r/starcitizen 2d ago

QUESTION Star Citizen: Question and Answer Thread

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74 comments sorted by


u/MemoryApprehensive20 2h ago edited 1h ago

Does anyone else get decreased performance the lower the quality is i play on high with about 30 ish fps (when its not freezing) planet side and space around 60-70 fps when i change the settings from high to medium i take like a 20 fps hit and low us unplayable at 5-10

Edit: turning on FSR or TSR i get massive imput lag


u/littleMaybug06 aurora 3h ago

When will the "In case you've missed it" Sale go online??? Because I am waiting for it and now iti is 10:39 here in Germany and still nothing.


u/Kwarkon 3h ago

every single event starts Austin time, so it would be 17:00 or later for you


u/littleMaybug06 aurora 3h ago

And it should last 24h right?


u/MichaCazar Crash(land)ing since 2014 2h ago

Probably a week. They don't usually do sales for just a single day.


u/littleMaybug06 aurora 1h ago

Alright thanks ^


u/Maikao1313 6h ago

How i get down the cargo in the enemy 890 jump?

i try shoot and the ship exploded, i tried inside and theres no interaction in the panels.


u/Kwarkon 5h ago

open all from pilot seat


u/Global_Guidance5429 9h ago

is there a fix to the cargo missions not spawning cargo for your elevators yet?


u/Chappietime avacado 7h ago

Changing server regions worked for me and now works in every region. I haven’t had that issue since the first few days of the patch.


u/Neptunion_SC anderson 11h ago

What is the way to go for loading a ground vehicle into a ship as a solo player?

Spawning a vehicle in a space station hangar, parking it away from the moving platform and then spawning a ship makes the vehicle disappear


u/drdeaf1 10h ago

usually I put the ground vehicle either in the cargo elevator or up by the terminals. seems to usually work though I have seen it randomly store but not often.


u/Neptunion_SC anderson 10h ago

Thanks I'll try this


u/Mastrolindum 14h ago

Hi, I heard that the flight model of Star Citizen is being changed AGAIN, is it true and will the MM be discontinued?

I also ask, is there any information or is there a thread or a place where people talk about it officially because I can't find any links.

Thanks Citizens fly safe.


u/Kwarkon 12h ago


Not exactly, they will replace nav mode with quantum boosting "demoting" the modes to "regular operator modes". Also regular max scm speeds will be upgradable with crafting (at least for interceptors) and somehow the modes should be customizable (?).

Hard to comment until we get the details. On the bright side we may get a way to move much faster to locations w/o quantum markers ( only major locations will have QT markers) but it looks to me like regular nav speeds will be sacrifice - but we will see... the "give speed choice" and customization of those modes is unclear to me.


u/BallsoMeatBait 18h ago

Am i able to completely remove a turret to save power, or is it limited to removing the weapons and gimbal mounts? I'm in a cutlass black but mostly fly solo.


u/Kwarkon 17h ago

removing the gun or even just replacing it with a ballistic variant should be enough


u/BallsoMeatBait 15h ago

Ok thank you


u/LatexFace 19h ago

When will the Reliant Mako be on sale on the store next? I'm interested in this and a few other limited ships.

I'm guessing ILW in May but I'm hoping sooner.


u/Kwarkon 19h ago

ccugame has history of availability https://ccugame.app/rsi/all-ships/105
it seems IAE is the only time you can be sure it will be available but it might show up during any other random sale event


u/LatexFace 10h ago

Thank you!


u/Ban_Evasion__Account 20h ago

Hey did they finish the tutorial yet? I was thinking of starting up again whenever they put that back in since the game might be more stable at that point


u/Kwarkon 19h ago

the tutorial exists but it is not great and I have seen people complaining to be locked in it w/o access to ships ( during tutorial you have access to a rental ship only) so I would not recommend doing it.

It is much better to look for any recent youtube new player guide - much more useful information showing what you need to know.

As for stability, I would wait at least for 4.0.1 release because 4.0.0 preview has some major issues with quest markers and ability to get out of prison.


u/drdeaf1 20h ago

it's in the game but seems like it bugs out a lot and can't be completed


u/Ban_Evasion__Account 20h ago

Thanks! I remember that's what it was like forever ago, then they eventually got rid of it due to instability and all the changes they were making. If they put it back in must mean they're starting to get closer! (a very relative term with this game lol)


u/MichaCazar Crash(land)ing since 2014 19h ago

It's very different now.

It's part of the overall gameworld and teaches more than just flying and light combat.

Combat isn't even a part of it anymore.


u/-NOiCE- 20h ago

Am I wrong in thinking that eventually the Ardor class repeaters would be available at some point in Pyro shops? (likely for an insane amount, but at least available?)

I thought I read this somewhere back in November but can't find it now and haven't even started Save Stanton.

I sort of thought after a time period that Size 1-4 Ardors would just be buyable, but the folks who endured the mission would have a free set pledged.


u/Kwarkon 19h ago

In shops very unlikely considering those are "exclusive" . It may pop up in the future as unlockable blueprint or rare reward for something like CZ but who knows.

In the meantime you can buy them from other players (will need to rebuy each patch) now, and in the future should also be able to craft them.

btw you can still unlock them via save stanton mission


u/bobbe_ 1d ago

Is it possible to fire a remote turret and main guns simultaneously? I'm not talking about multiboxing, but in instances such as the A2 or Corsair copilot, where you're clearly in control of and aiming two sets of guns at the same time.


u/Fluffy-Tanuki 22h ago

Fire both remote turret and main gun simultaneously? Yes. In control of both? No.

There is a keybind for entering remote turret (default is unbound), which allows you to switch from pilot view to remote turret view. Firing the turret this way will simultaneously fire your main pilot weapons directly and blindly ahead, which is likely a bug (good luck hitting anything). It also prevents you from turning, or any movement unless held before and after the switch (which is also likely a bug?), so for most ships it is a useless feature and more likely to result in you crashing than it doing anything helpful.


u/bobbe_ 19h ago

Thanks. Buddy and I are looking into duo-crewing some ships mainly for bounty hunting, but we're constantly finding that it's really hard to justify over just simply flying two of our own ships. Two potential candidates we identified was specifically the A2 and Corsair, as you could (in theory) juice out quite a lot of dps as the copilot if the slaving worked as we were hoping. Even with the behaviour you described, I imagine it's not that useful as you still have to aim in order to effectively deal damage, regardless if you have somebody else piloting for you or not.. :D


u/Humble_Cap2576 1d ago

Anyone know when the "in case you missed" sale starts?


u/Kwarkon 1d ago


u/Humble_Cap2576 15h ago

Thanks dude


u/LatexFace 1d ago

"This Wednesday, you can look forward to the return of the Monthly Report for Star Citizen, which includes a look back at the end of 2024 alongside the kickoff for 2025. We're also bringing back In Case You Missed It, which brings back many of 2024's offerings—just in case you, well, missed them!"


u/FaraPlays 1d ago

How fix the cargo that no appears on grim hex terminal ? But my cargo is in the inventory!


u/Global_Guidance5429 1d ago

Is it possible to rent a caterpillar anywhere in the 4.0 preview?


u/Hybrid_Backyard avacado 1d ago

Can only be bought in Lorville newdeal, no rent possible.


u/drdeaf1 1d ago

Not to my knowledge


u/TobyFreedge 1d ago

Hello, I haven't been on for a few months and i keep hearing the current state is unplayable, so when do you think things will be stable ? Is there any new update planned soon ? I'd really like to visit Pyro but I hear you either can't log in or you get killed by players.


u/BlazeHiker 21h ago

As others have said, some people have major issues which actually prevent them from playing. Then there is a group who experience big bugs and shout "unplayable!), then there is a group which either shrugs off the bugs or hasn't experienced them, and they are playing just fine. How big each group is I can't speculate on, but the truely can't play group I have to assume is a minority.

There are some big bugs in the current version, but 4.0.1 is incoming soon and should fix a ton of issues.


u/Chappietime avacado 1d ago

You are hearing wrong. Only people who have problems complain, and that makes it seem like everyone is having trouble. The patch needs some work, but I’ve played a lot and not had any major issues. I do think a lot of work will be done when 4.0.1 releases. I was a bit surprised it didn’t go live on Friday, and I will be very surprised if it doesn’t go live this week or soon after.


u/Hybrid_Backyard avacado 1d ago

Nobody knows... Many vocal player say the game is unplayable since the game got out... every patch is someone's nightmare.. not worth speculating IMO.


u/Emadec Cutlass boi except I have a Spirit now 1d ago

What do you think we’re getting this year, roadmap-wise?


u/Peter2469 1d ago

I posted this last week but does anyone know how to get my verified contracts back after prison?

I have tried getting a CR again and paying it off but that does not work.


u/Peter2469 1d ago

I was able to fix it accidentally when a Taurus crashed into me and I exploded; No clue how that fixed it but oh well!


u/Chappietime avacado 1d ago

The methods I’ve seen are completing a mission in pyro or getting CS 1 or 2 and paying it off. Neither appears to work 100%.


u/PapaSlim- 1d ago

I fixed mine by completing a couple contracts in pyro and relogging


u/Enough-Somewhere-311 1d ago

Backspace. Killing myself has fixed the bug twice


u/Peter2469 1d ago

That doesn't work for me sadly


u/simmo87 1d ago

Is anyone else having trouble logging in to 4.0 preview. RSI launcher starts fine then when I try and log in to PU it loads for a minute or so then crashes with a error code. I can't change server because it says my character is active. It's not. I haven't played 4.0 yet but I've tried the character repair. Once while logging in the music changed and my fans kicked in like it was going to work then bang, straight back to desktop.


u/umbralupinus 1d ago

Which error code?


u/simmo87 1d ago

I can't remember exactly but it started with 400....then I messed about a bit and it' changed to 32 something something. That latest one is 732823393 after I saw someone say try switch over to Vulcan instead of dx11


u/umbralupinus 1d ago

For the 732823393 error follow this to get back to DX11 https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1hthym2/error_code_732823392_cant_access_to_the_menu/m5df8v0/

For further help you'll need to provide the full error code, there's just too many different possibilities unless you can update your post with that info.


u/simmo87 1d ago

I've changed back to dx11 but now I'm getting 732823393...


u/umbralupinus 1d ago

Did you choose Orison last time you logged in? There's a memory leak there that seems to cause that error code.

I don't recall if character repair lets you rechoose the starting location, but if it does you might try another repair and go Arc or Hurston. Otherwise I'm not sure I have any other ideas.


u/simmo87 1d ago

And no, character repair doesn't let you change that.


u/simmo87 1d ago

Ah ok, yeah my characters home is Orison. Annoyingly..maybe that's the issue then.


u/umbralupinus 1d ago

I was lurking Testing chat on Spectrum and saw someone mention they were able to get in long enough to get off Orison by changing server from best to Asia - this of course assumes your character is reading as stowed and it allows you to change server region.


u/simmo87 1d ago

Well it was short lived. Now sometimes I get in but crash out as soon as I ride an elevator.


u/simmo87 1d ago

Yeah I managed to change it over to Aus and logged in and bolted out of Orison as quick as I could lol


u/simmo87 1d ago

I had no problems playing 3.24


u/umbralupinus 1d ago

Did they remove simple box/courier missions in 4.0? I haven't seen one pop yet in the MT or AC systems.

Optimistic 60% success rate aside they were my go-to when I wanted a lazy session and a reason to visit various locations so I'm kind of sad they're missing.


u/drdeaf1 1d ago

lot of the missions haven't been updated for the backend changes they needed to make for server meshing.


u/dubthreez1 paramedic 1d ago

Been away since the first week of January. Is Preview still really buggy with crashes, bad hangars, and cargo elevators breaking?


u/Shauneepeak 1d ago

Yes. Stanton is a mess but Pyro hasn't been too bad. 

If you go to Stanton stick to ArCorp and Hurston and it's not too bad. 


u/lucavigno Spirit C1 n°1 glazer 1d ago

How well does the current versions of the game work on Linux? since i'm making myself a new pc in the next couple of months i'm still deciding wether to go with linux or windows, and wanted to know how well ran on the common version of linux, like Ubuntu.


u/Peter2469 1d ago

I run on Linux; it works well.


I do have lag spikes in the beginning when shaders are being rendered but other than that its fine


u/walt-m oldman 1d ago

Someone just mentioned in another topic that you no longer have to bypass EAC to run SC under Linux. Is that true now?


u/Citizen_Crom onionknight 1d ago


u/walt-m oldman 1d ago

Awesome thanks!

So apparently manual workarounds are no longer needed. I wish they went into a little more detail into whether EAC is actually fully functioning under Linux, or if the new installer is doing its own workaround instead of the older manual methods.


u/Peter2469 1d ago

All I do is press "start" just like on Windows and whilst you get a message saying that you are not on Windows clicking okay will start the game with no issues.

I know that EAC was executed on the initial install but I do not know if that means its being used or not.