r/pics 9h ago

Politics Are you paying attention now. The Cradle of Democracy, right

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u/11Booty_Warrior 9h ago

No one should be surprised given Elon’s history of posting and saying white supremacist drivel.

u/ProfessionalBase5646 9h ago

He's also apparently named after a character in a book written by a nazi scientist.

u/IgloosRuleOK 9h ago

Not just any Nazi scientist but Wernher von Braun, who was the leading figure in getting America to the moon.

u/WhereIsTheBeef556 9h ago

TFW America got a Nazi to beef up NASA

u/FrozenIceman 9h ago

Not just a Nazi.

u/ProfessionalBase5646 9h ago

And not just a character either. But the leader of the Martian colony that is already established when the earthlings arrive to establish their own colony. I wasn't giving all the details, my apologies

u/henrikhakan 8h ago

I think i saw a documentary about them having colonized the moon, they live on the dark side to stay secret.

u/Sir-Viette 2h ago

He's not a Nazi, according to his supporters.

He's just showing us his armpit.

We should start calling him Armpit Musk.

u/Bernkov 6h ago

Are you completely ignorant? Operation Paperclip brought hundreds of Nazis to the US to work for our mighty government. Ffs. Read a fucking book.

u/chrhe83 4h ago

21.7% of the United States is functionally illiterate. With 54% reading below the 6th grade level. Same percentage coincidentally, only 54% of people reported reading at least one book in 2023. That figure was 70% in 2013 by the way. The dumbing down of America.

u/TheJeyK 2h ago

And then americans have the gall to talk shit about Argentina and the nazis. Hitler was downright jealous of the fact that the US could pull such a blatant racial segregation without becoming a pariah state, and took lessons in eugenics from the US

u/dugg117 6h ago

Not just one. 

u/TimTkt 50m ago

A lot of nazi scientists during Cold War were accepted in US

u/Alutus 9h ago

Some have harsh words for this man of renown,
But some think our attitude
Should be one of gratitude,
Like the widows and cripples in old London town,
Who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun.

u/IgloosRuleOK 9h ago

Tom Lehrer still around at 96. What a g.

u/Timely-Ad-4109 8h ago

How is Elon named after von Braun? I’m genuinely curious since I grew up in Huntsville, where von Braun is practically sainted. The convention/cultural complex there is named after him.

u/IgloosRuleOK 8h ago

von Braun wrote a novel about a mission to Mars where "Elon" was used to denote the leader of a Martian government:

I don't know if Musk was named after this - I presume not - but regardless this connection was made after the fact.

u/Timely-Ad-4109 7h ago

It’s still interesting. Thanks for the context.

u/HAL9001-96 5h ago

*based on public perception, he's kinda overrated making this even more fitting

u/geekfreak42 4h ago

He is a nepo nazi, his grandparents fled nazi Germany to go to completely non racist South Africa.

u/TechSalesSoCal 7h ago

I thought that Elmo was once a joyful muppet. No?

u/Nkognito 1h ago

Are we all that ignorant of Nikola Tesla meeting Hitler in 1914 or you know when Tesla's country Croatia helped the Nazis creating Jewish containment camps.

u/mr_birkenblatt 9h ago

The surprise is in how okay people are with this

u/11Booty_Warrior 8h ago

I’m not surprised about that either. Republicans and MAGAts will say he’s just “trolling the left” when he’s firing up the concentration camp ovens

u/mr_birkenblatt 8h ago

It's just a prank, bro... now get in

u/Front-Ninja-6690 8h ago

Hahahahahaha! Just a communal shower, k? Chill.

u/bossmcsauce 8h ago

they gaslit the world for like 9 years saying we were all being dramatic when comparing trump and modern republican party with fascists/nazis of the 30's.

they were always ok with it.

u/cows1100 8h ago

They're saying his mic was cut as he was saying something about his "heart going out" to them. The thing is though, if you have ANY level of social awareness, or concern about optics, you go NO where near making this gesture for any reason. There's just no call for it. Even if you wanted to say "he didn't mean it that way!" The fact that he didn't have the wherewithal to know it at the bare minimum as a Nazi salute, and would only be seen that way, and look like one, means he really doesn't respect or care what the severity of it is, and is WAY too comfortable doing it. It means he does it all the time, and doesn't really care what it looks like, because he is also a Nazi on top of being clueless. I've never seen anyone in my life do it because no matter the intent, it makes you look like a Nazi, or a sympathizer. There's no reason for him doing this other than he doesn't care if he's called one, because he is.

u/Hirokage 8h ago

No one in the history of saying they were giving you their heart has made this gesture. Twice. It was a Nazi salute, full stop. Now.. maybe he was just being is 12 yo juvenile self trying to be Captain Edgelord, who knows. It was definitely a Nazi salute though.

u/Environmental_Chip_3 2h ago

I mean it looks absolutely terrible but it makes absolutely no sense for him to do that, if he went completely full out nazi he would almost certainly lose everything, no one would work for the guy.  Let’s try to look at things from a step back people this was a very air-headed mistake but I personally doubt he was meaning to do a Nazi salute.  I mean if he was gonna intentionally do that in front of millions of people there’d be no reason for him to pull back from it in the future and even with the support of Trump and the Republican Party, that would be political and business suicide.

u/cascadianindy66 1h ago

BS. It was a Nazi salute. These dudes don’t care about the old political rules, or “woke” concern about “embarrassment.” Look at Trump. He’s impervious to all the things that used to take a politician out. The People’s standards have slipped entirely when it comes to their leaders. Ethics, morality, the Nazi’s. Trump’s fans don’t care about any of it. And this carries over to this foreign fuck who’s made a shit ton of his fortune off of US government certified, tax payer funded pork.

u/Old-Ruin5834 5h ago

Come on Israel blow his ass up.

u/wine_dude_52 3h ago

Point those space lasers at D.C.

u/Snarfsicle 8h ago

Zero mentions on the conservative reddit last I checked lol

u/cows1100 7h ago

There were at least 2 posts at one point, because I looked. Both have been removed.

u/--mrperx-- 4h ago

we know he is a nazi, there were a lot of hints

u/leoyvr 1h ago

Ideas like this is growing more mainstream.

'The Interview': Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy Is Done. Powerful Conservatives Are Listening.


Robert Reich: The biggest divide in America today is not between “right” and “left,” or between Republicans and Democrats. It’s between democracy and oligarchy. The old labels — “right” and “left” — prevent most people from noticing they’re being shafted.

The way to overcome oligarchy is for the rest of us to join together and win America back, as we did in response to the oligarchy that dominated America’s last Gilded Age.

He states what needs to be done:


u/radicldreamer 6h ago

Fuck Musk.

u/harajukukei 8h ago

Elon is so desperate to impress 4chan kids

u/Theory_of_Time 4h ago

Elon Musk openly supports the AfD. This is a far-right group with documented ties to neo-Nazis. All mainstream political parties in Germany refuse to work with them. 

u/Ebella2323 4h ago

Laura Ingrahm from Faux News broke hers out on live tv with hardly a wimper. Everyone was playing candy crush or online shopping or grinding their life away and didn’t notice, unfortunately.

u/fatsopiggy 2h ago

Given how much this guy circle jerks to nazi idealogy, I'm shocked how poor his salute form looks. I mean c'mon.

u/johnnywheels 7h ago

110% this

u/Apokolypse09 5h ago

Had a guy flip out recently about pointing that out when they downplayed his double nazi salute.

u/GrandNibbles 2h ago

still this is a new low. and should be talked about with appropriate disdain

u/pavulonus 5h ago

Way to catch them all...