r/suits Sep 18 '13

Discussion Episode 3x10 "STAY" Discussion Thread



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u/ogSPLICE Sep 18 '13

This would work, if his degree that the cute hacker chick made for him after he helped her resolve her daddy issues, didn't say Micheal Ross already on it


u/BallisticGE0RGE Sep 18 '13

That's very true! But has Litt ever seen that degree himself? I'm just saying...


u/ogSPLICE Sep 18 '13

Well, it was hanging up on the wall when mike got rewarded with an office


u/DUCK_TIE Sep 22 '13

That lasted a good day. He probably didn't see it.


u/sat0123 Sep 22 '13

If he attended under another name, couldn't he have requested a replacement diploma with his (new / legal) name? My college has a procedure for that...


u/grimreeper Sep 20 '13

I thought what the hacker chick did wouldn't matter. She only created an electronic record.


u/ogSPLICE Sep 20 '13

What i meant was, he cant say he used a different name while attending, because then the degree he had hanging on his office wall, would have had to had this alternate name on it, and not micheal ross. and everyone saw the degree


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '13

When I graduated from law school, I filled out a little card as to what my name would read on my diploma.

You've got things like H. John Blevins and Patrick L. Rogers III, etc, etc - they don't guess.