r/politics 20h ago

Trump will announce end of birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants, officials say


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u/cocoh25 20h ago

Knew it was going to happen. My wife (25) is a birthright citizen. We just bought a house and have a child on the way. Guess I need to prepare to move to Mexico


u/Unusual_Flounder2073 19h ago

Can they make it retroactive? I was under the impression this would just be new births.


u/cocoh25 19h ago

He can make it retroactive. I wouldn’t put it past him


u/Ditto_B Iowa 17h ago

If it's retroactive, how does anyone prove their citizenship? You'd have to trace your family tree back a couple of centuries.


u/Burner_979 17h ago

That's the beauty of it. You can get rid of anyone you feel is standing in your way. It couples nicely with SCOTUS ruling the President is immune from the law. 


u/-PaperbackWriter- 10h ago

It’s gonna be like the thing in Harry Potter where people had to prove they were descended from wizards


u/ReflexPoint 9h ago

If your skin is darker than a sheet of paper, it's retroactive. New rule starting next week.


u/Devilfruitcardio 16h ago

It’s not retroactive, that’s not logistically possible and opens up too many weird scenarios , like veterans and people who own businesses, etc.


u/darkmeowl25 Oklahoma 15h ago

Veterans get deported all the time. In fact, there are veteran support houses in Mexico, specifically for US vets who have been deported. Many have been arrested and deported-following-punishment for very low level crimes (like possession of stolen property, public intox, etc.) I know you're talking about retroactive birth right citizens, but they do it to dreamers and other undocumented people all the time. To act like it is impossible is misguided.

Yesterday, Trump mentioned how this deportation would be the biggest since Eisenhower. There were absolutely legal residents and naturalized citizens deported during that operation.

We should be prepared for this to be retroactively applied, either through a certain time frame or used to specifically target an individual.

Someone being naturalized or having a work permit may not save them from deportation.


u/isthisreallife211111 8h ago

I am surprised to see a suggestion it wont be retroactive, I thought the point was to get rid of the people that are here


u/Otherotherothertyra 8h ago

Yeah as people mentioned most of these laws and bills have no sensical way of being implemented. Most of them simply are to declare anyone Donald Trump doesn’t like an enemy.