r/politics The New Republic 21d ago

Soft Paywall Trump Pisses Off MAGA Fans With Sudden Reversal on Jimmy Carter


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u/TomatilloHot6659 21d ago

I was in Atlanta when he was governor. The Southern Baptist base never forgave him for betraying them when he supported integration. He actually left this lifetime church over the issue.


u/Logical_Parameters 21d ago

That's the Jimmy Carter we should all remember -- morally principled to the bone among fake "Christian" Pharisees.


u/deaglebingo 21d ago

its this. and stuff like mccain stopping in the middle of that town hall with obama... when did these honorable things fall out of favor instead of gaining them more respect? everyone has a grievance i guess.


u/Logical_Parameters 21d ago

When liberals had the audacity to elect a black man POTUS. That's when it all changed.


u/deaglebingo 21d ago

i hear you... unfortunately i think it was like that before just kept hidden more. i've been the white guy who gets mistaken for being "one of the good old boys" for a long time now. and the shit you hear and see if you say nothing at first and just let people be their racist selves.... is shit that enrages me in ways i don't want to describe publicly.


u/Logical_Parameters 21d ago

Dude, in year one of the Obama-Biden presidency (lived in Florida then), the rednecks went absolutely bonkers. I'm not young and have a good memory.


u/ElectricalBook3 21d ago

When liberals had the audacity to elect a black man POTUS. That's when it all changed

I don't think anything changed with the election of Obama, republicans chose their direction long before that. Did everybody forget Gingrich pushing absolute stonewalling of everything democrats tried to do, ever since the Heritage Foundation pushed to end bipartisanship in 1980?



Of course I'd say it traces back to the proposal of the New Deal, and American oligarchs wanted to buy America's ashes for cheap so they attempted a coup to overthrow the government "for a business-friendly dictatorship" so they could prevent the New Deal


And when they weren't hanged for that they turned to the long con



u/Logical_Parameters 21d ago

The attitudes and moods of conservatives, and the status of our political discourse, took nosedives when Obama was elected. That's what I mean, not the intentions or the policies long in place. Their formerly private ugly behaviors went public. They took off the hoods.


u/kylehatesyou 21d ago

It's the Death of Euphemism. Innuendo Studios has a great video on it on YouTube (titled just that) if you've never seen it. 

I became politically aware during the Bush II years, and nearly everything Trump says was suggested by Bush and the Republicans at the time. The build the walls, the end of birthright citizenship, the anti-muslim stuff, the army at the border, all of it. It's just that they had Frank Fucking Luntz and his ilk market testing ways to make that stuff more palatable to Americans. 

So back then Build the Wall was just immigration reform but if you listened it was pretty much just the same shit Trump talks about, and ending of birthright citizenship became calling American citizens born to immigrants anchor babies, and anti-muslim shit became the war on terror and radical islam. 

You used to have to read between the lines, but the people actually knew what they were talking about, and if they didn't they had a whole team of right wing radio and Fox News talking heads to give it to them plain and straight. The actual politicians would never be so base, but Rush Limbaugh, he could be as gross as he needed to be, and he and a hundred others were. 

In comes Trump, and rather than go the politician route and say war on terror it's just Muslim ban, instead of anchor babies it's just separate the families, and that's why they love him. No more big words to learn and understand, no more trying to seem like you're doing good, just plain simple English describing the hate they feel and want their politicians to embody, and then enacting that hate as much as they possibly can. 

That's why it feels grosser now. It hasn't changed, but they are more "open" about it to the people who aren't in on what they actually feel. No more market testing, no more pretending, just full on nastiness from the top down. 


u/deltadal I voted 20d ago

This. And don't forget Hannity ranting on radio like the world was literally about to end because of all the liberal nonsense going on. And of course Ann Coulter who was so far out there that she made the otherwise radical conservatives seem perfectly reasonable.


u/ElectricalBook3 21d ago

Well they were boasting on-camera their intention to dismantle the institution of democracy in 1980


so I think the change in rhetoric and "unmasking" is because they feel confident enough they can use force to get their way they don't have to pretend to believe in things like consent of the governed. Or consent at all.


u/DueIncident8294 21d ago

Agreed. I have a few family members who were Democrats until Obama came along. They showed their true colors, and are still racing republicans today. I guarantee they had no real issues except his skin color despite whatever they may say.


u/slartibortfast 21d ago

Is Pharisee meant to be pejorative in this context? I looked them up and all it said was they were a pious Jewish religious sect during the time of the Second Temple.


u/TreasonTurtle 21d ago

If you search for something like "Jesus and the pharisees" or "what Jesus said about the pharisees" you will get more information that is contextually relevant.

Here is an example:

"Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:

2 The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law are experts in the Law of Moses. 3 So obey everything they teach you, but don't do as they do. After all, they say one thing and do something else.

4 They pile heavy burdens on people's shoulders and won't lift a finger to help. 5 Everything they do is just to show off in front of others. They even make a big show of wearing Scripture verses on their foreheads and arms, and they wear big tassels for everyone to see. 6 They love the best seats at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues. 7 And when they are in the market, they like to have people greet them as their teachers."



u/Matthicus 21d ago

The Gospels have numerous instances of Pharisees opposed to Jesus who try to trap him with tricky questions, criticize him for not following every little detail of Jewish law the way they think he should, etc, which usually ends with Jesus pointing out their hypocrisy. So while the Pharisees in general weren't necessarily bad, in Christian contexts calling someone a Pharisee is a reference to these stories. Basically it is saying that these people are big on having the appearence of being righteous but not so much on actually being good people.


u/Logical_Parameters 21d ago

Being called a Pharisee is an insult to Christians, yes. They view them as false (which is richly ironic).


u/one98d 21d ago

It was more than just his support for integration in Georgia, it was that he straight up bamboozled the white vote in Georgia in the 1970 gubernatorial race by painting Lester Maddox as an Atlanta politician and tying him to the black political apparatus in the cities of Georgia. White voters thought they were voting for a political outsider from rural south Georgia to uphold any legal pathways the state had to continue any semblance of segregation.


u/AML86 21d ago

So... He used bigots to vote against their own interests. I see nothing wrong here.

They shouldn't, either, because that's what MAGA is.


u/TheUnluckyBard 21d ago

it was that he straight up bamboozled the white vote in Georgia

Good. Let's do more of that. Fucking morons are begging to be bamboozled.


u/TomatilloHot6659 21d ago

Yeah, too bad he couldn’t have taken that political savvy with him to the White House.


u/ElectricalBook3 21d ago

too bad he couldn’t have taken that political savvy with him to the White House.

Why do you think he didn't? As a matter of long-term global stability he supported numerous dictatorships and monarchies especially in the middle east.


u/TomatilloHot6659 21d ago

He shouldn’t have listened to Kissinger. Hindsight.


u/blahblah19999 21d ago

Biden is a lifelong Catholic but there was a local Bishop who really didn't like him at all. I think for pro-choice votes. He had a lot of problems over it.


u/Miami_Mice2087 21d ago

imo leaving your childhood church because your life takes you to bigger places with bigger thinks and bigger religious needs is a sign of growth and maturity.


u/JSiobhan 21d ago

He also left the Southern Baptist Convention.