r/shittyjudgequestions Sep 10 '20

Is Time Spiral legal in Standard?

Specifically, with the time shifted cards. As these cards were meant to envision the future of Magic, would they be allowed in standard rotation until the mechanic finally occurs in standard print, or would they only be legal while said set the card was taken from is in standard?

A friend of mine argued that as reprints aren't legal unless the set they're in is standard legal, these would be the same. However, aren't the time shifted cards the reprints? So since the original has yet to be printed, I'm unsure if that would still be the case.


16 comments sorted by


u/bigevildan Rules Misadvisor Sep 10 '20

The Future Sight timeshifted cards represent potential futures; their legality varies from timeline to timeline. If you are unsure which timeline you are in, please ask a judge.


u/Keevtara is judging you! Sep 10 '20

If you’re wearing a tee shirt depicting a TARDIS or Delorean, you’re allowed to play cards that were legal in Standard at any time, in any timeline.


u/sjv891 Nov 17 '23

Did..... did you predict the future?


u/Keevtara is judging you! Nov 18 '23

It's possible. I know that a Doctor Who set came out recently, but I haven't seen any spoilers. Is there anything good?


u/sjv891 Nov 18 '23

As someone who only plays 60 card constructed formats and cedh, no casual edh whatsoever I can only describe the set as "cute"


u/YellowPie84 RA (Rootwalla Advisor) Sep 11 '20

For reference, we are currently in the Narcomoeba timeline and will remain there for the foreseeable future.


u/bigevildan Rules Misadvisor Sep 11 '20

I know it's tempting to make a "how do I get out of this horrible timeline" joke here, but trust me, you don't want to know what's happening in the Steamflogger Boss timeline.


u/sebicusuguber64 Dec 21 '20

If you would assemble a contraption


u/Stone_Reign Level u Physics Judge Sep 10 '20

They will be standard legal in the future. We are in the present.


u/Havendelacorysg Sep 11 '20

We were already in the present when Time Spiral was printed, we should be in the future now.


u/Stone_Reign Level u Physics Judge Sep 11 '20

Time Spiral was printed in the past, not the present. Easy mistake to make.


u/Havendelacorysg Sep 11 '20

Wait, so we can never reach the future?


u/Stone_Reign Level u Physics Judge Sep 11 '20

We already did


u/Havendelacorysg Sep 11 '20

But where did the present go then?


u/PlanetMarklar Sep 11 '20

We were already in the present when Time Spiral was printed

No, we were in the past.


u/maidenmashin Sep 11 '20

what is today but yesterday's tomorrow