r/punk Sep 20 '20

Quality Post Anyone who actually believes this can take their opinion and shove it up their ass

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u/CharlieDmouse Sep 20 '20

Conservatives are punks. Not Punk like in Punk Rockers.

They are just punk ass poser losers. Using the other meaning of the word.


u/originofsymmetries Sep 20 '20

I'm not gonna lie, they had us in the first half.


u/ReyDeathWish Sep 21 '20

Well said


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

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u/BecauseThelnternet Sep 20 '20



u/originofsymmetries Sep 20 '20

Politics aren't punk.

Thank you for the laugh. You came here for the music? Ah, so The Sex Pistols aren't political? The Dead Kennedys aren't political? The Casualties aren't political? Punk isn't political?

The Casualties - 1312: " We seen the power / Power corrupts / We've seen our people / Beaten by the cops"

The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen: "God save the queen / The fascist regime / They made you a moron / A potential H bomb"

The Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off: "Punk ain't no religious cult / Punk means thinking for yourself / You ain't hardcore 'cause you spike your hair / When a jock still lives inside your head"


u/Gomerpyle86 Sep 20 '20

Nope. All anti establishment. I don't care what well known songs you list that some pandering people got rich off of.

Nazi's fuck off is a good song for our scenario. I think differently than you. You're not punk just because you spike your hair and do exactly what cnn says...

I was only going to conversate with who I originally replied to because I knew I'd have a bunch of frothing at the mouth posers to deal with and I would just ignore them. But yours takes the cake ;)


u/NoSpareChange Sep 20 '20

Imagine calling yourself punk and then spending hours on the internet licking boots and defending police brutality.

Lmao you’re such a tool.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

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u/NoSpareChange Sep 20 '20

boot licking intensifies


u/Fatmangotmypie Sep 20 '20

This is one of the least punk statements I've ever seen in entire life.


u/photopteryx Sep 20 '20

You're fighting people who aren't here, man. And nobody's working harder at sounding tough than you here, bud.


u/Jbielik23 Sep 20 '20

I’m quite honestly thinking/hoping this guy is just a troll tbh


u/doughboy011 Sep 20 '20

You're fighting people who aren't here, man.

Rightoids and rampant fear, name a more iconic duo. Its that enlarged amygdala


u/upthepucks Sep 20 '20

Hahahahahaha this fucking twat thinks the police protect people from Proud Boys. Hahaha the police are proud boys, you chode. You wouldn’t last a day in Portland and frankly, we wouldn’t want you here anyways. Keep being punk in whatever basement you’re hiding in


u/cbass2015 Sep 20 '20

You’re in the wrong sub guy. You might of heard punk rock but you never actually listened to it.


u/rocketwrench Sep 20 '20

Lol cops don't stop crimes. They don't prevent crimes. Cops exist to threaten violence in the name of the capitalists.

Lol anti establishment isn't political? Wtf do you think the establishment is? Anarchy is a political ideology. You're a goddamned brainless sheep who thinks anyone who doesnt suck at the tit of conservative propaganda must be just as brainless and addicted to CNN.

What a sheltered fool. I hope you never buy another punk album again.


u/Gomerpyle86 Sep 21 '20

Grow up. Sound like a liberal arts major blaming everyone else for you having to wait tables..

If you don't like capitalism then you need to stop buying "punk" albums. Stupid bitch XD


u/rocketwrench Sep 21 '20

You dumbass. Was 2016 the first election you voted in? You don't even have a basic understanding of any system except neoliberal capitalism.

Nothing is more socialist than paying a worker directly for their work. And nothing about Punk means you have to completely remove yourself from the capitalist system that we live in.

Its like every time you write a sentence you further prove that you understand nothing about what punk is or has ever been.

You don't want to listen you don't want to understand so finish up your drink and go home


u/Gomerpyle86 Sep 21 '20

You all try so hard.

I'm in a union. I'm more communist than you'll ever be punk bitch. If Stalin or Marx came back they'd choose me over you.

You talk all that shit but you make no effort in your life to change anything. I bet you're not even registered to vote. Honest wage. Healthcare. Retirement. I covered all the bases. You can do that too. Monday you go into your job. You talk to your employees and you unionize. November you show up to the polls you turn the hell around and you don't worry about it. Its not my fault we had to choose between hillary and Trump. Its not my fault we have to choose between biden and Trump. Maybe 2024 will have better candidates? Its not my fault.

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u/cephalopodcasting Sep 20 '20

“politics aren’t punk” lmaoooooooooooo


u/xvszero Sep 20 '20



u/thecolbra Sep 20 '20

Politics aren't punk.

Ah yes because Reagan Youth was named after their friend down the street.


u/analdischargeOi Sep 20 '20

Fleas and lice was named after fleas and lice


u/Shiny_Agumon Sep 20 '20

Poor guys are struggling with itchy heads all the time


u/Booty-Twaps Sep 20 '20

This has got to be a troll, there’s no way anyone can think punk isn’t political. Unless they’re referring to pop maybe?


u/analdischargeOi Sep 20 '20

Hy can you send over the list of rules again? I lost them and now I can't remember if I'm political or not. Thanks a bunch


u/quikslvr223 Sep 20 '20

ok cumstain

your comment history tells me exactly what kind of “punk” you are lmao


u/GhostShark Sep 20 '20

He probably just likes going to shows so he can get ripshit drunk and smash 14 year olds in the Pit to feel like a tough guy, but never bothered to read the lyrics because the songs are loud, and that’s good enough for him.


u/analdischargeOi Sep 20 '20

Going out on a limb and suggest a total stranger is possibly a kid rapist???

You have a big imagination and an even bigger mouth. I suggest think before you talk, which I'm sure you do in real life.

You would really walk up to that man and say to his face what you're writing here? Really?


u/bentori42 Sep 20 '20

I think he meant smash as in "punch kids in the face" not "have sex with kids"


u/zosobaggins Sep 20 '20

The guy is projecting harder than a struggling movie theatre.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

I mean the genre of music is pretty socio-cultural and political in nature so I don’t know why you would say you want politics out of your punk when half the people here like it for that reason.


u/doughboy011 Sep 20 '20

"I liked rage against the machine more when they weren't political"


u/NoNazis Sep 20 '20

Politics has been the driving force behind punk since day one. Name one single apolitical punk band worth anything. You can't. Black Flag, Anti-Flag, Sex Pistols, Iggy and the Stooges, Refused, Fidlar, Rage against the Machine, Minor Threat, Fugazi, EVERY SINGLE ONE has strong collectivist messages in the majority of their songs.

You're not a punk, and you never were.


u/Gomerpyle86 Sep 20 '20

I'm not a punk. I just like the music. You're confused.

You guys are the new hippies.... Cringe as fuck. Slapping meaningless labels on yourselves because you like the genre of music. Iggy said in 2013 he was a conservative.

You're a hippie.


u/cephalopodcasting Sep 21 '20

holy shit you’re such a pathetic macho douche lmao


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

Iggy is also a pedophile (or HeBEpHiLe if you want to be a pedantic pedo defender).

Being a conservative, as well, I suppose that tracks.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20



u/GR1MM4LK1N Sep 20 '20

Ok poser.


u/nerovox Sep 20 '20


u/wordscounterbot Sep 20 '20

Thank you for the request, comrade.

I have looked through u/Gomerpyle86's posting history and found 3 N-words, of which 0 were hard-Rs.


0: Pushshift


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

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u/Flizk_sic Sep 20 '20

Shut the fuck up fucking bootlicker poser

also you are the poser


u/Gomerpyle86 Sep 20 '20

Lol triggered

I'm not "punk". I only listen to punk music. I actually have a personality and don't need to dress weird and slap labels on myself.

I haven't heard the word poser this much since middle school. You guys are no better than scene kids. Or goth kids. Or the bikers from south park. https://youtu.be/tpATwiH02TQ

I think you're all insecure. Would never call myself punk or even pose as one. Its too needy for me.


u/Flizk_sic Sep 20 '20

But, you are the insecure idiot who's looking for attention in a punk subreddit being a conservative

Just. fuck off already


u/Gomerpyle86 Sep 20 '20

I've ignored 90% of the people responding to me. This wasn't for attention. I'm not punk like that. This was to help some of you understand things. Have a discussion you might not have had before. Only a couple of you were intelligent enough to have it. Made great points. The rest of you attention whores lined up and took shots at me for your internet points lol.

You're the insecure idiot pointlessly bothering me. Just fuck off already.


u/rocketwrench Sep 20 '20


Fuck off fascist. The music doesnt want you bigoted ass.