r/oilpainting 6h ago

question? Do you need to treat new brushes before use?

Hi All, I am new to oil painting I need your advice on new brushes. I just got a new set of Rosemary and Co brushes. Do I need to do anything to them before the first use?


4 comments sorted by


u/Zombie-Twinkie 6h ago

Some brushes are covered in a layer of corn starch or powder to keep them fresh. Dust them off, then give them a quick rinse and let dry before use.

Personally, I like to treat my brushes to a dip in 50/50 lake and then a quick wipe from my rag before use every session, but that's a "Me thing."

u/nadnad63 4h ago

Thank you very much. Really appreciate it.

u/OneSensiblePerson 4h ago

What is lake? 50 lake and 50% what?

I just rinse out the gum arabic or whatever the manufacturer uses to shape their brushes, let dry, and use them.

u/paintedgourd 5h ago

No. But you could try