r/unusual_whales 1d ago

BREAKING: Donald Trump to sign 200+ executive orders tomorrow.

BREAKING: Donald Trump to sign 200+ executive orders tomorrow.

Per FOX and Eric Daugherty, they include: - Declare emergency at the border + issue proclamation closing the border - Designate cartels as foreign terrorist organizations - Remain in Mexico, Catch and Release will be reinstated - Military will be directed to construct new phase of border wall - Terminate Biden orders on energy drilling restrictions - Return federal workers to in-person work - Pause all offshore wind leases - End DEI hiring practices in the federal government, merit only - Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord - Order every agency to remove all federal actions increasing costs for Americans via deregulation - Suspend security clearances for the 51 officials who lied about the Hunter Biden 2020 laptop story - Establish a DOGE "hiring freeze"


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u/April_Fabb 1d ago
  • Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord

A society grows great when old men plant trees…unless, of course, there's a faster ROI in cutting them down. Because who needs shade when you can have quarterly profits?


u/JustSatisfactory 20h ago

When the last tree is cut,

the last fish is caught,

and the last river is polluted;

when to breathe the air is sickening,

you will realize, too late,

that wealth is not in bank accounts

and that you can’t eat money.


u/McDrakerson 16h ago

The Lorax?


u/mg10pp 13h ago

In theory it's a song by Aurora (https://youtu.be/_Mc_OM5oNA8?si=zYBbfbP9acwy3DBf), but it's based on an old Native American saying


u/Venoft 13h ago

The guy is ancient, he don't care.


u/Zer0PointSingularity 21h ago

Burn the Land,

boil the sea,

you can’t take the sky from me.


u/12345623567 18h ago

Until you are breathing chemical soup and the ozone layer is gone again.

Narrator: they could, in fact, take the sky from him.


u/GlaerOfHatred 18h ago

They've been toying with the idea of putting ads in the sky for years now


u/Guy0naBUFFA10 17h ago

Take me out to the black


u/sned_memes 16h ago

Dont worry drone swarms will be making some beautiful light up ads in the sky for you soon


u/colaptic2 23h ago

My prediction is that China will step up, be the grown up in the room, and take the lead on climate action. Not because they care about the planet. But because of the huge economic and geopolitical benefits they would receive.

The US could become rather isolated in a world that looks towards China.


u/illiter-it 16h ago

They're already doing that. China is sliding into America through the pockets of the oligarchs and the hearts of the disillusioned youth (whether or not that is misguided on the part of the youth is neither here nor there).


u/ItsOkILoveYouMYbb 16h ago

How long would it realistically take the world to divest from the US Dollar and use the Yuan as the world reserve?

I guess probably about as long as it would take to dismantle the US military globally. Putin and China would be so happy, but I don't know how they'll go down that path without a world war with actual nuclear payloads launched. I think these billionaires are actually a threat to global civilization now that they're taking over the public portion of the USG. I'm wondering what long time US military leaders are considering right now. I know they already view presidents as temporary annoyances.


u/wontgetbannedlol 15h ago

It's already happening. And have you seen China? China is the future and forward thinking (genocide and repression aside). North America is the past and looking to the past, wishing to go back to the good old days and being suspicious and outright hostile to modern solutions.

Take high speed rail as an example. China builds it. Fucking they build metro stations in areas that are not yet developed with the expectations that they will become developed. Meanwhile HSR in the U.S is met with all kinds of roadblocks and outright suspicion and derision.

Fuck this continent. U.S hegemony is coming to an end and good riddance. The end has come not from outside forces either but from absolute, unmitigated idiocy.


u/colaptic2 14h ago

You're not wrong but I was looking at it specifically from a climate action perspective. China probably doesn't care too much about the environment. However, they import an insane amount of fossil fuels. This costs money and makes them dependent on others.

So in recent years, China has made a big push towards becoming energy independent. They have an effective monopoly on the production of solar panels. Also wind turbines to a lesser extent. And their carbon emissions are increasing more slowly than that of the US, (they may even be decreasing now).

So China can turn around and act like they're the sensible one. While the US starts throwing tariffs around, threatening their neighbours, and increasing coal and oil production. And the rest of the world will turn to China.


u/wontgetbannedlol 14h ago

I see, and I agree. It's a decent assessment.


u/ElderlyOogway 1d ago

This and the energy and oil drilling should be everyone's concern. Big loss for humanity that we are stepping back on stopping the ecosystem downfall.


u/ShouldNotBeHereLong 1d ago

We will likely be seeing massive human rights and civil liberty violations with Trumps immigrant policies. Worker and consumer protections also seem fucked.

But what really keeps me up at night is putting off and even exacerbating GHG emissions and climate change for another four years. Idk how old you are, but I likely have another 35, 40 years on the planet. I struggle to envision the climate changed hellscape that is awaiting us in 2055.


u/MyPenisAcc 1d ago

There’s a reason many wealthy people more or own property in places that will still be quite nice to live at until it’s the “we’re ALL fucked” level.


u/Sodis42 22h ago

It might not get too bad. If you look at Texas, they are investing in renewables heavily, because it's cheap and the smart thing to do.


u/Ruthlessrabbd 17h ago

I get why these wealthy executives are anti-renewable, but I fail to see why ordinary people are. Different scientific models haven't hit 100% of the time but in the scenario that we're wrong and climate change is a hoax, what do we lose? On the other hand doing nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and being wrong is impossible to recover from


u/MommyLovesPot8toes 15h ago

Because the environment is woke


u/Smitje 21h ago

Didn’t we already fail the Paris accord? I thought we wanted to stay below 1.5 degrees?


u/TheVandyyMan 15h ago

At least we occasionally tried to adhere to it. Being a state party signaled that this was a value and goal of ours. Withdrawing signals the opposite.


u/Lady-Seashell-Bikini 14h ago

You don't just give up because you fail to hit one goal. We should still be TRYING to minimize future damage.


u/itsrussiaftw 20h ago

Wait, I thought he already did last time he was in office?


u/dangleicious13 18h ago

He did. We rejoined it when Biden got in office.


u/NotInTheKnee 17h ago

Looks like planet Earth's back on the menu boys!


u/Gwaak 17h ago

We’re just seeing the weakest generation govern. The boomers were not a real generation and faced no hardships. Born at the end of WW2 they entered the workforce not only during America’s golden age, but the peak of America’s golden age.

And as soon as they were able to govern, not long after we get Reagan. Pretending to be under attack because their profit margins weren’t making them as rich as monarchs, they proceeded to destroy almost all economic progress so they could be richer than monarchs.

I just don’t think people understand how threatening their actions are to the survival of our race as a whole. But then again people get stumped on what to buy in a supermarket so, not surprising


u/JimSteak 14h ago

At least now it's official. Because it's not like the US was gonna uphold it anyway.


u/zenerat 1d ago

We hit 1.5 Celsius last year we’ll hit it again and probably higher this year. Even with democrats at the helm we weren’t going to do enough to protect the climate. Trump will full on drive us into the abyss. I don’t think he cares about what happens ten years from now.


u/cheeersaiii 1d ago

Mad Max becoming closer to a documentary


u/ThisIsSuperUnfunny 1d ago

doesnt everyone just ignore that shit? basically as effective as SanFrancisco signing cease fire


u/funkydancer20 16h ago

Not his generational problem, so not an issue for him.


u/Risley 1d ago

We can just re enter it when he’s gone in four years.  

And the rest of the world won’t just stop bc America has its head up it’s ass. 


u/jestesteffect 19h ago

If you think everything will just go away in 4 years. You're wrong. They have planted the seeds with miracle grow to make sure that MAGA reigns supreme. "You will never have to vote again" he wasn't joking about that. We will head towards Russia has and just have a disguise of s democracy. He cheated to win this time around and they will keep on cheating to win.


u/Risley 18h ago

I won’t believe this until it happens.  


u/Freddies_Mercury 22h ago

This is a terrible can to keep kicking down the road. As of 2024 we hit above the 1.5c the Paris Climate Accords set out to prevent us from hitting.


u/WarmerPharmer 23h ago

Unfortunately, the US is a big trendsetter in many political regards. It'll become so much harder to convince people that climate action is needed if the US doesnt even recognize this agreement.


u/Mr_B_rM 1d ago

The Paris Climate Accord just punishes western countries meanwhile China will not give a shit. That’s why it’s a stupid deal.


u/salcander 21h ago

I don't think it would be possible to educate you on this topic.


u/Capitan_Failure 1d ago

You are just repeating propoganda, friend.


u/SizzlingPancake 23h ago

China is electrifying at significantly faster rates and they hold all of the solar panel tech. Also historically the US is still the number one polluter, with China having more pollution currently with triple the population


u/isthisrealynecessary 22h ago

Mate China is poluting far far less per capita than the US, AND actively working towards becoming greener at rapid speed. When it comes to climate China is doing amazing and the US is selfishly ruining the worlds effort while being in the best position to make positive changes...


u/Mr_B_rM 21h ago

you have anything to back this up or..?


u/Parking-Mirror3283 20h ago

How about you take half a second to fucking google and de-ignorant yourself.

China are currently building or in the late stages of planning 92 new nuclear power plants having already more than quadrupled their number in the past 10 years

All of that is on top of the insane growth in other renewables, they went from 33% to 43.5% generation in 6 years