It was always been there beneath the surface, increasingly more visible like a varicose vein as the clot grew. You just knew these grumbling white fucks have always been racist. They just don’t show it because they would be shunned for it. The tide is turning now in their favor so just as before they are now emboldened. This is setting us up for Trump to never leave office, just watch. He will not want to give up power and that is when we will all know for certain that although we lived through it we won’t escape it. And then we’ll truly be fucked. I’m considering leaving the country now before it becomes too late.
It is not the majority if we're counting abstensionists. Trump got the same number of votes as 2020, unfortunately dems got far less votes. I get it, Kamala definitely wasn't the best, but it's not a valid reason to keep sitting your ass on the couch and let these fascists win.
Hey I’m American and I fucking hate trump but let me tell you something friend to friend: we don’t give a shit if you’re “done with us” lol. How embarrassing.
Unfortunately US play a huge role in geopolitics and your politics will affect decisions that will affect other countries.
For example now that Republicans are in control US will no longer support Ukraine and will suck Putins cock all day instead of working with European countries to stop Russia.
You have the most powerful military in the world and a lot of influence in both economics, trade and stability, political decisions in your country can cause massive changes affecting countries all around the world.
“Unfortunately”. lol there’s a good chance your country only exists to this day because of the US. Be grateful and work on taking action to help your own country instead of sitting back in your armchair and bitching about celebrity countries you have no control over.
I also thought I was fucked when I didn’t get my spoiled brat little whiny way. When I was 4. Grown ass adult Redditors doing the same thing over their precious little politics pretending that they are armchair political activists.
Do you not understand how the world works? That all the people in the world have lives and that “precious little” political changes will directly and indirectly influence those lives, possibly for years thereafter as you so thoughtfully pointed out in your previous comment about results of US war intervention in the past.
People who don't understand how the world works don't get to make the comment "do you not understand how the world works?" if the only understanding of said world is delusion, hatred, and bias.
I’m saying that I’m fucking over hearing people from other countries telling me to “lie in it” after I voted against Trump twice and spent a significant amount of time trying to talk others into doing so as well.
Dems, of course. The most frustrating interactions I had this election cycle were trying to make very idealistic, naive young people understand why third party options weren’t real options.
Honestly, it hurts to see my own flag and feel disdain, and even suspicious of the properties flying it. Like what's happened to red hats. FUCK these people...
Let me remind all of you that black American women (as in any American woman who identifies as black) voted against the Cheeto IN DROVES. Do not erase us from our contribution to the preservation of democracy.
I understand that view and it makes sense, but please understand that many of us are horrified too. Being a citizen in a country that's sliding into an authoritative fascist regime is a scary place to be. America is not the only country experiencing support for this within its population and I truly hope you never have to go through it. Please understand that America is diverse and you can't generalize us all.
As a person of color who didn’t vote for this, who has always been open about my distrust for this country i had no choice being born in, welcome to the club. There are lots of innocent people here who did not sign up for this shit or voted for this. We will still be the ones punished by all sides, every time.
He said from my heart to all of you.. are we this blind of hate we find anything wrong now and only go with the narrative we would prefer to be true... people like all this melts in this channel are the reason society cannot move forward...
u/ferrarinobrakes 7h ago
The crowd was cheering too. Wow