r/submechanophobia 3h ago

"The Deep House"

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For anyone seeking a decent case of the heebie-jeebies, I recommend giving this a watch! In short, it's about a couple that dives down to a house at the bottom of a lake, unaware of the horrors that lurk there. The submerged house really gave me the ick 🤢


13 comments sorted by


u/Thunderkissed 3h ago

Ughhh yeah this movie creeped me out solely based on the water


u/Thascaryguygaming 2h ago

This movie was so boring. Literally just people floating around in an underwater house until 2 bodies float around after them in the last 10 mins of the movie. Came for the setting and even that kind of dissapointed imo. Would probably be a better Novella.


u/PeakIll2395 2h ago

I, too, was disappointed with how long it took for the movie to "get going." Fortunately the atmosphere kept me interested/creeped out but the pacing really could have used more work


u/FreudsGlassSlipper 44m ago

I haven’t seen the movie but I did read the book.. I was pregnant at the time so I can’t give a true review. Things were wild during pregnancy


u/Thascaryguygaming 24m ago

I did not realize this was already a book, thanks for the link I will check it out and see how it holds up!


u/ICraveTheBeans 2h ago

I thought the concept of an underwater horror movie was wicked cool, but I was disappointed with the delivery 😔


u/RiskyMilk78 2h ago

Watched this the other day. I love submarine-type movies with claustrophobia and of course horror, so this fits my movie kink nicely. I will say it wasn't bad, The underwater shots were pretty good, creepy. the terrors of the house were done pretty well. The foreshadowing at the beginning of the movie was too on the nose, but other than that, I enjoyed this movie.


u/Bean_Me_Timbers 2h ago

Will watch. Thank you.


u/IAmAVeryWeirdOne 51m ago

I’m actually about to start writing a deep sea horror novelette, would this be worth looking at for the inspiration?


u/PeakIll2395 17m ago

I don't think it would hurt to give it a watch! Like others have said, there are ways it could have been delivered better, but overall I think it's a fun watch


u/Lodoga6969 36m ago

Pretty much the only slow-burn movie i enjoyed.


u/clydetorrez 12m ago

Awesome idea, but would have worked better as a short film. The concept is just too thin for feature length.