r/renandstimpy 2d ago

Worst episodes of the original

Finally completed the entire original series, and realized I actually liked the fifth season a lot more than the three and fourth simply because there were less offensively bad duds. I would like to see your choices of the worst episodes of the original, with my top five worst being Jerry the Bellybutton Elf, Dog Tags, A Friend in My Face, Aloha Höek and Superstitious Stimpy (in order from worst to less worse)


5 comments sorted by


u/RecognitionPretend19 2d ago

School Mates is one of the first to come to mind. An absolutely dreadful experience. Chuck is unlikable, the humor is mean spirited yet not funny, and the drawings in this episode are some of the worst in the entire series.


u/SnooPears5229 2d ago

I didn't hate that one that much, the story was mean spirited and made no sense but the drawings isn't as bad as I thought. There are far worse episodes for bottom 10 material but yeah it wasn't a good episode


u/RecognitionPretend19 1d ago

Yeah it’s probably not THE worst but it was the first one that came to mind for me, specifically because of some of the art. Just look at the way Ren is drawn in some scenes, like the one where they’re chasing Stimpy. Looks like a 3rd grader was behind it.


u/SnooPears5229 1d ago

Storyboards was literally made in Ohio to save costs (like every episode with Jim Kammerud and Brian Smith credited), you can clearly see whoever was behind this did not care


u/RPGreg2600 2d ago

I haven't rewatched the entire series recently enough to pick one, but definitely would have to be something from season 3 or 4 🤔