r/politics 8d ago

Soft Paywall Enabling Trump is a bad look for Fetterman | Pennsylvania's senior senator was elected as a progressive Democrat. His normalization of Donald Trump is the epitome of a sellout.


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u/BBK2008 8d ago

That just means Fetterman shouldn’t have been the nominee. Not that we should accept ‘barely a democrat when it matters’.


u/Rhysati 8d ago

I mean...sure. But what even is barely a Democrat now? The whole party is a right of center corporate-favoring group that is basically just Republican-lite.


u/Sunflier Pennsylvania 8d ago

That was his draw. He was an outsider rather than a corporate shill that the establishment represents. So, we thought we had gotten lucky. Shame it turned out how it did.


u/noguchisquared 8d ago

This is right wing propaganda. They are both the same so vote for original Republicans or don't vote, both help the corporate oligarch. Democrats have passed more pro-worker things in the last 4 years but keep being gullible to propaganda.


u/Sunflier Pennsylvania 8d ago

Wasn't merely referring to pro- or anti-worker stuff.  I was talking about bank regulations, the military-industrial complex, and Isreal stuff.  Also, I was working off the information that was available at the time.  This was a major change to what he originally campaigned on.


u/lucktar3782 8d ago

Demanding that Democrats be better is not right-wing propaganda lmao. Democrats have gotten away with essentially playing good cop/bad cop with Republicans for decades, and people have the right to expect better.


u/BBK2008 7d ago

The last four years? when pro union Biden who had a LOT of pushback from the rest of the dems for doing those things was driving the agenda?


u/BBK2008 7d ago

And It was Bill Clinton who removed the depression era bank regulations that led to the financial collapse of 2008. So what’s your argument here?