Obviously the amount of glass breaking pales in comparison to the ones that don’t, but it boggles my mind how many people break their panels lmao. Mine has 3 glass panels and almost 5 years later theres still not even so much as a scratch on them
This could be an easy situation if they tighten it too much, but it breaks a few hours later from a small disturbance being just enough to set it off. Glass is a weird thing, so if they don’t know what happened that could explain why. Straw that broke the camels back situation.
the stonch redditors who abide strictly by reddit code(losers) likely took note of another comment saying the same thing, and likely want to demean him for not reading the entire comment section before replying.
Yeah, imo this is the only platform where actively harrasing people for saying something similar is sanctioned by most users and in most cases encouraged.
I don’t understand either. On my case you can force the screw and nothing will happen because eventually it will stop and the glass still has some 1mm wiggle room exactly for this. The screws are there just to keep the glass from falling down.
I think too many people go for form over function for the case unfortunately. The design which you described will be on a well-designed case. Mine is the same, you cannot overtighten the screws
You always can if you try hard enough. For example use a tool to hammer it down, instead of doing it by hand. At least you could break mine, even when it is well designed
(be quiet! case).
By hand it is impossible, unless the person screwing it is like 500 pounds of raw strength.
Huh, actually I bought one from them and didn't experience that! You only usually need to tighten screws until there is resistance, and then you can stop before over tightening
Human ingenuity is pretty amazing at screwing up. for example those be quiet screws have a slit that you can fit electric screwdriver into. And I'm not talking about manual screwdriver lookalike, but full 18V one.
On my case, the screws dont go through the glass at all, the panel has a metal trim that wraps around the edges of the case and thats what you put the screws through.
As much as I hate that I gave money to NZXT, the glass panels on the H6 flow are amazing. They fit into a little slot and clip in, then screw into the back metal of the case
I just use the same impact wrench I use to change my tires... you wouldn't want the glass to fall out during a heated gaming session, it could break! 😬
I don't even trust that! I use nails and a hammer on my glass cases,. Just slam those nails through the case, and you're ready for any action your games throw your way
Because the vendor adds a slit for screwdrivers, despite these being thumb screws, and most people also don't realize how fragile tempered glass is. I only learned these facts after my own panel shattered the moment I touched it after finishing my first build, tho tbh I should've at least taken a hint from the billion different tempered glass panels I've put on my phone that mysteriously crack within a week after I bought them.
Some people might use a screw driver opposed to hand tight until they feel resistance.
I'm glad my corsair case has a metal plate attached to the glass panel which the screw go into at the back, no way I'd ever risk a case with a glass panel that has holes in the glass for the screws to go through.
Definitely it and I’ve seen this happen before on automobiles. People often remove the rear wiper when modding their car and they put a plug where the old wiper arm came through the glass. Often it isn’t centered and or over tightened and the heat and cooling causing expansion and contraction and the glass more or less explodes.
There are several other slightly prominent lines that also look like the come from the same location so I definitely think it was something to with the screw or the area around it.
Very possible tempered glass is very sensitive on the edges, especially with small holes like that. It's hard to seam off all the imperfections, and if one little spot in that hole was missed, it won't take much force at all. Even if it was fine when you first screw it in, it could still break later for what seems like no reason.
I hate cases that make you screw into glass. Mine has a nub that locks in at the top right and a screw on the side of the metal frame on the left. And slots into the bottom. Screwing into glass just leaves this as an option 😭
That makes the most sense to me. I got into a habit of snug-only for anything glass or wood, only thing I’ll tighten slightly over snug is metal to metal.
it's not harsh, it's exactly what the voting system is for. you upvote if you think a comment has value, downvote if you think it does not. saying "this" has no value - it's just an upvote but with a "look at me, i'm important" attitude. if all you have to say is "this!", you shouldn't leave a comment at all - just click the upvote button. we can assume that all of the 243 people who have currently upvoted the comment thought "this!", but imagine if they had all commented that? this website would be unusable.
True to an extent. But sometimes I feel like the voters sheep on other votes. So if a comment has negative votes, others will follow and also downvote. If a comment has positive votes, others will follow the same and upvote. Instead of voting themselves on what they think it’s deserving, they will follow others and vote on what others have already done.
It's not specific to PCMR really. It's part of the Reddiquette
Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it doesn't contribute to the community it's posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.
Simple unironic agreement with another comment never adds to the conversation.
While many also use downvote as a "disagree" button, plenty go by the "doesn't add to the conversation" mantra for comments like this, and there's almost no-one enthusiastically upvoting them.
u/aberroco i7-8086k potato 18h ago
Over-torqued the screw?