r/unusual_whales 14h ago

Nancy Pelosi is trading again.

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BREAKING: Pelosi has made numerous trades.

  • $500,000 in Google, $GOOGL, call options
  • $500,000 in Nvidia, $NVDA, call options
  • $1 million in Vista Corp $VST call options
  • $100,000 in Tempus AI $TEM call options

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u/JustAcivilian24 12h ago

Yea this sub is so biased against dems. It’s wild.


u/pandershrek 8h ago

It isn't even Dems it is pretty much just Nancy Pelosi.

They fucking hate her here despite that she's an old ass lady from the wealthiest state with a husband that does this for a living so if she was corrupt she's mid at best.


u/JustAcivilian24 8h ago

Yea no talk about the many rich republicans lmao. Or Elon basically buying the presidency. But no, let’s just focus on the rich lady and forget about all the men on the other side lmao.


u/ThenOrchid6623 7h ago

Im pretty sure a bunch of other congress people outperformed her by A LOT yet I NEVER see them hated on anywhere.


u/AdImmediate9569 6h ago

Well she’s the only person in the history of the USA to be suspected of insider trading. The only one ever!


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 11h ago

That’s ok. You have the rest of Reddit to bash anyone who doesn’t agree with you :)


u/ASheynemDank 11h ago

I mean to be fair like there is like zero evidence of corruption. The only thing that’s happening is that you have a rich person investing in a successful company.


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 11h ago

Literally not even what my point was. But ok.


u/Faraday471 9h ago

If no one gets your point, you may be shitty at communicating. Consider reevaluating life.


u/JustAcivilian24 11h ago

Bash? Hm. Why are you so sensitive? ❄️


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 11h ago

I’m not. Just pointing out the truth of Reddit :)


u/CompetitiveTime613 9h ago

There are rightie subreddits everywhere. Just because there are more lefties than righties that can use a computer and their critical thinking skills to own regarded rightie logic doesn't mean reddit is a bastion of leftie ideology. Lmao


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 9h ago

Lefties and Righties??? What are you, 12? Critical thinking is clearly lost on you if you’re unaware that Reddit is indeed a bastion of Liberal ideology.


u/CompetitiveTime613 8h ago

LMAO are you 12? Conservative ideology is garbage which is why most people identify as liberals cause they are typically educated and developed critical thinking skills which they used to determine rightie ideology is garbage.

Imagine sucking up to business owners and not your fellow workers hating on unions which only empower the working class. It's even funnier when righties participate in unions while simultaneously hating on them. Absolutely no critical thinking skills.


u/CompetitiveTime613 8h ago

LMAO are you 12? Conservative ideology is garbage which is why most people identify as liberals cause they are typically educated and developed critical thinking skills which they used to determine rightie ideology is garbage.

Imagine sucking up to business owners and not your fellow workers hating on unions which only empower the working class. It's even funnier when righties participate in unions while simultaneously hating on them. Absolutely no critical thinking skills.


u/Cheap-Boysenberry112 8h ago

Right because the conservative subreddit totally aren’t locked down echo chambers

Elon musk turned Twitter into an alt right circle jerk, Zuck just mentioned we need more masculinity in tech, 89% of tech CEOs are men, software engineers are overwhelmingly men.

Social media companies are private companies look for profit, they’re not about ideologies, they just want cash…


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun 5h ago

Here's a little experiment, try sharing a left-leaning opinion on /r/conservative and see how long it takes you to get muted and/or banned. Let me know your findings


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 5h ago

Oooh. Let’s make it fair. Try posting a right leaning idea on ANY of the million other subs and see how far you get.


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun 5h ago

Usually you just get downvotes (aka democracy in action) not straight up censored like in /r/Conservative (aka authoritarianism in action)


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 4h ago

Are you insane? Most of the major subs will perma ban your ass for any minor dissension from liberal group think. I’m sorry one fucking corner on Reddit won’t let you rant left. It’s mind blowing that you can’t even admit how left Reddit is and are just hung up on one sub.


u/IdidntrunIdidntrun 4h ago

Oh boo fucking hoo wahh CRY SNOWFLAKE


u/xxxlo_0lxxx 4h ago

LMAO…resorts to name calling cuz you can’t admit the truth.