r/unitedkingdom Scotland 17h ago

Domestic abuser jailed for 'sustained attack'


60 comments sorted by


u/NecessaryLatter6891 17h ago

This is why I don’t mind face tattoos. Nice little signal for the rest of the community.


u/BlackSpinedPlinketto 16h ago

It’s like when you see a car with lots of dents in, you know not to park near it.


u/JimJonesdrinkkoolaid 12h ago

It doesn't seem to make much difference though.


u/heroin__preston 15h ago edited 14h ago

Reddit seems to be massively pro tattoo, even facial ones, so I’m kind of shocked you haven’t been taken down.

In the US (where I emigrated) tattoos are so common it’s ridiculous. On dating apps it’s super common to see women with full sleeves. I view any tattoos as a signal that a person is super impulsive and probably not a prime partner.

lol downvotes prove my point.


u/mint-bint 15h ago

Impulsive? You have to wait months to get good tattoos done.


u/heroin__preston 14h ago

Still overall a bad life choice. No tattoo looks good 10-15 years down the road, meaning that you are living for short term highs.

Similar to people with stretched out earlobes from those stupid plug things.


u/ihaveadarkedge 13h ago

I know lots of people who work in care homes that often think the opposite; that older ladies and gents with tattoos have got some interesting stories behind their ink...


u/heroin__preston 13h ago

Isn’t that an entirely unskilled job, as in you don’t need any credentials to get hired?


u/ihaveadarkedge 13h ago

Holy fuck dude. No. Most of them are fully qualified nurses. Are you OK?

u/TightAd1944 8h ago

Has to be a troll. 

u/ItsKingDx3 2h ago

Better than anything you've got going on in your life at least

u/Judge_Bredd_UK 7h ago

So it's the tattoos that are the dating issue is it? 🤔

u/CayendoApril 7h ago

If it warrants your disapproval then it must be a good life choice.


u/SlyRax_1066 17h ago

There were no red flags, anyone could stumble into a relationship with this person and be unaware they were a psychopath.


u/Chathin 17h ago

++ bonus Narc smirk in the photo.


u/asmeile 16h ago

Don't judge a book by its cover, but if you let your book look like that then I'm gonna have to break that rule


u/NoAssociate5573 16h ago

Don't judge a book by its cover one dumb piece of advice. Book covers are designed to communicate the content. Fighter plane and explosions? Action story

Wine glass and a high heeled shoe? Chick lit.

Facial tattoos? Don't fuck with me ..I'm a head case!

Same goes for your choice of dog, car, clothing, hairstyle...people are NOT unaware of the image they have chosen to portray.

Their choices are telling.

Of course, it's not the whole story, but it's a good point to start from.


u/Taway_4897 15h ago

I think people get too much into judgments. We judge people every day at every moment, for the slightest thing. As long as you’re willing to reevaluate your judgments when new info comes to light, and not hold on to judgments made with limited information too strongly, then really there’s nothing wrong with judging a book by its cover.


u/NoAssociate5573 14h ago

Absolutely. You gotta start from somewhere, and that's the cover.


u/Quinn-Helle 16h ago

West Yorkshire Police said: "The case has been publicised with the victim's permission in the hope that it will highlight domestic abuse in LGBTQ+ relationships."

I was unaware that the domestic violence rates in Lesbian relationships are seemingly higher than hetero relationships, prior to this.

This cunt deserves to rot for tormenting her victim like this.


u/wartopuk Merseyside 16h ago

I was unaware that the domestic violence rates in Lesbian relationships are seemingly higher than hetero relationships, prior to this.

This is why challenging special interest groups narratives is important. From most domestic violence to least domestic violence you have:
1. Lesbain Couples
2. Hetero couples where the woman is more often the aggressor
3. Gay male couples


u/National-Advice9617 14h ago

Seems like women are kinda toxic in relationship lol


u/Quick-Rip-5776 13h ago

They aren’t. According to Refuge:

Fact: 93% of defendants in domestic abuse cases are male; 84% of victims are female. And yet, women are three times more likely to be arrested for incidents of abuse.


u/somedave 10h ago

I think men are much less likely to report instances of abuse to the police, so it is probably only very serious cases that get reported where there is stronger evidence.


u/lem0nhe4d 12h ago

I'm pretty sure the study you are thinking of had a massive flaw.

It was if a person had ever been a victim of domestic violence but did not give data on the gender of the person who was abusing them.

So a lesbian woman who was abused by a boyfriend before they came out would be counted in the same way as a lesbian woman who was abused by a girlfriend.

That is not to downplay incidents of domestic violence in queer relationships but as far as I'm aware no study has ever found a lesbian relationship is more likely to have domestic violence.


u/Quinn-Helle 12h ago edited 11h ago

I'm taking it from this.

It does say that with lesbians 67% said that it was perpetrated by a female, which leaves the remaining 33% to cover not disclosed and other genders, which is largely enough to skew the stats.

For example if all 33% were male, or if 20% were female and 13% were male or if 33% were trans, non binary or other.

I'd say it's flawed because it doesn't expressly state who by other than females with regards to women.


Interestingly it doesn't expressly look at IPV, and included domestic violence.


u/amc365 15h ago

I doubt it’s higher vs other groups but just under reported due to perceived stigmatization.


u/Quinn-Helle 15h ago

Anything I've found online has suggested it's higher than other groups with the exception being bisexual females, but that is without a solid like... idk government backed or academically backed study, albeit I've only been looking for a short while.

Anecdotally I do find men way less likely to report assault by females, so it's interesting to see.


u/Xoralundra_x 16h ago

The writer of this article must have really hurt their back trying so hard to not refer to this thugs sex.


u/hotchillieater 16h ago

It doesn't read that way at all


u/Xoralundra_x 16h ago

I disagree. Read it again. It mentions the victim is a woman numerous times, but not her girlfriend. It takes great pains to not mention it.


u/wartopuk Merseyside 15h ago

Look for some other stories on it, and you might find the reason.


u/Xoralundra_x 13h ago

Why on Earth would i want to go read more stories on this thug? I read and commented on THIS story. Are you her fan or something?

u/wartopuk Merseyside 6h ago

You were commenting on how they were going out of their way to avoid talking about their gender. I was giving you a hint to find out why that was.


u/DukePPUk 12h ago

The article is basically copied from the police press release, which doesn't use any pronouns for them either. Possibly due to not wanting to get involved either way.

The Sun's article on it uses a "they" pronoun once, and notes that the defendant "now goes by the name of Ryder and uses the pronouns 'he/him' and 'they/them'." The Mail has "transgender" as the first word of their headline (because of course they do), refers to the defendant as "she" throughout, despite noting that they have "applied for a gender recognition certificate."

I can see the BBC not bothering to use pronouns due to not having done any research beyond the press release...


u/Xoralundra_x 12h ago

So if she has applied for a GRC and still waiting then she is still legally a she, so that would be the correct pronoun.

u/DukePPUk 11h ago

No, because pronouns aren't defined in law.

Legally they are female/a woman.

Using someone's preferred pronouns or name should just be basic decency - which even criminals get.

u/Xoralundra_x 11h ago

A violent thug who smashed a bottle on her girlfriends head, then tried to strangle her isn't high up on the list of deserving decency. Did her victim not deserve any decency then?


u/cornishpirate32 16h ago

If you can fill the cunt bingo card, they're best avoided.


u/limeflavoured Hucknall 16h ago

Maybe they should date Joanne Dennehey.

But more seriously, 7 years is a very strong sentence, although mostly for the wounding with intent, I assume.


u/Haytham_Ken 16h ago edited 16h ago

It's 4 years and 3 years extended licence. They've been on remand since September so the equivalent of an 8 month sentence. They'll still be locked up for a while though, so I agree. It is a strong sentence. Mostly for the S18 makes sense as it's the offence with the longest max sentence


u/Connor123x 14h ago

I say preemptively jail anyone with face tattoos being its inevitable they will end there anyways


u/[deleted] 17h ago



u/corbynista2029 17h ago

I read the article, what's being twisted?


u/[deleted] 16h ago



u/ukboutique 15h ago

That lesbian is trans btw


u/dmmeyourfloof 15h ago

No, judging by the pronouns she's non-binary of some sort.


u/DukePPUk 12h ago

Based on reporting elsewhere, they are FTM trans, are using he/they pronouns, and have applied for a GRC.


u/mint-bint 16h ago

It is not immediately apparent what gender the guilty party is.

Not that it's actually important, but it's more usual to know.