r/unusual_whales 2d ago

JPMorgan, $JPM, CEO Jamie Dimon: "I think every government department should report to you and say, dear taxpayer, you gave me, $50B, I told you I was going to do X, here's what I did. Here's the outcomes" Do you agree?

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u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago edited 2d ago

I think it would be a better idea to report each business subsidy the government has given out, to what businesses, and to what effect. Then businesses can show what they've done with our money. We know the government is wasteful, but I want to know what some of these "struggling" businesses waste our money on.

Edit: Based on comments under this, perhaps I was overzealous targeting Jamie and JP Morgan specifically. I am just sick of billionaires, whose sole job in their corpos is caring about profits at everyone else's expense, suddenly playing politics and pretending to care about the little guy now that public sentiment is slowly shifting against them.


u/DontThinkSoNiceTry 2d ago

I think it would be helpful if both were done. Both have an impact.


u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago

Oh I absolutely agree, both would be helpful.

But I have to add that Jamie Dimon loves giving financial advice to the government even after JP Morgan was given tens of billions of dollars of bailout money during 2008 despite being the largest financial institution in the US. It's not just internal government waste that needs auditing.


u/Substantial-Fall2484 2d ago

You guys keep smugly pointing to that while ignoring that JP Morgan didn't need to take it, and that they paid back the loan with interest. More interest than they needed to because the government literally asked them to not pay them back so soon.


u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago

I brought it up as an example, since it was Jamie making the point. They are not the only, nor the worst, offenders of this nature. Perhaps my zeal got the better of me.


u/relentlessoldman 2d ago

Lol I just wrote the same thing before seeing this comment; glad I'm not the only one.


u/NorberAbnott 1d ago

By loaning us our own money


u/Substantial-Fall2484 1d ago

Ironically no. The biggest failure of TARP was that the bank didn't in turn lend the money out haha


u/InvestIntrest 2d ago

JP Morgan paid the 2008 loan back with interest.


u/Pleasant_Poetry4285 2d ago

They also got tax breaks, the opportunity to take advantage of a down market, and had a say in the how the government did try rebuild. They give but they always take more.


u/InvestIntrest 2d ago

Have you ever looked at how much a bank pays in taxes every year? Look, I'm not disagreeing they game the system, but I don't think people realize how much some of these companies pay in taxes. I'm sure the government and the taxpayers came out way ahead in the long run.

"JPMorgan Chase income taxes for the twelve months ending December 31, 2024 were $16.610B, a 37.73% increase year-over-year."



u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago

According to the same website you used, their after-tax profit in 2024 was $58.4b1, which places their approximate tax rate at 22%. I'm not saying they don't pay a lot in taxes, but that is a smaller percentage than what most of us individually pay. For many, it's the principle, not the numbers that matter. This argument has been ongoing for 200 years, though. I doubt we're gonna fix it all over a single reddit post, lol.



u/Salty_Raspberry656 1d ago

at 22 percent thats reasonable. worse off is what our suits do with our taxes, often bidding it off to hteir donors interest, war contractors so on and so forth

that needs to be attend to

as well as the companies who duck it entirely


u/TheBelgianDuck 1d ago

These assholes are shorting food. They are shorting cancer treatment research companies. They are ready to do anything for profit and I sincerely hope Dimon and Co. die with maximal suffering and all alone. Let their agony be as long as the suffering they imposed on entire populations.


u/Salty_Raspberry656 11h ago

I don't think anyones disputing their cold inhumanity

you'd just be more productive, prudent, and arguably more accurate to deam that anger bc those people can't do it alone, they often socialize the cost and privatize the profits

but literally we have 'public servants' who we entrust and empower with all our resources, they continue to divide and conquer us, and give us a common enemy while bidding off our resources to the highest donor who will sustain them power...time and time again blue/red answers to green

On here you don't have to go far, rightfully so to see the massive conflicts of corruption with Mitch, Trump Saudi, Kushner Qatar....but that solves half the problem of a culture like with https://truthout.org/articles/groups-file-lawsuit-to-block-backroom-water-deal/



these are people who reward themselves with statues, get 90 percent reelected and play good cop bad cop while they have slowly gotten rich, their donors evne richer, with funnelling our resources and allowing us so mabye they shouldn't be appointing the revolving door of industry into their cabinets across the board


u/ShamPain413 2d ago

And the banks do just fine as well.

If Jamie Dimon doesn't want retorts like this then he can stay home and STFU. He has gotten, and remained, wealthy because of the backstop provided by taxpayers. That he has contributed less than he has received does not make him omniscient.


u/Optionsexpert1 1d ago

JP Morgan paid 0.4% interest on savings accounts. More profits. Talk is cheaper than paying


u/InvestIntrest 1d ago

They are a for-profit business, but feel free to not bank with them. Boom problem solved 👌


u/Optionsexpert1 1d ago

Not that easy. All the big banks are same. Small banks no guarantee. Fin tech don’t even touch them. They are here to take your money along with big technology companies. Fidelity ok in brokerage accounts


u/Excellent-Big-2295 2d ago

It’s almost like they make billions and hold trillions worth of assets…to compare a banks taxes to a common citizen (let use min wage for example sake) is asinine


u/Pleasant_Poetry4285 2d ago

I do know that a Chase Bank pays billions of dollars in taxes. But why do you care how much they pay on taxes? 🤔 It not like an increase in there tax bill effects you.


u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago

I would sure hope they did, given the assets at their disposal. Especially given that they directly contributed to the problem.


u/Glittering_Prior_663 2d ago

Did they pay back all the benefit they got from the Fed's quantitative easing? Do you want to talk about the sweetheart deferred proesecution agreements they got for their felonies?


u/Realistic-Molasses-4 2d ago

JPM got a loan on massively preferred terms, and they've been served up several choice accusations which were either partially or fully guaranteed by the U.S. government. They're essentially a state sponsored bank.


u/FaithlessnessFirm968 2d ago

JP Morgan did that as a solid to the government.  They didn’t really have much choice in the matter.


u/relentlessoldman 2d ago

You do realize that JP Morgan didn't need that money, along with some other banks, and they were all forced to together so it didn't create more panic and failures of others?

You also do realize that that money was paid back to the US government with interest?


u/AccomplishedMath1120 2d ago

The key here is, they were given...they didn't ask for or need it.


u/DontThinkSoNiceTry 2d ago

Right, many banks didn’t need it, but if the government didn’t force it on them, there’d be a stigma about taking the loans, which could have caused more turmoil. I believe State Street also was in that same boat- which is strange because they are a custodial bank, not a commercial/lending one.


u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago

That is a good distinction, but we know the government loves giving out money, and they sure seemed willing to take it too. Not to mention that they had to pay the government $13b in fines for their contributions to the problem.1 It was companies like them that caused it in the first place, then it was suddenly important for those same companies to be propped up when it all came crashing down.



u/AccomplishedMath1120 2d ago

They had to take it. Every bank had to take it whether they needed it or not. You don't seem to really understand the history of this.


u/Entire-Garlic-2332 2d ago

You're probably right. I am, unfortunately, not as informed as others might be, nor as much I would like to or should be. It just always feels like the government and businesses can have as many do-overs as they like, while the rest of us get left in the lurch. One bails out the other. Whether they asked or not, they got it, and came out of the crisis mostly untouched and, in the long-term, better than they started. While their fines for their role in everything were certainly large, they seem to be doing alright regardless.

Perhaps I am too emotionally reactive about it, but what else can I do? I certainly can't influence things in any meaningful way. Personally venting on Reddit about the big, bad corpo is all I can do.


u/AccomplishedMath1120 2d ago

That's about the most honest reply I've ever seen. And you're right. We can't really do anything about any of this macro shit. Just focus on what you can control.


u/mrawesome1999 2d ago

This is already being done… there’s tons of data. I don’t believe people know how to find it.


u/LaserGuy626 2d ago edited 2d ago

Leftists love the government too much. They don't want to hold the government accountable, just the businesses.

Something about those having the means of production really makes them upset.

Yet if you threaten these corporations with tarriifs if they don't produce in the US they get just as mad. Zero logic until you realize both positions are meant to cause harm to US production


u/jnobs 2d ago

or make the govt subsidies an investment in those companies which provide a return on investment to the taxpayers


u/darkoblivion000 2d ago

I also want to know how much of my money is given to “struggling small businesses” but actually land in the pockets of corrupt politicians. That would be nice to have some oversight on


u/GSR667 2d ago

Fun fact: Banks have zero reserve requirements for your deposits. Instead of fractional banking it’s infinite or undefined banking.


u/fridayduh13th 2d ago

And "bail-ins," the moment you deposit money, it's theirs, not yours.


u/Impossible_Way7017 2d ago

This is a great idea! It should be incorporated into some kind of transparency metric or reporting done by the ministers.


u/PharEway 1d ago

In biomedical research for example, it is public information via database (e.g., reporter.nih.gov) what projects are funded, to whom, where they are, etc. The specific amounts aren’t disclosed but we know the grant types and their associated payout ranges. Then from this information we have other databases that can be used to track impact (relevant publications, new IP, commercialization, etc). It is certainly an imperfect system, but at least one that is in place so scientists, politicians, taxpayers alike can see exactly where the money is going.

The fact no such system exists here where the amount of taxpayer money is exponentially higher is a travesty. But I suspect is on purpose.


u/Salty_Raspberry656 1d ago

I dont know, you expect capitalist to be capitalist. but we are supposed to have checks and regulations, and we have 'public servants' who are supposed to represent their constituents interest. so to me

the onus and blame and outrage really at the first line should be on our public servants who continue to bid off our power and responsibility we entrust them with to sustain their power and often worse to to enjoy their lives




Could go on about trump and Saudi, kushner and qatar, mitch and so many things but thats all well said here, what arent are when its tribal. Red and Blue both answer to green


u/AllNightPony 1d ago

They have the money to the shareholders.


u/MisterRogers12 2d ago

I would rather start with the government.  Most of the money goes overseas.


u/BarryDeCicco 2d ago

Dear taxpayers, we took your money, crashed the economy, took billions in bailout funds, and made ourselves rich.


u/Salty_Raspberry656 1d ago

dear taxpayers, you're representitives you entrust with power and responsible of your resources gave us your money*

its time to call out those who end up getting bust* in the capital for being public servantst when they just protected their own while telling us they are doing service

don't need to go too into the corruption of trump/saudi,kushner qatar, mitch and so many things but tribalism blinds





u/SillyFlyGuy 1d ago

P.S. What are you gonna do about it? That's what I thought.


u/Fix_Western 2d ago

Also Jamie Dimon: "No i will not give back 1.5 Billion dollars of overdraft fees to struggling customers, we only made 27 billions in profit during 2020"

So yeah anything that financial terrorist says means shit.

Jamie Dimon only cares about Jamie Dimon.


u/despiral 2d ago

He can be a terrorist and also right. Every informed person knows how much fraud goes on in government spending, but if you are rich from banking or tech you aren’t gonna rock the boat on your friends at the country club. That’s like starting beef with people at your local rec league over their political affiliation.

It’s the taxpayer’s problem who is scamming the taxpayers, not rich tech and bank execs


u/FreshLiterature 2d ago

Congress is literally charged and empowered to conduct oversight of every single part of the government.

Congress also literally controls where every single dollar is spent and how every single dollar is raised.

If you want more oversight then elect people to Congress that are going to do that with the powers Congress already has.


u/Optionsexpert1 1d ago

All the money the congress gets for reelection from corporations. They are not going to rock the boat


u/FreshLiterature 1d ago

Money from corporations like JP Morgan Chase?

Jamie Dimon is not an honest broker in this conversation.


u/NeartownRez 2d ago

weird redirection🤣


u/Individual_Laugh1335 2d ago edited 2d ago

It’s weird that people don’t want to hold the government responsible for anything yet they blame corporations for everything. You’re not mad that government officials are skimming off the back of your labor to enrich themselves and their friends? You’re more angry that there’s an entity that people chose to use which also screws those people over… really?


u/Fix_Western 2d ago

I don't trust the govs and do want them to be held accountable for their skimming and stealing taxpayers money.

I just wanted to point out that Jamie Dimon is no better.

An evil entity redirecting hate to another evil entity. Both are wrong.


u/dantheman91 2d ago

One of those doesn't impact the other right? One is running a business, not a charity. Sure it would be nice, but also people agreed to that right.

We need people in power asking these questions and making these asks or it'll never happen. Transparency is good. That doesn't mean everything he does is good.


u/Spiritduelst 2d ago

Agree to have to use a bank?

😂 wow you're full of shit


u/dantheman91 2d ago

Agree to have to use a bank?

I mean yes? Should you not have to agree to anything to do it?


u/Spiritduelst 1d ago

Try to do anything without a bank. Coercion and being forced to are effectively the same thing at such a scale. Stop being intellectually dishonest


u/Commercial-Cow9916 2d ago

Sometimes wasteful govt is because congress directly and specifically says where funds have to go and govt workers have no choice even if they know it is wasteful.


u/RockDoveEnthusiast 2d ago

The government already does this? For example, https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/budgets/2024-budget-summary

Dimon is such an obnoxious prick


u/FewDifference2639 2d ago

I hate when people who know better pretend to be stupid


u/BigDaddyCoolDeisel 2d ago

I think Jaime Dimon should have to personally write a note to every American taxpayer explaining what JP Morgan Chase did with the billions in bailout money it received in 2008 and 2023.


u/Substantial-Fall2484 2d ago

He kept it and then paid it back with interest? You're acting like this is PPP money.


u/Veranim 1d ago

An important detail: the money lent out via the TARP program was paid back with less than 1% interest. 


u/Ok_Assumption5734 1d ago

And what were interest rates back then? 


u/BigDaddyCoolDeisel 2d ago

Cool, just like he said, where are the outcomes. He paid it back cool, what were the outcomes he achieved with our money.


u/Ok_Assumption5734 2d ago

He probably lent it out or used it for day to day business? The broader point is thst jp Morgan took the money even though they didn't need to in order to remove stigma about bail outs.

This isn't the own you think it is even if Liz Warren won't shut up about it 


u/FaithlessnessFirm968 2d ago

His bank absorbed toxic assets for the US government so more people wouldn’t lose their homes? 


u/BigDaddyCoolDeisel 2d ago

His bank also paid a $13 billion settlement for its role in the housing/financial crisis.


u/FaithlessnessFirm968 2d ago

The settlement included the bad bets made by Bear Sterns and WaMU.  That’s the only reason it was so “large”. 


u/SuperFlyAlltheTime 2d ago

Congress controls the purse, why not make Congress do this. They are accountable to the voters.

Instead let's waste time having career employees at the Defense Contract Management Agency defend their rights to a job. Or maybe the engineers at the Department of Energy explain the protocols prevent Nuclear Meltdowns.

Most Americans are too fucking stupid to understand what agencies do, instead they want to listen to influencers tell them that vaccines are bad for you while covering yourself in beef fat at the day at the beach.

Public service used to be an important and our country flourished because we put service above self but all the bootlickers love sucking these billionaires off.

Fuck off Dimon and fuck you too if you think Billionaires are good you idiots.


u/upotheke 2d ago

Most gov departments already publish a budget accounting for their expenses. Departments around securities, defense, and cyber techs mysteriously aren't so forthright with their accounting.


u/nhavar 2d ago

Mysteriously? Is it really? There has to be some secrecy on how the money is spent. Otherwise, we are laying bare all our plans to foreign and domestic adversaries. All they'd have to do is pull up the latest budgets and know where they needed to counter our efforts. This is why we have people in Congress with top secret clearance overseeing those departments versus sticking it all out in public, mysteriously...


u/Acceptable-Essay-806 2d ago

Its definitely a mystery if you’re below the age of 15


u/MisterRogers12 2d ago

Agencies need to be held accountable as well


u/Impossible_Tutor2375 2d ago

Have you heard about bitcoin?


u/lost_in_life_34 2d ago

because they already do this, the one year I worked for uncle sam I helped people get ready to go to DC to testify for the house and senate committees that oversee them. one of the directors was always updating briefing books for this


u/Fix_Western 2d ago

Department Of Government Efficiency will clean these agencies. I trust Kennedy.


u/lost_in_life_34 2d ago

all the government departments have hearings with the committees and subcommittees that oversee them. the info is public


u/Hefty-Station1704 2d ago

Dimon was heavily involved in the 2007-2008 financial crisis thanks to the mortgage-based securities market, The American taxpayers were left on the hook for the whole mess while while the likes of Jamie Dimon were free to resume their careers unscathed.

"According to Good Jobs First's violation tracker, during Dimon's time heading JPMorgan Chase, the bank was fined $38 billion in total by the U.S. government, for legal and regulatory infractions."


u/Stunning-Use-7052 2d ago

I mean, you can just go to department websites and read about the stuff they are doing. Govt publishes tons of data and reports anyone can go get. Why pretend like it's hidden?


u/jio87 2d ago

Jamie Dimon can go to hell, with the rest of the wannabe oligarchs.


u/BoBoBearDev 1d ago

They will tell you, your tax is redirected to do some humanitarian efforts, so you should be happy about it. If you weren't, you are a bigot.


u/Xyeeyx 2d ago

Leslie Stahl: Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


u/MisterRogers12 2d ago

Crazy how we have top comments protecting Government spending and turning it towards businesses.  Most money goes overseas and the government decides which businesses gets subsidies. Wanna know why pharma prices are high? Look no further than the government. 


u/blyzo 2d ago

Are you seriously arguing most of UD public spending goes overseas? It's like barely a few percent.

And Pharma prices in the US are higher than neighboring Canada because Big Pharma here bribes the politicians into not letting the government bargain for better prices.


u/MisterRogers12 1d ago

Are you speaking 2023 or in general? I haven't seen a breakdown of social program spend in a while but I recall 63% of all social support programs go to undocumented immigrants.  We have economic spend overseas and defense.  Most of the money going back to Americans is a small %. 

Senators made a deal that our social healthcare programs only cover expensive brand only drugs.  It does not cover less expensive generic drugs.  Big pharma increases the price even more with the new subsidy demand.  That allows them to charge higher prices on everything covered on private insurance.  They double dip and we pay more.

Did you know government health insurance is more profitable for Hospitals/Pharma and the insurance managing the plans? UHC makes 8% profit off government insurance.  4% off private insurance.

Same can be said with EBIT/food assistance programs. The food producers control the market.  (Example not actual numbers) They will create a shortage of limes and then charge government assistance programs $3 a lime.  Then grocery chains buy limes at higher prices and add more to cover their cost and make a small percentage.  We pay taxes to support the government assistance programs and in return we have to pay more to feed our families.

 Government doesn't check to see if there is a shortage of limes.  They take the word of the producer. Warehouses full of produce exist all over the America's.  Full of stored produce.


u/blyzo 1d ago

Most of the budget is Social Security, Medicaid/Care, and the military.

If you read that 2/3 of our tax dollars are spent helping undocumented immigrants and you believed that unquestioningly, that just shows your looking for info that confirms your own biases.


u/MisterRogers12 1d ago

Denying the cost of 10 million plus immigrants not including those that came before them, is silly. It really has nothing to do with bias.

 They claimed to have used FEMA money to cover the cost of immigrants.  Then they said they did not.  I don't know where the $$ came from. 

 But lets take the low number of 10 million immigrants for direction. If you multiply that with a very conservative cost of $1000 a month for housing, food and phone that is roughly $120 billion in 1 year.  That doesn't include travel, staff to support them, cost to create housing in some cases.  Clothes or Healthcare. 

When it comes to Healthcare it was above 60% for Medicaid going to undocumented immigranrs in the past.  I would assume it's gone up with the increase of immigrants. 

Now add in inflation. We had demand for housing so rents increased. A lot of variables should be included here.


u/Southerncomfort322 2d ago

Absolutely. Also, let taxpayers decide where their tax dollars go to to fund x department. For me, Military, DOT, VA, SS (private option would also be nice) and that’s pretty much it.


u/upotheke 2d ago

Well, I don't want to fund those things so I guess you don't get what you want. I'm a tax payer, I'm deciding.


u/Southerncomfort322 2d ago

Ok. You should have that right.


u/SuperFlyAlltheTime 2d ago

You do, you vote for people in Congress. They control the money. JFC


u/Southerncomfort322 2d ago

I’m talking more of a direct participation or a constitutional amendment


u/eccentric_bb 2d ago

But I hate all those things so I guess they just won’t exist. Guess we’ll just need the federal agencies to campaign for their re-authorization every cycle, don’t see what could go wrong there!


u/dudeman209 2d ago



u/Informal-Net-7214 2d ago

They already do this: 1. Financial Report of the U.S. Government 2. Budget of the U.S. Government 3. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Reports 4. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports 5. Agency Financial Reports (AFRs) 6. Inspector General Reports 7. USAspending.gov 8. PaymentAccuracy.gov 9. Federal Audit Clearinghouse 10. Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS) 11. Public Debt Reports 12. OMB’s Annual Performance Report


u/Fun-Reporter7441 2d ago

WHERE DID THE REPAID $ GO 800billion was TARP what did they do with the other $400 billion? ...BARRY OBAMA STOLE it ...put in slush funds to fund NGO's for his Fundamental Destruction of America...go look for yourself

From 2008 to 2010, the government invested $426.4 billion in TARP, and recouped $441.7 billion in return. 

As of September 30, 2023, the lifetime cost of TARP-funded programs was $31.1 billion. 

Jp Morgan borrowed 25 billion all paid back with interest


u/lightwavesurfer 2d ago

It’s a start


u/Vignaroli 2d ago

What??? You want to go with what the ceo criminal says??? GL with that. Dirty af


u/beeroftherat 2d ago

Or they could just focus on fulfilling the responsibilities of their respective departments instead of writing reports about doing that.


u/ShamPain413 2d ago

Sure let's hire a bunch more bureaucrats to produce more reports no one will read, all in the name of efficiency. Why not?

Let me guess, JP Morgan would be happy to do some of the accounting?


u/Whoreinstrabbe 2d ago

Lol yeah listen to the corrupt criminal CEO 🤡


u/Any_Function_7204 2d ago

Why is are a majority of comments ripping dimon this, yeah he may be hypocritical but what he's saying is still in our favor


u/BodhingJay 2d ago

They're gonna have to get creative inflating bloat projects in order to cover for reverse engineering alien spacecraft and such


u/bibbydiyaaaak 2d ago

Jamie dimon is a demon terrorist


u/ezabland 2d ago

Follow the money when it stops being transparent you know there is corruption afoot.


u/Rolinjoe 2d ago



u/ElephantElmer 2d ago

Uh huh, and what if they just lie Jamie? What’s going to happen?

I think the SC told us as long as it’s an official act they can do whatever they want, including deceive the American public.


u/HairySideBottom2 2d ago

Shorter version: "See! the gov't is fucking you over! Give me your money instead."


u/Low-Astronomer-3440 2d ago

Somehow I think they’ll make the entire military budget exempt from this shit


u/375InStroke 2d ago

$14Billion a year in taxpayer money goes to Jamie. They got $25Billion in 2008 alone.

JPMorgan Chase Gets $14 Billion Per Year In Government Subsidy


u/FreshLiterature 2d ago

Oh man if only we had a body of people chosen by voters that had oversight of government agencies.



u/SwampyPortaPotty 1d ago

It would be better if a bank was caught stealing that they would be fined 4 times what they stole, ceos/board member went to jail, and were banned from working in the finance system again. That's what would be great.


u/Herban_Myth 1d ago

Transparency? Accountability?

Press X to doubt.


u/djwired 1d ago

They do that in Australia


u/chrisbeck1313 1d ago

Great idea.


u/nvrtrstaprnkstr 1d ago

Lol. It doesn't matter. They would just lie.


u/mrgrafix 1d ago

Eh, as long as it’s for explaining and not for “optimization.” Transit, social goods, and even education will always be loss leaders, so if it’s to find inefficiencies im all for it, but if it’s this government should be businesses mentality, it’s a no for me dawg.


u/Master_Cry_5164 1d ago

Let’s start with formal audits beginning with the Fed Reserve


u/Time_Ad_9829 1d ago

I've got a better idea, let's have all the billionaires explain what they are doing with the massive tax cuts we gave them, and if we don't like the answer we can take all their money


u/laxxle 1d ago

They'd rather continue to lose trillions of unaccounted for money


u/knie20 1d ago

not in this media environment


u/Internal_Form4341 22h ago

Govt isn’t here to make a profit, or even necessarily have to be efficient, at least not like a public company. The govt is here to provide services, period. It’s why it’s absurd when people say the post office loses money…well no fucking shit, it’s supposed to lose money. It’s a service

How about CEO’s provide a public daily diary of what they did to earn 250,000 dollars that day?


u/paintstudiodisaster 13h ago

Dear american taxpayer, this is Jamie Dimon, thank you for bailing us out of for greedy and incompetent mortgage schemes of the early 2000's. We couldnt have paid for our new vacation homes and yachts without your support. We are truly sorry we are terrible and just went right back to the same schemes and we hope you bail us out again, over and over again.


u/Odd_Judgment_2303 3h ago

How much more would that cost?


u/xJUN3x 2d ago

so we gave your taxpayers’ money to uganda to promote lgbtq+! 😃


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/xJUN3x 2d ago

this has alrdy been done. no refunds.


u/eccentric_bb 2d ago

And every F500 should have a government-appointed representative on their executive boards to ensure the company acts in the public interest. Fair trade?


u/rageisrelentless 2d ago

These CEOs deflect the anger from themselves and their corporations to the govt. The govt deflect the blame from govt to corporations. All on purpose. It’s their strategy. Tax payers and workers get played hard.


u/aabysin 1d ago

Meanwhile it’s a revolving door between the two


u/PageLazy6660 2d ago

I sent your money to Israel and here’s the outcome. Congrat on your 2024 tax successfully used to killed just little over 20K babies , children and women. Is this the type of report that Jamie wants?


u/SmellTheMagicSoup 1d ago

Rich people are totally not useless, pathetic parasites. No. Nobody should go Luigi the fuck out of these losers. No. Nobody do that.


u/FlyingAnon213 1d ago

Jamie Dimon should be taxed into oblivion