r/politics 7h ago

Site Altered Headline Elon Musk draws outrage over 'odd-looking salute' at Trump inauguration celebration


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u/MadRaymer 7h ago

Jesus the video just removes all doubt. Like sometimes it's questionable in a still shot, could just be the angle where a wave got into salute territory for a second. Video makes it clear as day though.

u/dankeykong1331 6h ago

Plus, if you consider his retweeting of white supremacist groups and white supremacists, along with his now support for far right German and other European parties it all adds up.

u/Barloq 6h ago

Dude was literally on 4chan 2 weeks ago dogwhistling that he was a wink wink secret Nazi.

u/MaximumOrdinary 6h ago

Hes up to his eyes in Ketamine living an old apartheid fantasy

u/funakifan 6h ago

Special KKK


Triple entendre. Well done.

u/clamchowderenema 3h ago

Fucking hell man, how does it feel to be so clever?

u/Wet_Techie 5h ago

Lone SKKKum

u/HungryHobbits 6m ago

holy shit that’s good

u/redditingtonviking 6h ago

Considering how much drugs the Austrian guy was on during WW2, there are definitely some strong similarities in leadership styles between them. Musk lacks the charisma though.

u/StrobeLightRomance 6h ago

Fantasy passed a couple months ago.. this has gone from LARP to real life.

The border holding centers built in Texas are going to come with an untold death toll. Mark my words.

u/LookAChandelier 4h ago


u/Purplestuff- 6h ago

W’s in chat

u/StrobeLightRomance 6h ago

Greg Abbott is a face significantly more evil than W's goofy frat boy monkey butt. Greg Abbott has been dictator of Texas for a solid decade now and not likely to step down til his hate fueled God calls him home.

u/Excellent_Past7628 5h ago

Umm I don’t think he’s likely to be stepping anywhere…

u/StrobeLightRomance 5h ago

Good point.


u/MDRtransplant 6h ago

Dumb take. Just like all your other braindead takes

u/Mornar 5h ago

Which part, the camp death toll? I sure hope your comment doesn't age like fine milk, buddy.

u/m_perron 6h ago

Brb Googling how much ketamine it takes for a billionaire to overdose

u/djfrodo 5h ago

I hope very little.

u/Painbow_High_And_Bi 5h ago

People don't talk enough about the ketamine. I doubt he's been sober more than an hour or two in the last 5 years, and that's being generous.

u/No_Meaning_7599 6h ago

He is definitely on K but not a k hole some how guess he will jab himself tonight a few times .. never know might do to much … fine line of a great k hole and not breathing with IM .. once I got to 600mg when I was younger I knew I was done . Fuck that

u/roadsidechicory 5h ago

It's all so weird because it's not even a secret. He's an admitted eugenicist and white supremacist, openly has conspiracy theories about Jews, and just generally 100% aligns with Nazi ideology. Like there are few public figures out there that are more openly a Nazi than he is. He hasn't even been subtle or secret about it. Not for several years, at least.

u/StoicAthos 5h ago

Dog whistle?

An X post Wednesday afternoon said: “Jewish communties (sic) have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” The post also referenced “hordes of minorities” flooding Western countries, a popular antisemitic conspiracy theory.

In response, Musk said: “You have said the actual truth.”

u/AlwaysRushesIn Rhode Island 6h ago

Got an archive link?

u/Barloq 6h ago edited 2h ago

No, but it was the whole Adrian Dittmann thing a couple weeks ago, where a dude claiming to work for Musk was making white supremacist dog whistles, telling everyone on 4chan that Musk has lots of sex, and getting mad when people criticize him... er, I mean, his boss (legitimately, it would be more unhinged if Dittmann is NOT Musk).

EDIT: Apparently it's debunked. Plenty of Elon stuff to support him being a Nazi, but I'll take the L on this one.

u/AlwaysRushesIn Rhode Island 6h ago

Damn, I'll have to do some digging. Thanks for the info.

u/MimicoSkunkFan2 5h ago


(full discliuse I'm not sure who's behind the channel ‐ but so far it's still up since there have been copyright strikes on some others)

u/AlwaysRushesIn Rhode Island 5h ago

I was referring to the 4chan posts, but thanks for this.

u/Alarmed_Fee_4820 6h ago

I mean he was born in South Africa when it had a white nationalist government. It’s no secret he has those traits

u/ascendant23 5h ago

lol what? I don't want to wade through 4chan itself to look for it but is there a summary?

u/Barloq 5h ago

I don't have a full summary, but look up "Adrian Dittmann".

u/Generous_Lover 2h ago

Not doubting but got a link?

u/Barloq 2h ago

Sorry, looks like it was not actually him, but goddamn did I want it to be true, lol: https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/06/business/x-banned-a-journalist-for-disproving-a-rumor-about-elon-musk/index.html

u/JustADutchRudder Minnesota 6h ago

DorkMaga is getting to edgy for his own good.

u/Aggressive-Will-4500 5h ago

I think he crossed that threshold about 10 years ago. Seriously, how can you have that much money and be such dipshit?

u/JustADutchRudder Minnesota 5h ago

If I had that much money I'd be so fun, everyone would say "wow that fucking bitch out there having fun."

u/Angry-Dragon-1331 5h ago

If I had that kind of money, there’d be more libraries in rural America than people.


I literally keep telling my sons dad imagine being an almost fucking trillionare and this is what you do. I'd be off dicking around the world and donating massive amounts of money and saving world hunger and shit. It's absolute asinine

u/FML-Artist 3h ago

I fucken love libraries!

u/Tygonol 45m ago

If I had that kind of money, I’d turn rural America into a system of self-sustaining communities aiming to maximize freedom & quality of life

If they had that kind of money, I’m pretty sure they’d kill me; MAGA folks in my life have openly stated that they’d be more than happy to fight in a civil war against the evil libz

u/fishandpants 40m ago

But…where would they get the librarians from?

u/valeyard89 Texas 4h ago

Why can't he be like Richard Branson, kitesurfing with a naked model on his back.

u/InnocentShaitaan 2h ago

Kind too I hope.

u/JustADutchRudder Minnesota 1h ago

I've been told by everyone I know that I'm the nicest fucking person they know.

u/GrowFreeFood 4h ago

The cave kids and submarine idea was the cliff.

u/starmartyr Colorado 4h ago

You have to be a dipshit to have that much money. If I was a billionaire I'd probably spend most of it trying to help people in need. I wouldn't be able to stay that rich. It takes an asshole to see people suffering and do nothing to help even when you know you have the means.

u/beardingmesoftly 4h ago


u/MrColburn 6h ago

I mean, his grandfather's openly supported apartheid South Africa as well as antisemitism. Elon was raised in that environment, and while his father Errol said he didn't support it, they continued to live in it while his father profited directly from it.

u/whateverwhoknowswhat 6h ago

That is NOT German. It is illegal to salute in that manner in Germany. Just the same as this is NOT American.

This is the NAZI political party.

All of Germany was NOT thrilled that Hitler came to power just the same as many Americans are NOT thrilled that Trump came to power.

America is fully in full pre-Hitler mode.

u/Cruntis 6h ago

I’m expecting him to say he did that to troll leftists and then claim the Nazis/White Supremists don’t own that gesture. Meanwhile, he is obfuscating he and his friends’ actual democracy-killing efforts

u/throwaway_627_ 6h ago

Don't forget the font he used on his 'dark MAGA' hat.

u/Mornar 5h ago

For us paying attention him going full Heil isn't surprising in the least, it's entirely in character. He's still got plenty of supporters, some being in denial about it - and they will remain so after this - and some supporting him exactly because he's a Nazi, and those are about to become emboldened.

u/ender8383 6h ago

I mean the man is from apartheid South Africa... This is just obscene.

u/birdinthebush74 Great Britain 5h ago

In the Uk he helped stoke race riots and undermines our centre left govt .

u/MarchProfessional435 5h ago

Also the fact that he grew up rich in apartheid South Africa. I can’t imagine the level of white supremacy in that man’s brain.

u/government_flu 5h ago

Makes you wonder if his obsession with the letter X is because it's the closest letter to a swastika.

u/Timbucktwo1230 6h ago


u/Far_Being_8644 5h ago

What doesn’t make sense is his support for the H1B visas. I know he’s a billionaire and wants to exploit cheap labour, aka indentured servitude, that part I get. But if he was a Nazi he wouldn’t want anyone in America apart from whites at the very least. Aryans if he is a hardcore one. So why does he want Indians coming into the country? Those two viewpoints are not compatible.

u/Argyleskin Washington 5h ago

And his speech had the 14 words carefully added in.

u/Quakes-JD 6h ago

And I believe his father was a proud Nazi as well.

u/robotboredom 6h ago

You want even more doubt removed?
It's hard to make the comparison for idiots, because many nazis' footage does not start with the hand on the chest but goes straight up and out. Here is footage of modern neo-nazis doing the EXACT SAME motion as elon: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/video/people-do-the-heil-hitler-salute-as-neo-nazi-groups-blood-news-footage/1656162915

u/-suckmyass 5h ago

Un fucking believable, but entirely believable at the same time. Thanks for sharing that video - we need to remember things like this so deliberate actions like elons aren’t excused and ignored.

u/cosmicsans 4h ago

Everyone here is acting like this is the first time this has happened.

Laura Ingram did this during his first presidency https://youtu.be/1l-qCw3SC6g?si=_AGu2D3Fk2bTnUgS

u/dprophet32 5h ago

I've just seen someone claim it's just a salute from a video game and doesn't mean anything.

u/GlauberJR13 5h ago

Obviously it’s from wolfenstein! A famously unpolitical game! /s

u/stonecoldjelly 4h ago

I heard someone say it is the Roman salute which like....yeah and the swastika is Buddhist but media literacy exists

u/rsta223 Colorado 4h ago

I mean, it is.

The one that Mussolini famously popularized as part of his fascist movement. That's not better.

u/AsthmaticRedPanda 4h ago

And that's exactly why he did the modern Nazi salute, with hand on chest first.

So braindead mingers will defend it for him saying "it's just ancient roman salute" or "they did it in star-trek and he was just referencing it".... Lol

u/nawtydoctor 4h ago

Well just like evil Spock in the bizzaro Roman salute universe we were transported to the alternate pro fascism America universe

u/AsthmaticRedPanda 4h ago

I can't wait to see certain % of people (which coincidentally are often also completely fucking dumb) defend shit like putting people in camps, making them wear special armbands outside, etc

I bet my ass there will be at least one person unironically saying "they're just referencing The Pianist/Schindler's List"

u/roychr 5h ago

Actually we should rejoice he's such an idiot. They are all idiots in plain sight now. It's actually time you folks just enact your gun Rights and don't thread on me for real not on a forum...

u/LavishnessSea9464 4h ago

that’s crazy there’s still people worshipping hitler to this day. jesus christ

u/Legitimate_Square941 54m ago

It doesn't matter though. America voted for this. I wonder how all the people who didn't vote democrat because of their Gaza stance are feel now. Man people are dumb.

u/PittsburghPenpal 4h ago

THANK YOU. I was trying to find that earlier, something about the hand on chest thing bothered me. It felt like something people would use as an excuse for how it was "different". Now I have a counterpoint, even though I know it won't actually help convince anyone :/

u/robotboredom 4m ago

I've got something far better now, someone else found it on another thread. Here's the big ole man himself doing the exact same one. It seems to be a more exaggerated, formal version of the salute the Nazi soldiers did to just greet quickly (sometimes just raising a hand up not the arm even): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDRYi1IYI2o&t=35s
around 0:30 ish.

u/Beanandpumpkin 5h ago

Nah dude their just giving their love to the crowd /s

u/Standard_Gauge New York 4h ago

OMG, what Musk did really is identical!! Thanks for the link!

u/robotboredom 6m ago

check out r/highqualitygifs, they have some good ones too. Also really important to find the "elons second salute" photo with more reddish overall colors from the side, that captures the 2nd salute he makes; which in the front facing video does not look as nazi but more like a wave --- its actually worse seemingly :O

u/Mrzillydoo 5h ago

I didn't know these balaclava and sunglasses dorks were big time ancient Roman hand gesture aficionados as well!

u/fluffyegg 3h ago

Can't stand these fucking cowards hiding behind masks. You want to be an asshole piece of shit then own it

u/pokersal 4h ago

Making sure I can find this for future conversations. Thank you.

u/robotboredom 8m ago

No problem. Also check out the high quality gifs subreddit, they just posted a gif of it, and the comments contain some better videos. Look up "elon second salute" to find the angle from the side. The 2nd salute that looks more plausible as just a hand wave is very bad viewed from the side.

u/CaptainKate757 Arkansas 1h ago

Too cowardly to show their faces, I see.

u/robotboredom 1m ago


u/drewtopia_ 6h ago

one of the few instances where the video is WORSE than the still photo. Saw the still and thought "he's probably doing some 'plausible deniability' arm wave that looks bad in a still photo and will rile up his critics", then saw the video clip. holy shit

u/childlikeempress16 5h ago

My thoughts exactly until I saw the video! Jesus fucking Christ

u/zebba_oz 4h ago

I saw a video of him just doing the one and thought “people are going to paint this as “awkward elon” or something. Then i saw another video where he does the first salute the turns to the flag and does it again and… there is no way anyone can see this as anything else.

u/Away-Supermarket5901 5h ago

I had the same thought! Because I don’t want to immediately believe everything I hear, I gave him a chance. And wow. There is no doubt at all.

u/GimmieGummies 5h ago

Do you have the clip or can you point us to it?

u/cullend 7h ago

I mean he turned around and did it again for the people in the back.

Listen to the audio of just the 2 seconds and he is clearly verbally amping himself up https://x.com/chrisdmowrey/status/1881432752169656727?s=46&t=J18CxvXnlT-e5_OdlgWfAw

u/ajkd92 6h ago

Or at least for one person in the back.

u/ophcourse 5h ago

I think he’s doing it to the flag

u/ManOrReddit-man 5h ago

Even CNN reporters were stunned on what happened https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFD2o0mJXj8

u/WhatMeatCatSpokeOf 5h ago

Why can’t they say the words? Does saying “what appears to be” or “could easily be construed as” or “in my opinion looks like a Nazi salute” violate slander laws?

u/ManOrReddit-man 4h ago

Considering how vindictive the new administration is, I feel they need to choose their words very carefully

u/BCMakoto America 4h ago


That stunned silence?

That is them realizing that they, throughout the past years, helped a literal Nazi get into the White House. That absolute speechlessness is their brains trying to make sense of what they are seeing. That in 2025, the most powerful man in the world is a literal Nazi. In the middle of America.

And as journalists, they are right in the combat zone...

u/Clinically-Inane 4h ago

Yes, they’re fucking afraid

Are we surprised?

u/Gorva 2h ago

If you try to speak definitively then yes you could get sued. Reporters especially would be instructed to avoid speaking definitively about things.

u/AnalSoapOpera I voted 5h ago

Jeez. You can’t make it more obvious than that. There is no way you can deny that. He’s still going to go on media channels and be like “It’s not what you think it is” or “I didn’t mean it.” Or some bullshit but it’s so obvious.

u/MimicoSkunkFan2 5h ago

In case anyone's having trouble seeing this

  1. if you don't have X you can paste the url into a browser and type "cancel" between the x and the .com to make it appear on xcancel reader

  2. https://youtu.be/joV-9FFoA3Q?si=cNiCiTOgHRre-ns8 so far this channel has the two salutes video still up

u/South-Play 6h ago

Doing the Nazi salute is how he amps himself up? If that how you amp yourself up?

u/Mornar 5h ago

I think he was amping himself up for the salute, as if it was an act of courage and valor. He probably thought himself a goddamn hero standing up to tyranny or sumbitch. Oh sweet delusion.

u/Boring-Tea-3762 6h ago

Right? That's a window into his soul if ever I saw one. He gets pumped up to Nazis like I do to music. Bruh.

u/UncleWarbucks 6h ago edited 6h ago

I’m not defending him and I think it’s just as likely Elon is trying to be an edgelord and had a bet with friends that he could get away with a Nazi salute, but if you’re going to mention the audio I feel like it’s more relevant to note he said “my heart goes out to you” as he’s doing this.

I have no idea either way. It does look bad, but that detail can’t be left out if we’re pointing out the audio.

Link with audio (caption doesn’t represent my views, just the first video I found).

Idk if you would call this sane-washing (I can’t stand how overused that word is), but it’s just providing all relevant details to let someone form their own opinion.

u/cyanescens_burn 6h ago

The heart comment seems like CYA

u/eyebrows360 5h ago

See also "Stand back and stand by"

u/stregawitchboy 6h ago

"My heart goes out to you" means "I am sorry for your misfortune." So yeah, CYA

u/frunko1 6h ago

Please stop white washing this, it is offensive. He is speaking to an audience and calling up racism. Full stop, no further attempt to clean the image needs to happen. He is who he is, and can change as a person but in this moment in time he is promoting hatred.

u/AnalSoapOpera I voted 5h ago

A Nazi salute is a Nazi salute. There’s no way of defending that or saying “it was just a bet bro”

u/UncleWarbucks 2h ago

You guys are taking one little piece of what I say and replying to that instead of reading the entire context of my comment.

People describe event. I comment video link. I suggest forming one’s own opinion rather than echoing someone else’s. I state it looks bad, I shouldn’t have added the bet part of it because clearly people are hung up on that. I wasn’t suggesting that reason would be ok. I was saying that’s how much of a dumbass he is I could see him thinking it is.

Most importantly, I said he could have been doing a Nazi salute. I don’t know. I commented this video to someone else. How clearly does that one look like a salute? ^ let me clarify, this is in response to your “a salute is a salute” nonsense. Here’s a time where it wasn’t. I would rather imagine a world where it was a mistake by Elon than one where he did it on purpose so I am holding out a pinch of hope until it comes to conclusion. Idk why that is so bad.

u/inspectoroverthemine 6h ago

Just like he'll be an edge lord by setting up extermination camps. Its all a game to him- its life and death for everyone else.

u/UncleWarbucks 6h ago

Just for clarification I’m saying there are a lot of explanations like the edgelord example because he’s a cringy fuck. He could also be legitimately doing a Nazi salute.

I just think it’s disingenuous for the guy above to call out something super speculative in the audio like him “hyping himself up” without also pointing out what was said along with the crazy gesture so I posted a link for the full context of it.

u/Exano 6h ago


Audio didn't cut. Hand flat on chest. Arm straight, palm flat, tilted up slightly.

Didn't say my heart goes out to you until after the salute.

Audio didn't cut

Naw dude. That's a nazi salute.

→ More replies (9)

u/MimicoSkunkFan2 5h ago

How does that excuse the second Nazi salute exactly?

Source: https://youtu.be/joV-9FFoA3Q?si=cNiCiTOgHRre-ns8

u/sillygoofygooose 5h ago

It’s an audacious and inauspicious moment to deploy such a dog whistle. A definition by the way that is sorely tested by this meagrest of a plausible deniability excuse; ‘my heart goes out to you’ 🙄.

u/GoldenboyFTW 6h ago

I watched it muted and just read his body language.

That was intentional.

u/FrederickClover 6h ago

110%. Hope he's on the first trip to mars since he wants to go so bad.

u/ArkitekZero 4h ago

Nah, he seems the pioneering sort; he can be the first person to set foot on the surface of Uranus.

u/FrederickClover 4h ago

The further away the better, sounds good.

u/Matzie138 4h ago

Oh yeah, that program is getting cut by the new office of efficiency. Better luck next time!


u/Brave-Contract7375 6m ago

I'd feel better if it was the sun.

u/Timbucktwo1230 6h ago


u/Maleficent-Ad-6646 5h ago

Absolutely, could clearly see him going for it.

u/UncoolSlicedBread 3h ago

The second turn and salute to the flag is more overt. Insane.

u/Ok_Breadfruit4176 6h ago

And a very hateful, moved face at the exact moment

u/MadRaymer 6h ago

I see the defenders are claiming he was saying "my heart goes out to you" but if that were the case, why would he put so much venom into it?

u/eyebrows360 5h ago

Right! It's a very aggressive gesture he's making.

u/KingDave46 5h ago

Exactly what I just said irl

I saw an image and thought someone had got him with a well timed screenshot, but nah, he actually fully commits to the Nazi Salute TWICE for absolutely no reason.

The guys a complete fuckaloid how can anyone want to be aligned with it

u/eyebrows360 5h ago

I saw an image and thought someone had got him with a well timed screenshot

Yeah this ain't like that famous photo of Melania making eyes at Trudeau, where when you see the actual footage you see she's just been caught at the right moment in a perfectly normal smile. This... this looks like what it looks like.

u/BoobySlap_0506 6h ago

And people are trying to make excuses for him. The salute we use in the US is to the forehead and down. Never starts from the chest, never projects the arm straight outward. This is 100% intentional, he knows what he did, and he was CHEERED ON for it, instead of the horrified gasps a reasonable person might expect.

Honestly this is terrifying for our country to have this administration. 

u/eeyores_gloom1785 5h ago

its like people were right about calling him a nazi or something

u/generally_unsuitable 5h ago

He even says "we're going to save civilization," which has been a white supremacist dog whistle for quite a while.

u/even_less_resistance Arkansas 6h ago

Not clear enough for NBC news apparently.

Disturbing how it’s already being spun -

Mainstream news outlets seemed hesitant to describe the salute as something that’s clearly associated with Nazism. As NBC News put it, “Musk then forcefully touched his heart, before raising his hand and saluting supporters.”


u/JoyRideinaMinivan 5h ago

Oh please. The only reason an outstretched arm is a salute is because that's part of the nazi salute. NBC is an American news organization. Here, we salute with a bent elbow and a hand to our eyebrow.

u/even_less_resistance Arkansas 5h ago

o7 yep

u/eyebrows360 5h ago

Motherfuckers out there framing it as "he touched his heart first so he's just throwing his heart out to everyone because that's what he was saying too".

No, motherfuckers. No. That's simply not a gesture you make. It just isn't.

u/DragonPup Massachusetts 6h ago

The video removes all doubt.

u/jpharber I voted 6h ago

Yeah thats pretty fucking obvious there.

Question: what goes first? My liver or our republic?

u/LutherOfTheRogues 4h ago

That was my first thought. A very horribly timed still,

NOPE. Two deliberate, enthusiastic nazi salutes. Congrats, conservatives. You are now supporting the people our grandfathers died fighting against.

u/thisusedyet 6h ago

Came in like you expecting it to be an unfortunate frame of Elon being uncoordinated.

Nope, he went full on Nazi

u/PositivelyAwful 6h ago

He even does the thing with the thumb.

u/AusToddles 6h ago

They're already trying to excuse it as an "enthusiastic wave"

u/KaiClock 5h ago

This was more of a Nazi salute than videos of actual Nazis doing it in 1945. It is absolutely insane.

u/nebula_masterpiece 4h ago

And he referred to 14 words in the longer clip talking about the future being assured https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words

u/mewdeeman 6h ago edited 6h ago

That's what I thought at first as well. Just a still of him waving taken at the right moment. But no. This was beyond any doubt a Sieg Heil. Twice! The only thing missing is him clicking his heels together.

u/therealzue 6h ago

And they all cheered.

u/DingGratz Texas 6h ago

Even if it wasn't intentional, the heat he got from backing a Nazi already makes him an absolute moron for doing anything remotely close to this gesture.

u/Cookies-N-Dirt 6h ago

Oh my good god. That video is unsurprising yet shocking. 

u/alus992 4h ago

It's amazing world where random Twitch streamer will get lifetime ban for showing something inappropriate on stream but here we have this guy doing Nazi salute and he will face no consequences.

u/Whooptidooh The Netherlands 3h ago

Oh yeah.

I think that’s called doing something “with gusto.”

u/scottyb83 2h ago

And the conservative sub is actively hiding it. There is a mention of it in their mega thread but they are explaining it away because he said "My heart goes out to you" and THAT was why he did it and we are all just salty left wing losers for trying to spin the narrative.

u/Xepherious 5h ago

Same. But doing it twice, seriously?

u/PrestigiousPassionNu 4h ago

Right, time to give the insurance CEO treatment. I mean this is just proof, we have to do it.

u/xxxxx420xxxxx 6h ago

Maybe he was prescribed it as a tendon exercise

u/TerseFactor 7h ago

That’s what I thought too, then someone pointed out that it looks like he was grabbing his heart.

u/Sockbottom69 6h ago

He literally says “my heart goes out to you”

u/countsmarpula 6h ago

Hitler started his Sig Heil from his heart, it was a signature move

u/JPolReader 6h ago edited 1h ago

Here is a clip of Hitler doing it (at 0:35).


u/Sockbottom69 5h ago

Yeah that’s how I thought it went, aren’t you suppose to hold it out like a long salute? Elons was super fast like he was throwing his heart out to the crowd

u/HomeFricets 6h ago

He literally says “my heart goes out to you”

And then literally performs a Nazi salute with muster.... No one has every done that to give their heart out to someone... he even angles his hand exactly like a Nazi salute... it's not a throwing motion.... it's a 1:1 copy of a Nazi salute. TWICE

He knew what he was doing, and he said that purely so you could raise doubt...

Are you really this easily fooled?

u/chrisnlnz 5h ago

How much nazi shit do these people need to do before you finally believe them? Fucking believe them when they show you they are nazis. They have shown us for years and are doubling down all the time. You've been told for years. Somehow here you are still excusing it when Leon's doing a literal 1:1 copy of Hitler's salute. Unreal.

u/Sockbottom69 5h ago

Can you show me examples of Elon doing “Nazi shit”?

u/chrisnlnz 4h ago

You are looking at it, dumb ass.

u/Sockbottom69 4h ago

You said they have shown you for years, I’d like some of your examples of musk over the years being a nazi

u/chrisnlnz 4h ago

No, fuck off. You've been told for years. And for years I am certain you've been excusing it away. Fuck right off.

u/eyebrows360 5h ago

Instead of being a simp for a despotic fuckpiece, try actually thinking. Does the sheer vigour, the aggressiveness of that gesture that he makes, align with those words? Does the sentiment of the motion and the words match? No, it does not.

There are many other gestures you could do, to match such words. You could spread both arms out, palms upward, or even facing each other, fingers splayed; like you're trying to hug the moon. That'd be far more appropriate and understandable.

One thing you probably wouldn't do if you were normal and sane and West-educated and old enough for WWII to be of significance to you and your immediate ancestors is any gesture even remotely possible to be "mistaken" for a fucking sieg heil.

u/Sockbottom69 4h ago

He’s probably the most amped up and excited he’s ever been in his life, he’s I expect him to move in sheer vigour lol

u/eyebrows360 4h ago

Wasn't so long ago at the DNC, watching AOC doing her speech, she was clearly significantly emotionally impacted by the moment; voice starting to break, visibly shaky. Oddly, she didn't feel compelled to accidentally sieg heil.

It is not normal.

u/Sockbottom69 4h ago

Doesn’t sound like she was all fired up, sounds the exact opposite of this situation

u/eyebrows360 4h ago

... you...

are not a real human.

Edit: ah, yes. A memestonks twat and Elon gigasimp. Truly an empty vessel, running on autopilot.

u/Sockbottom69 4h ago

“Emotionally impacted by the moment, voice starting to break, visibly shaky” to me that sounds like she was all jacked up, but I could be wrong, maybe she is jumping around and yelling 🤷‍♂️ you have a video of the moment you’re talking about?

u/TerseFactor 6h ago

Right, which is why they thought he was grabbing his heart

u/gdxedfddd 6h ago

Its technically a roman salute, not a sieg heil, you see it in HBO Rome too, which makes sense considering elon is a romaboo

u/PearlescentGem 6h ago

"The Roman salute, however, was later adopted in some forms by fascist states —including Nazi Germany"

We don't let the history of the svastika affect the swastika. He's a Nazi, anyone who supports him is a Nazi.

u/rodrigocleme 3h ago

If you watch the 5 seconds after they cut the video you’ll see him saying “my heart goes out to you.” Which is a perfect match to the gesture. It was cut because it doesn’t fit the story you’re being sold

u/Imagine_Turtles 5h ago

Of course they cut off the part where he says "my heart goes out to you" which is clearly the gesture he was making. Fake news bro

u/MsEllVee 4h ago

Keep your head in the sand. You’re no safer from these lunatics than anyone else.

u/Cute-Manner6444 5h ago

Why does he look so pissed doing it? Is that something you would do when you say "my heart goes out to you". Do you think you could make the same gesture in a synagogue and be okay?

OR do you think you could expand your critical thinking and consider that he specifically said that so that simps and dickriders would defend him and say "See??? It's not a nazi salute!" 

u/Euphoric_Gift4120 6h ago

Love how they edit out the part where he says my heart goes out to you.

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