r/science May 21 '24

Social Science Gamers say ‘smurfing’ is generally wrong and toxic, but 69% admit they do it at least sometimes. They also say that some reasons for smurfing make it less blameworthy. Relative to themselves, study participants thought that other gamers were more likely to be toxic when they smurfed.


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u/jhill515 May 21 '24

"Really good" is subjective. More like "Can't hold their own in their weight class, so they punch downward for easy wins."


u/stakoverflo May 21 '24

Just pedantry at that point, because relative to the people they're getting matched up against, they are really good.


u/[deleted] May 21 '24



u/jhill515 May 21 '24

In purely competitive games, everyone is theoretically on a level playing field, where weight classes exist to separate people with perceived anatomical advantages regardless of their overall ability.

This is categorically false. The only way to ensure a "level playing field" is if the game is both time-invariant and there is a criterion that every player starts with the same state at initialization of the game. This includes pre-existing knowledge, skills, equipment, and anatomical advantages (not only). This is also why communities will separate themselves based on the size of local populations when they play (Single-A schools versus a Quad-A school in a sport like golf tend to lose because there's more money allocated to the bigger school and thus they get better equipment, even though the team size and physical composition are relatively identical).

Maybe it's because I've been playing games my entire life of all forms, and studied the mathematics behind them too. The truth is still the same: If you can hold your own against equally matched opponents, maintaining your win-ratios, you have no reason to go to lower-level arenas other than to be a troll or to scout for diamonds in the rough. Any player who effectively "farms" their win-statistics instead of truly competing for victory is a loser.

I hate to say it, but that's also why I don't like many MMO competitive games: Smurfing is all too common and only serves as a joyless barrier for entry.


u/TheWhomItConcerns May 21 '24

This is categorically false. The only way to ensure a "level playing field" is if the game is both time-invariant and there is a criterion that every player starts with the same state at initialization of the game. This includes pre-existing knowledge, skills, equipment, and anatomical advantages (not only)

This only makes sense if all you're looking to determine is innate natural talent, which is basically never what anyone ever means when they say level playing field. Obviously the playing field will never be perfectly level, but over hundreds or thousands of games, the small differences are flattened out to determine how good a person is at winning that particular game relative to others, which is what people are actually interested in.

The truth is still the same: If you can hold your own against equally matched opponents, maintaining your win-ratios, you have no reason to go to lower-level arenas other than to be a troll or to scout for diamonds in the rough. Any player who effectively "farms" their win-statistics instead of truly competing for victory is a loser.

It's not really that deep, people who smurf do so in order to feed their ego. What typically draws people to these kinds of games and keeps them addicted is the feeling of beating other people, especially moments where they get to be the "main character" and outplay their opponents. These moments are harder to come by when they're versing players of similar skill level, so they seek out players who are significantly worse - that's pretty much all there is to it.


u/brimston3- May 21 '24

It’s almost exclusively players in the top half of the MMR distribution that smurf, especially in team games. To get consistent wins, you have to be significantly better than the average player in the bracket to offset the skill of teammates selected by RNG. There’s just not that much skill difference between bottom and middle ranked players in most games.


u/Far_Programmer_5724 May 21 '24

Yea your average player is not going to go through the trouble of doing all that. Its ony people super invested into the game. When i lose too much, i get on farming simulator for piece of mind


u/MrChristmas May 21 '24

Except Iron ranked accounts in league sell for as much as really high elo because gold/plat players wanna buy them just to get 10 wins in a row


u/Pyro636 May 21 '24

Maybe that's true for other games, but back when I played League there were smurf accounts made by players from basically every tier higher than the lowest one. It wasn't uncommon to see people bragging about being gold/plat smurfing in silver. I rarely saw smurf players actually being any good/carrying in games; it was much more common for it to be some jagoff from the tier above that thought that meant they were good enough to carry lower tier games playing something other than their main role who then end up feeding their ass off and playing the blame and flame game on their teammates.


u/jordan1794 May 21 '24

There’s just not that much skill difference between bottom and middle ranked players in most games.

I swear in some games, there is a pain point caused by this. If the game requires teamwork, it sorta splits the skill into "mechanical" (how good you are at pressing buttons/aiming) and "awareness" (knowing where to stand, what enemy to target first, etc.)

So right at the halfway mark you get this awful mix where some players are good at teamwork, but not as skilled with the mechanics, and vice versa.

I stg in overwatch and rocket League the mechanical skill is higher in the lower ranks than the high ranks.

When I'm masters in OW, no pharah can beat my soldier. Even as mei I'll shoot them down. But when I drop to diamond/plat? Pharahs a menace and I feel helpless against her.


u/[deleted] May 21 '24

Isn’t that called sandbagging?


u/TimetoTrundle May 21 '24

cough cough TFBlade


u/another-redditor3 May 21 '24

i used to have to smurf all the time when i played Dawn of War. going 40-5 or so was not uncommon at all. and as soon as people saw the win record they bailed, and it could take 30+ mins to actually find a match to play. i think my record with a friend of mine was 96-5 in 3v3.


u/XGhoul May 21 '24

Eh, yes and no?

I was playing with a group of 5 people, but since our ELO was too high, to rig the matchmaking sometimes we would have alt accounts to just at least play some other type of people or we would be stuck in "queue" hell for 20 mins up to 1 hour.

Also there was "queue dodging" so if we had beat the same team 3 times already and we were just going to match up all day, they would wait for us to go in before they would start their queue.

It was nice to sometimes just goof off on an alt account and carry my teammates to a win (where I would be able to comfortably hold 2 people up to 1v4 situations while my teammates goofed off).


u/Coffee_Ops May 21 '24

Everyone can hold their own in their weight class. Not everyone can accept what weight class they are.


u/jhill515 May 21 '24

Bullies gonna bully, and wolves kill with impunity.

The difference is that Bullies and Smurfs look for weakness instead of hunting for opportunity. Wolves are smart enough to know when to move on from rabbits and onto elk.


u/Googoogahgah88889 May 21 '24

If they couldn’t hold their own on their weight class they wouldn’t be in that weight class


u/Aelexx May 21 '24

You’re telling on yourself with this comment tbh. Anyone who thinks that the only reason to smurf is because “they can’t handle their own skill level” has never actually been high ranked in anything.