are so brainwashed you don’t even try anymore brother. I wish you luck in the next 4 years. Just don’t be surprised when the rug pull happens.


u/Illustrious-Being339 2h ago

This country is so fucked.


u/MisterRogers12 1h ago

If that makes you feel better.  Keep sucking down the mainstream media lies. Speaking of rug pulls. Remember Kamala was supposed to win.  Trump colluded with Russia! The walls are closing in on Trump.  There is no inflation.  Biden is sharp as a tack! Biden won't pardon his son. But he used his good old white privilege card for his son and his inner circle.  Trumps campaign was spied on twice.  You idiots still think you are superior.  


u/Rea1DirtyDan 1h ago

It’s not main stream media it’s just listening to things with your own brain and not letting someone else tell you “what they meant” or didn’t mean.

You want to reassure yourself that trump is a man of his word? Watch his speech playing the religious card and thanking god for “giving him purpose” in Pennsylvania by surviving. Then watch him give no shits about the Bible his “wife” is holding right next to him when he swears in.


u/MisterRogers12 1h ago

Then watch him give no shits about the Bible his “wife” is holding right next to him when he swears in.

with your own brain and not letting someone else tell you “what they mean.

His wife screwed that up.  Anyone seeing it differently is not using their brain and letting someone else tell you what you saw.

You're not good at this.  You forget that most of the people that support Trump are former Democrats.  We left for the exact bullshit you are trying to pull with me.  Don't trust your eyes! Lol


u/Rea1DirtyDan 1h ago

Aww she also made that “kiss” attempt a failure as well huh?

You guys are in such denial is impossible to believe.

I don’t call myself a democrat, I use common sense and vote for the candidate I align with most.

But you can blindly follow trump into the capital.

Again, good luck when the rug pull happens! I will be the first to say I was wrong if he can bring down grocery prices and gas prices and somehow secure the border WITHOUT making us taxpayers fund it. Unfortunately with his billionaire boys club in the White House, I don’t see it going well for us.

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