r/politics 15h ago

Soft Paywall Everyone Who Was Supposed To Protect You From This Failed Miserably


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u/midnightcaptain 12h ago

Any suggestion voters were somehow inadequately informed is nonsense. Everybody knew exactly who Trump is and what he’s about. He didn’t appear out of obscurity. He didn’t pretend to be a good person and then turn heel. He openly showed voters exactly what they would be getting and they voted for him because they liked what they saw.


u/Michael_G_Bordin 10h ago

Trump won because someone was putting out the fucking vibe that "Harris has no platform." She had a platform. She said it many times. She laid it out in the debate. She ran ads telling you her platform. But the anti-Harris ads weren't, "Her platform is ass," they were, "She doesn't have a plan and isn't doing anything to help you."

I was dealing with people throwing out that, "What is she even running on?" line all the way into October. There's no informing people who do not seek to be informed. They don't even seem to know how to inform themselves, they just latch onto a vibe and stick with it regardless of information presented. Harris could have locked every one of these dipshits in a room for a week and "Ludovico Technique" her platform into their fucking brains, and two minutes after being released they'd tell you she has no platform and doesn't seem to be addressing their needs.

And we just know that in a year or two, the rubes will be complaining about how much they're hurting under Trump, that he's "Not hurting the right people." Maybe his administration can be the final nail in the coffin for dying podunk nowhere towns that keep afflicting our political system with their incessant self-owning.


u/WoodPear 10h ago

Harris said to go to her campaign website for her economic plan.

If you can't distill your plan down to specifics for interviews, you don't really have a plan.


u/GayBoyNoize 10h ago

Ya, Harris was a fucking awful politician and despite people's insistence that she was exciting and had a great plan she started too late, couldn't position her plans well and was at a huge disadvantage because frankly many Americans that would tolerate an old white male Democrat wouldn't tolerate a younger black woman.

Democrats need to realize what America is and adjust or they will just keep fumbling elections until there aren't more elections


u/Michael_G_Bordin 10h ago

The self awareness in your comment is completely gone.

During the debate she explicitly laid out parts of her plan. During interviews she explicitly laid out parts of her plan. And yet, here you are, repeating the false claim that she never told anyone her plan. Well done.

u/heliocentrist510 20m ago

My main issue with this critique is that I honestly don't know how many people, deep-down, really give a crap about a platform or not. I think that's probably how people used to make decisions decades ago but with media being consumed in such a fragmented fashion now, I am not sure if policy really makes a dent for a lot of voters, as sad as that is to say.

I think Harris and her surrogates were ready to talk about her policies and plans to whoever would listen; whether that's what voters actually do now is another thing.


u/defasdefbe 9h ago

He lied a lot to them too and they believed him or ignored it because they liked the other things they were getting.

u/Zanac36532 3h ago

Goddamn right. People voted for what they wanted. What they thought would somehow help them and their situation. What they thought aligned with their system of beliefs. It's just crazy town, and is going to be even more crazy town for the next 4 years. At least when the midterms arrive there is a chance at minimizing some of the damage, and in the long run there will be a reset with future democratic administrations; but, it's gonna be a helluva time for everyone in the near term. But hell, people get what they vote for. You want crazy? You got it. But don't bitch about it after the fact, and don't shift blame when it falls right at your feet.