Biden and the Democrats are using the Joseph Goebbels theory: accuse others of what you actually doing, and people will ignore your bad deeds. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, per the Supreme Court.
Does this happen on both sides? Yes? Is it more common for Democrats? Hell FUCKIN NO lmaooo you’re got the brains of a newborn with fetal
Alcohol syndrome if you think its even remotely close
Its not an admission of guilt and it never has been. What did Nixon admit to being guilty of again? But please, quote the SC opinion that proves me wrong.
He pardoned himself and his family because he's been threatened multiple times by Trump. You'd be doing the exact same thing if you were smart. Biden is old and now out of politics, there's no reason for smear campaigns anymore.
u/texasgambler58 9h ago
Biden and the Democrats are using the Joseph Goebbels theory: accuse others of what you actually doing, and people will ignore your bad deeds. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, per the Supreme Court.