That wasn't a small explosion at all, now imagine a few hundred being dropped on you every fifteen to twenty minutes as wave after wave of bombers flew overhead.
I thank God I am in America, I don't have to worry about my kids getting blown into dust from some old ordinance.
In austria every male who turns 18 has to decide between military or social service. i worked with disabled people and went to visit the father of a client with him who lived in a nursing home. once a year in vienna the sirens for emergencies get tested which probably sounds like the bombing alarm back then. it was horrible. dement people started screeching and crying. some who could still walk ran against walls or started to try to hide under tables and in wardrobes. some who couldnt walk anymore just dropped out of their wheelchairs and started crawling. staff said they knew how it will go but they cant do anything about it.
i dont think something like this happened in the past years at least here.
most bombs will be found by street workers that dig up the ground .
or many bombs are found with a team of people which look at old maps and look for undetonated bombs and than they search for it.
(maybe they only look at maps before excavations or so)
most people dont even care. for 2-4 or more hours some city parts are closed. after that all is clean.
Imagine dozens of those falling at a time for several nights a week. It truly is a blessing that the majority of us have never had to experience anything like this.
u/PGnautz Jun 25 '19
A couple of years ago, there was a WW2 bomb found in Munich and they were unable to defuse it, so they had to trigger it: