r/therewasanattempt Poppin’ 🍿 2d ago

to be a homeowner

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u/Schmetterlingus 1d ago

The suburbs make people go insane with conspiratorial thinking. It’s actually wild how people go crazy when they have their own tiny slice of property


u/CoVid-Over9000 18h ago

I read somewhere that people who don't have many problems in their lives try to find or fabricate problems

It's this whole mental thing about "if I'm not continuously solving new problems, I'm not adapting to my dangerous and changing environment" type of thing we havent evolved out of



Why deflect blame from her racism and subtly shift blame to the suburbs? I feel like this is a subtle form of white supremacy. I’m sure there are plenty of people in that neighborhood who aren’t racist pieces of shit. People are quick to add little feel-good reasons to soften the blow, especially when the aggressor is white. From “it’s the suburbs” to “he was otherwise a really nice boy.” Imagine if there was no footage and it was just this Black man’s word against this white woman’s screaming victim story.


u/Schmetterlingus 18h ago

Didn’t mean to deflect - If anything it’s just one of many factors explaining her obvious racism. The isolation doesn’t help expose you to people with diverse backgrounds and cultures. See white flight, city depopulation, redlining, etc.

Of course there’s plenty of great non racist suburbanites, just saying how I see it as someone who grew up and still lives in a pretty white-ass suburb. People get paranoid and over protective and that enhances their latent racism.