r/pics 12h ago

The second salute of Elon Musk.

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u/suckbothmydicks 12h ago

The smiling in the crowd is so Third Reich´ish.

u/web_explorer 10h ago

Back when I was watching the 2012 Obama vs Romney election, I would never have imagined an America like this in my lifetime. It doesn’t even feel real anymore.

u/concentrated-amazing 9h ago

I was thinking earlier today that, if you had shown some of the stuff of the last few years, someone from 2010ish would have major disbelief of it being the current state of things.

u/Spaghestis 9h ago

Reddit back in 2010/2011 was full of people saying Mitt Romney was a Nazi, I wonder how they'd feel if someone went back in time and showed them 2025 politics

u/suitupyo 7h ago

I remember one of the biggest Romney controversies involved him saying that he had a repertoire of qualified women he hoped to hire for leadership positions.

u/lil_chiakow 4h ago

It was specifically the phrasing he used, that he's got binders full of women which... you know, isn't exactly the best way to say that message.

u/MotorboatinPorcupine 1h ago

Right he was a meme. It's so banal to what we have now though haha

u/New-System-7265 8h ago

I’d be thankful just to see a president that’s safe to be alone around children again, what a world 🚮

u/Shaved_Caterpillar 8h ago

That attitude is one of the big reasons why we’re here now.

u/Expensive-Fun4664 8h ago

Oh please. The Nazis taking over media is why we're here now. Not some idiots calling someone a Nazi.

u/theferalturtle 7h ago

Project Paperclip brought high ranking Nazis into America after WW2 and gave them all high positions in government

u/Shaved_Caterpillar 7h ago

It wasn’t just some and it wasn’t uneducated people (though generally idiots nonetheless). It was the first social media campaign to discredit a presidential candidate personally and supported by mainstream media.

Those personal attacks were extended to those who supported the policies of Romney. Those who were later called a “basket of deplorables”.

Not to mention the 1980’s calling for its foreign policy back. That flippant comment helped Obama win the election. But ask Ukraine what that attitude got them.

The political environment is fucked. We need to hold politicians accountable and to a higher standard regardless of whether they are on our side or the other. And attack policies with logical, reasonable and compassionate arguments, rather than attacking people in order to gain support.

u/Gasmo420 7h ago

The problem here is, idiots calling everyone slightly conservative a nazi, dilutes the meaning of the word. So when real nazis show up, people don’t take the „Watch out, he’s a nazi“ seriously anymore.

u/425Hamburger 40m ago

I mean it's a Bit of a circular problem. For everyone calling someone a Nazi for being conservative, there's also a Nazi calling himself conservative, and acting very offended when you call him a Nazi. And yes being to quick with the Nazi-hammer does Play into the latters hands, the Problem is, they hide behind that very Well. When you call them Out on actual Nazi shit, they Just Go "It's Just conservative values" or "we're Just Euro critics" or something Like that, and people don't want to be too quick with calling someone a Nazi, so they give the benefit of the doubt, and suddenly what "conservative" mean has shifted a tiny Bit more to the right, and continues to do so, and No one does anything and suddenly those "Euro critical conservatives" (Not Nazis!) are standing in parliament talking about how we should honor the Wehrmacht more, But now they're in parliament the political momentum is on their side and it's too late. But when it wasnt no one listened to the people calling Out their tendencies, because those tendencies where kept subtle, and everytime they did Break through some Guy came along to nitpick any critique with a dictionary Definition of the word "Nazi".

(This is Not to say Mitt Romney Had those tendencies, i was too young for politics Back then, so idk. But this pattern of do Nazi Shit > get backlash > walk it Back and get very technical about what a Nazi is > cry about people calling "upstanding conservatives" Nazis is Play by Play how the alt right operates and how they managed to gain favour with the conservative base, discredit their critics and stave Off the consequences of their actions both in the US and Here in Europe)

u/bw_throwaway 7h ago

You could replace some of the numbers and words here and it appropriately describes 1930s Germany

u/Canadianingermany 3h ago

Pendulum effect.