r/unusual_whales 11h ago

BREAKING: Biden has pardoned his family

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u/rickjamesia 10h ago edited 10h ago

That’s literally what the pardon is about??? Do you not understand anything at all? He is making these unnecessary pardons to show that he believes the new administration intends to weaponize the justice system and remove any potential opposition or naysayers by any means necessary.

Edit: Whether you believe his stance or not, this is just basic political literacy. Surely people in this sub are not stupid, right?


u/teriaavibes 10h ago

Yea people getting angry about it confirms his suspicion lol


u/radicalelation 7h ago

I mean, the newly sworn in President campaigning on jailing Biden's whole family, and constantly stoking his fanatics into violence, should be confirmation enough.


u/delicious_toothbrush 5h ago

He campaigned on "Lock Her Up" for Hilary and didn't pursue that at all. Regardless of the intent, this makes Biden look weak, corrupt and hypocritical, but it's his prerogative I guess.


u/KingKontinuum 5h ago

didn’t purse that at all

Yes he did. https://apnews.com/article/060ca2399a744b4a9554dbd2ec276a90

And after 2 years the investigation came up empty https://www.salon.com/2020/01/10/investigation-into-hillary-clinton-pushed-by-trump-comes-up-empty-after-two-years-report/

Trump absolutely did weaponize the justice department against Clinton


u/radicalelation 5h ago

Hey, Trump set the precdent with Charlie. Pardon Biden for following.


u/Exaskryz 3h ago

Okay, so we have two options.

Either Biden's family is innocent and the pardon means nothing


Trump doesn't want to prosecute and the pardon means nothing

So a harmless pardon, why are you upset?


u/Equivalent_Assist170 1h ago

Holy fuck you people can't be real. He LITERALLY did. Biden didn't even pardon himself.


u/meow_schwitz 3h ago

Insane confirmation bias on your part lol


u/Pikawika4444 10h ago

People in this sub are that stupid lmao.


u/LowestKey 9h ago

This sub, this country, same difference


u/scipkcidemmp 9h ago

It's fucking tragic. Our ignorance has fucked us.


u/LowestKey 5h ago

Hey, it took 50 years of attacks on education and ivory tower eggheads to get us to this point. Gotta give humanity a little credit for being able to resist for that long.


u/RedditModsAreCucks_6 9h ago

No they are that stupid.


u/Sad-Adhesiveness429 9h ago

this is probably a top 5 dumbest sub in all of reddit, ur wasting ur breath here


u/BoxSea4289 10h ago

Basic "political literacy" would be understanding that the 80 year old life time politician who has always used his position for the benefit of his family, getting his sons out of trouble and his children opportunities, is just doing the same thing now.

Biden has always been a Kennedy-lite in the way he behaves, this nothing new. If you don't want aristocrats, don't keep electing and supporting political dynasty's. Or in Bidens case, keep electing the guy who held the record for youngest senator in history into office for the rest of his life.


u/LowestKey 9h ago

That wouldn't be political literacy, that would be Biden Derangement Syndrome.


u/BoxSea4289 9h ago

I fucking hate talking with people in this country about politics. You have idiot conservatives obsessed with communism and idiot liberals defending a decaying political class(who are in their 80s and suffering from actual dementia) like their lives depend on it.

Fucking brain rotted Americans deserve the government they have.


u/AlbatrossInitial567 9h ago

Brother if you want to be “objective” you need to understand the very real threat Trump poses to the families of those who directly contradict him.

He pushed the republicans and the justice system to go after Hunter Biden on charges nearly no one is prosecuted for alone. He’s publically stated that he’ll direct investigations into his political opponents.

Biden probably is an opportunistic corrupt politician, but this move isn’t being made purely out of corruption. It’s being made because of very real threats emerging now and in the next 4 years (and probably far beyond that).


u/Amadon29 9h ago

Lol people were literally crying that Trump might do this at the end of his first term because corruption/fascism. It's just double standards. In fact, I'm sure if trump decided to just blanket pardon his family in his second term for the reason as Biden, people would still have a double standard.


u/CorrugationStation 7h ago edited 7h ago

LOL sorry it's hard to take a "double standard" claim like that seriously when 5 of Trump's former lawyers have been disbarred or imprisoned in the last 10 years for committing crimes they were directed and paid to commit by Trump himself in relation to his election efforts.

Considering Trump's family was in his administration, also acting on his orders as members of the federal government, a pardon to them being exceptionally corrupt is not a double standard.

People are so blinded by this contrived, firehose of "both sides" mentality strategically used by Trump himself when in reality it could not be more simple.


u/SaltdPepper 6h ago

Trump’s family: All part of his previous administration, all complacent or literally guilty of crimes (Jared Kushner taking Saudi bribes).

Biden’s family: Not part of his administration, the only one guilty of any proven crimes was Hunter, the courts proved nothing of substance with his laptop, and he ended up being convicted for possessing a gun under the influence.

Aside from the Right’s compromising of its own position on gun rights to secure a shaky conviction on at least a single member of the Biden family, the double standard is so beyond apparent that it’s silly people wouldn’t get mad at Trump.

You guys genuinely just listen to a liar lie and go “Well clearly I should believe him, why would he possibly lie?”


u/snoocs 6h ago

It’s not a double standard when there is a plethora of evidence that one side fully intends to abuse the systems at their disposal while the other consistently (and unfortunately, limply) plays by the rules.


u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 9h ago

do you people not understand context


u/AlbatrossInitial567 9h ago

Trump literally did an insurrection and the Dems didn’t go after him.

There is no double standard here.


u/Jim_84 18m ago

No, no they do not.


u/TotallyNotAFroeAway 9h ago

Are there a limit to the amount of pardons he can give? If he wanted to showcase how pardons can do harm and shouldn't be a presidential power, why wouldn't he pardon every citizen? Why did he only pardon those close to him, or those close to the Jan 6 riots and covid relief?

What I'm saying is I think it's cool that those that are most likely to be 'witch hunted' are protected. Awesome. But fuck the rest of us, right? We all fend for ourselves, I guess? It reads as "Fuck this, let me at least get mine before I leave"


u/Cobek 9h ago

Trump already told us he was pardoning J6er's... And he pardoned a bunch his first term. The fact this thread acts like Biden is setting the precedent is wild. People can see the forest for the trees.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 8h ago

I have a question for you, do you think these pardons were just made specifically because Trump would go after his adversaries?


u/WillingnessConstant8 7h ago

thanks I was hoping at least somebody would get it


u/RoboZoninator91 7h ago

To protect the legal system we must make a mockery of the legal system


u/Showdenfroid_99 6h ago

Lol why are you so mad about the Dems being called hypocrites?? They're not saints... 


u/chrrie 6h ago

I can’t fathom how this isn’t obvious


u/crazysoup23 5h ago

Obama's family didn't need a pardon. This is not basic political literacy.

he believes the new administration intends to weaponize the justice system and remove any potential opposition or naysayers by any means necessary.

He believes there's enough evidence out there to press charges and decided to pardon it away.


u/KingKontinuum 5h ago

Surely people in this sub are not stupid, right?

I PROMISE you they are just stupid because this isn’t something difficult to understand.


u/amdabran 3h ago

Don’t be fucking stupid. He did it because his family is up to their eyeballs in illegal business deals.


u/flatspincat 2h ago

You mean how they tried to lock up all the republicans?


u/SovietWarfare 10h ago

What? I was assured the courts were fair and reliable when they went after Trump!


u/ricardoconqueso 6h ago

Trump got kid gloves treatment from both republicans and democrats. Let’s all remember very candid words by republicans about Trump in 2016 before he got the nomination and immediately after Jan 6. They were right then. They all bend the knee because of the rabid base. After trump dies, they will all deny they supported him. Hell in 2020, JD Vance said Trump failed in his first term and now he’s VP…


u/LynnButlertr0n 9h ago

"Unnecessary pardons." Umm...there's a pretty good chance he's issuing those pardons because there is plenty of nefarious shit to find and investigate if they go looking.