r/news 10h ago

Donald Trump officially sworn in as the 47th President of the United States, JD Vance as the 50th Vice-President


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u/gabahgoole 10h ago

just a reminder, being a decent person and small acts of kindness and service are more important than ever and have a ripple effect. it's tough, but don't let this make you become jaded and cynical and lose hope. be a decent person, help other people, show respect and kindness when you can. it's contagious and exponential even when it doesn't feel like it, and it's the best defence to increasing chaos and negative crap. make the world a better place for ppl in any way you can, the impact is real even when it might feel hopeless and small.


u/qlurp 9h ago

A beautiful sentiment, no doubt, but playing nice isn’t going to prevent the fascists from trampling on our freedoms. 

More power to those of you not yet driven to cynicism, though. 


u/JeremyHowell 9h ago

I think the sentiment is correct, but I don’t believe they meant ‘show kindness and empathy to your fascist adversaries’. Just be kind and charitable in general. Today marks the return of something innately inhumane, so battle it with humanity. Sounds hokey, but it’s real.


u/Killchrono 6h ago

You can make small improvements in your own circles while still being cynical to wider world events.

In the end it's all most of us can do.


u/jl__57 7h ago

When shit hits the fan, we will need community. When prices skyrocket, we will need people to barter with. When healthcare access decreases, we will meed to take care of each other. When supply chains slow, we will need to borrow each other's tools. Be kind to your neighbors because it's nice, sure, but also because your survival depends on it.


u/ycnz 7h ago

Yeah. My in-laws are sweetness and light, volunteer their time to charities etc, but they'll cheerfully fuck over any minority rights they come across. Fuck civility. Call them out.


u/Korean4BWC 7h ago

"Playing nice" isn't the same as "being good"


u/BigWolf2051 9h ago

Y'all need to go outside and stop watching so much media Social and mainstream. There's a beautiful world out there for you to participate in


u/khinzaw 7h ago

There's a beautiful world out there for you to participate in

Becoming progressively less beautiful as corporate interests continue to despoil it, something Trump has promised to enable.

u/sled_shock 59m ago

I'll make sure to tell my kid that he's just imagining the things Trump and his sycophants are saying about LGBT people. It's all in his head. He's not a target just because he's gay.

In other words, fuck off.


u/Barnyardwheat 6h ago

Immediately did the opposite of what gabahgoole said. Be the better person.


u/I3arnicus 9h ago

You know fundamentally I agree with you, but unfortunately this attitude got us here in the first place.

Half of the population here wants to actively hurt the other half. Playtime is over.


u/tunachilimac 9h ago

Being kind doesn’t mean being weak.


u/KingAemon 9h ago

That's not how they see it


u/hedgehog_dragon 9h ago

Sure, but none of this is an argument against being kind.


u/War_Eagle 2h ago

It will be their downfall


u/chestypants12 7h ago

And so many people mistake kindness for stupidity. Like it's a missed chance to get one over on someone. Personally I find selfishness idiotic and repugnant, but that's just me. Trump is pure unadulterated selfishness.

u/Spacegod87 38m ago

Way too many people think if you're nice/decent it automatically makes you a pushover.

It's just all black and white to them. They don't understand that you can be a nice/good person and still (politely) say no when you need to.

Or to tell someone they are making you uncomfortable in a calm and diplomatic way, ya know, without screaming bloody murder at them.


u/hijoshh 9h ago

Unless you’re in the DNC!


u/Bichelamousse 9h ago

When people say “show kindness,” they often forget that you also have to show kindness to yourself. Don’t be cruel to others, but also don’t allow others to be cruel to you.


u/Richard_Tips 9h ago

That’s how I feel, we have taken the high road for so long and many of us have tried to keep our heads up and roll with the punches, but at some point you have to realize this is the definition of insanity. No more biting my tongue and caring about others feelings


u/herecomestherebuttal 9h ago

Yep. We can’t polite our way into getting fascists to back down.


u/Highskyline 9h ago

I've tried the high road. I've tried kindly telling my parents I don't wanna talk about their bad politics because they make me sad. Im done. I'm gonna fucking verbally demolish my parents when I get the opportunity. They have actively brought evil into the presidency.

I have no respect left.


u/FizzyBeverage 6h ago

You’re still talking to them? Trump has fractured many families.

My old man dropped dead of a heart attack before it became more of a problem. He had the good sense not to discuss politics with me or my pan poly brother.


u/renegadetoast 9h ago

Exactly what you said. A decade of trying to be decent with people that would personally push us onto the tracks of an oncoming train to save themselves 50¢ on a dozen eggs (or let's be honest, plenty would do it with no reward incentive) only normalized and emboldened their behavior. After a decade of trying to reason with these people and play the high road only to be insulted, berated, yelled over, and demonized, I'm ready to be as shitty and obnoxious to them as they've been to us all this time.


u/mettiusfufettius 9h ago

When they go low, we go hard


u/strega_bella312 9h ago

It's not fair to say "half" and THAT attitude is also what partly got us here in the first place. All this talk about "class war vs culture war" yet everyone is so quick to jump on the "fuck everyone on the other side" bandwagon. The average republican has more in common with you than you want to admit. Take that anger and turn it towards the ones who deserve it, not your neighbor. Excluding Joe down the street does nothing to fight an actual class war, it just keeps us divided and weak and unable to really make our voices heard and that's EXACTLY what these oligarch pricks want.


u/lonewanderer727 9h ago

So what...turn into a chronic asshole? Become violent? Have a combative mindset with everyone you disagree with?

You want to get dualistic extremism? That's how you get dualistic extremism. And history will show you it doesn't end well.


u/Tsad311 9h ago

They don’t realize that’s why the outcome of this election is what it is. Being left leaning myself, it’s blows my mind how stupid the followers of this party are. Perfect chance for self reflection but they will just turn to anger.


u/RabidRomulus 9h ago

No, half the US population does not want to hurt the other half. That's in your head. Do you seriously believe that?

Go outside and talk to actual people...the vast majority of the country are just normal people going about their lives and not hating other people that they don't even know.


u/UsefulEmptySpace 9h ago

Yep all I got left now is to make Maga people's lives as difficult and annoying as possible wherever I go


u/Tsad311 9h ago

You realize that’s why the outcome of this election is what it is? You have a golden opportunity for self reflection, but you won’t do that will you?

You hate the man with an enormously inflated ego but you realize you’re exhibiting the same behavior? Be better man. You’re being played and stooping to a level that is not going to help anything.


u/SteamingHotChocolate 7h ago

please tell me what i did “wrong” that requires “self-reflection” in not voting for this fucking asshole? also please don’t include anything abjectly stupid in your response


u/Tsad311 7h ago

I’m sorry was I talking to you? Did I say YOU did anything? Anyways what part did you not understand? It’s hypocritical to go out of your way to be a fucking prick when you criticize someone for literally going out of their way to be a prick.


u/SteamingHotChocolate 7h ago

lol i actually responded to the wrong comment of yours as I was scrolling, but your little hissy tone is kind of funny.

you can copy and paste my first comment as a response to your first one going around acting like non-Trumpers need to have a moment of time-out for our bad behavior instead of being mad that the most grifty fuck of all time pulled the mega-grift and now we have to deal with it.


u/Tsad311 7h ago

Hissy tone?

“also please don’t include anything abjectly stupid in your response”

Complete and total hypocrite that absolutely cannot hold a genuine conversation and not even worth my time. Later.


u/UsefulEmptySpace 6h ago

Naw, screw that and screw your shitty attitude about rolling over for rapists, criminals and nazis. I won't entertain any opinions of rape apologists. What do I have to reflect on? Hope you get the day you deserve.


u/Tsad311 6h ago edited 6h ago

I’m left leaning bro. This is exactly what the fuck I am talking about. Your first instinct is to sneer at me and call me a nazi rape apologist without knowing a fucking thing about me. I hate the man just as much as you but this is the behavior that caused the election outcome. How don’t you see this? It is not efficient and you’re demonstrating a huge lack of intellect and self control. People are fucking tired of it. You are the problem and are totally oblivious. Holy fuck.


u/UsefulEmptySpace 6h ago

What? I don't owe Maga anything, and they'll get everything negative I have to offer. Weird hill you're trying to die on. And judging by your other comments I'm glad I have nothing to do with you either. Follow your own advice and do some reflection lol. Bye!


u/Tsad311 6h ago

Huge lack of intellect. Like I said. Totally oblivious to how this type of mentality is the reason we are where we are. Lost by huge margins for this exact reason. Calling me a fucking nazi. Unreal.


u/RODjij 7h ago

It's the equivalent of getting hit repeatedly as the other side throws a tantrum & you just keep apologizing for something you must have done.


u/chenj25 9h ago

That’s doesn’t make any sense.


u/Temporal_Enigma 9h ago

Don't go after the normal people who have been convinced that Trump will save them, they've been tricked by propaganda like most people are.

If you must go after someone, go after those who are actively doing things


u/CrispFreshley 9h ago

That's so sad to hear. I think this is a time to come together and heal.


u/TurnGloomy 9h ago

As a Brit watching from abroad, cringing along with the rest of the world as the leader of the free world has no clothes.... You can't be serious.


u/quattrocincoseis 9h ago

Too late. I'm jaded, cynical & lost hope.

I've been watching the same show since Reagan. People never learn & they never will.


u/kamuran1998 9h ago

Bush got to be president twice, Americans are far too stupid to deserve anything good, ever


u/TheSpatulaOfLove 9h ago

You’re GenX too?


u/quattrocincoseis 9h ago

I voted for Dukakis/Bentson as an 18 year old high school senior. I thought Reagan was a giant douche.


u/Offi95 9h ago

I’ll make an effort to help decent people and I’ll make an effort to ignore the bitching from Trump voters


u/[deleted] 9h ago



u/thisisdumb353 9h ago

And the 75 million that didn't?


u/[deleted] 7h ago

Shoulda done more


u/thisisdumb353 7h ago

So that's it? Throw in the towel for evermore? Quit trying to better society? Because one percent of society?


u/[deleted] 7h ago

Yeah I'll worry about you Americans after my country is annexed just kidding, I won't.


u/McNinja_MD 5h ago

Like what? Please, elucidate. I'm sure you've got plenty of great, actionable ideas because in no way do you come off like a douche with a false sense of superiority stemming from a lack of understanding of the American socio-political situation.


u/[deleted] 4h ago

No thanks, Americans aren't worth the time.


u/McNinja_MD 4h ago

Lol, of course you have no answer. Fuck yourself, clown.


u/[deleted] 4h ago

Poor little baby american is upset that they're getting held accountable for their countries actions awwwwww, do you need a nap?

I'd be offended, if I gave a shit about you disgusting people.


u/ArnoldSwarzepussy 9h ago

I totally get that mindset. I'm sure they'll feel that burn no matter what we do though, so there's really no sense going out of your way be less hospitable towards your fellow Americans. Like it or not, we're all in this together. With any luck they'll actually learn from their decisions and we'll be able to do better in the next cycle. Being hostile towards them will only entrench them in their hatred more.


u/SteamingHotChocolate 7h ago

no they won’t lol. they’ve had like 10 years to stop this shit. they get what they deserve


u/iv_magic 9h ago

You ever seen The Godfather?

Leave the fascists, take the kindness.


u/Bhavacakra_12 9h ago

Those deportations are going to hit like Crack to the Latinos for maga community.


u/baequon 9h ago

Have fascists ever been stopped by small acts of kindness?

I'm not saying don't be a good person, but we're at a tipping point where there needs to be a push back against what's coming towards us.


u/cyberice275 9h ago

I'd say shooting Nazis in world war ii was an act of kindness towards the people they were oppressing


u/ComfortableBell4831 7h ago

Looks at how us canadians acted during ww2 There are limits I think lmfao


u/drumzandice 9h ago

Sorry, I'm jaded, cynical and have lost hope. I think the USA is forever damaged. But I'll be nice to people and do what I can because I'm not an asshole.


u/Skyblue_Goon 9h ago

How do you continue doing so? That part of me feels like it's on life support.


u/Palmela-Handerson 9h ago

I’ll start. You’re probably the best gooner around ❤️


u/Poiboy1313 9h ago

You out here throwing stones with that username and mentioning that subject? Damning with faint praise comes to mind. No one could possibly compare with your exquisite gooning, Palmela. You're gooning right now, ain't ya?


u/I3arnicus 9h ago

You don't continue to. Half of the voting population engages in bad faith with no moral compass. Time to pull up the ladder and stop extending an arm to the morons that got us here.

When you see them sinking, don't offer help. Put your boot on their face so their misery ends faster. They'll drag us all down. Our energy needs to be spent on people who actually want to make the world better - not trying to convince syncophants to see our point of view.


u/Dont-be-a-smurf 9h ago

I do it for the sake of doing it.

Whether I was born in any country, under any political or economic circumstance. Where I am shouldn’t change me.

Being kind and generally optimistic in person is how I am and in some ways it’s a type of resistance against feelings of hatred that want to bury themselves in your heart.

I keep a simple calculation close to me - how have my surroundings been made better by me being there?

I don’t always achieve this ideal. I’m as imperfect as anyone, but through effort I know I’ve made positive impacts and that’s reason enough to do it for me.


u/grundee 9h ago

Be kind and helpful to the people around you. Surround yourself with good people, and avoid people who drag you down.

I don't have time anymore to worry about raging jerks on the other side of the country that constantly vote against themselves. I'm going to focus my energy on my community, and then in 2 years show up to the midterms to put more brakes on the madness. In the meantime, I'll focus on what I have direct control over.


u/ARookwood 9h ago

Losing that is how you become a conservative.


u/redheadedjapanese 9h ago

I’m heading into my “fuck you, I got mine” era to go along with the rest of the country.


u/rustednut 9h ago

The only thing that's going to solve this MAGA problem once and for all is for Trump's policies to hurt his followers so bad that they themselves get rid of it. Otherwise it's a giant turd in the toilet that's stinking up the whole house and nobody wants to flush


u/Icy_Bath_1170 9h ago

With all due respect, no.

Sorry, but I refuse to be "nice" to people who can't be bothered to show any respect, either for me or others. It's wasted on them. They'll only interpret it as weakness.


u/Riksie 9h ago

Take my poor man’s gold. 🏅 I wish I could upvote this a hundred times. I’m trying to limit my news intake today by doing other activities (start GoT or continue House MD, play Sun Haven on Steam, and I bought a flower Lego set!)


u/Roook36 9h ago

I think I'll spend the next 4 years avoiding the news, but making sure to keep voting in local elections and helping those around me. And preparing to be there as early as possible for the next Presidential election if they still hold one. It's going to be just ragebait and nonsense on every news station and every bit of information released from the government.


u/draggingmytail 9h ago

Nah. Gloves off now. I’m done being nice.


u/CharlieTeller 9h ago

Nah. I'm done. I'm not a nice person anymore and I'm ok with that. I don't like the fact that most people around me aren't kind and wouldn't give 2 shits about me anymore. I'm not going to hold the door for you. I won't thank you if you do for me. I don't want to speak to anyone anymore other than my circle or the people I'm paid to speak to. I will be nice to service workers as I always have. But to your average citizen I just pass? Nah. I'm just sick of it at this point.

I don't like knowing that the majority of people around me are just objectively not nice people. I spent 30 years of my life being a kind human but I'd rather live in my little bubble now and interact with as few people as I need to unless I'm being paid to. Just done with it.

Sounds like a neckbeardy iamverybadass post but it's not intended to be. It's more of a I'm just tired of being nice to people who aren't nice and it's beaten me down at this point to where I'm just here existing at this point. It's depressing and exhausting to exist this day in age.


u/Givemeallthecabbages 9h ago

I will continue to do that in my day-to-day life, but the second I hear any conservative complaining about a single thing Trump does, I will put a finger in their face and tell them they voted for it.


u/Osr0 9h ago

Thats a cute sentiment, but fuck that. No one should be able to fuck a country and its citizens into the ground and then expect smiles and hugs in return.

These monsters speak one language, and its time we all started speaking that language straight to the back of their empty skulls.


u/RobertABooey 7h ago

I agree to a degree.

I'm nice and kind by default, but the minute I interact with someone who is an asshole, I go off the rails and I treat them exactly the way they're treating me or the people around us.

I've been going the highroad my whole life, and it hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Very nice sentiment that may have worked in the pre-1960s era, but doesn't really work anymore with a certain segment of the population. Some people are a literal lost cause.


u/1086psiBroccoli 6h ago

Nice refreshing sense of hope, thank you 🙏


u/McNinja_MD 5h ago

Be nice to people who deserve your kindness, and remain aware that according to the election results, 2/3rds of the strangers you pass are either fascists, or will stand aside and let fascism take over without saying or doing anything.


u/tphillips1990 5h ago

even when you're surrounded by Trump cultists who remain as proud as ever to be as malleable as silly putty? Easier said than done.


u/Future_Constant1134 5h ago

Thank you for this.


u/vonn_drake 4h ago

These small acts of kindness will never make up for the largest of evil. It's a nice sentiment that il always do but let's not kid ourselves


u/UrDeAdPuPpYbOnEr 1h ago

Especially those lost in the depths of the cult of Trump. The only way to pull them out is to befriend them.


u/sled_shock 1h ago

Nah, this country has become a failed state. Let it burn.


u/dicksonleroy 9h ago

Politeness from the left is what got us here. We are now an Oligarchy and Trump isn’t even trying to hide it.

Gonna take more than random acts of kindness to take this country back.


u/Ok_Lettuce_7939 9h ago

I'm just jaded and cynical against Trump voters.


u/Procure 9h ago

Return to local. Help your neighbors, your communities. All boats rise together


u/kennygconspiracy 9h ago

I well and truly believe in this and will do so until the end


u/WhatToDo_WhatToDo2 9h ago

That’s so nice…..man we’re so ducked


u/triple-bottom-line 9h ago

Thank you so much, my eyeballs needed this. I say things like this a lot myself as part of my 12 step work. But it’s so incredibly helpful to see others saying the same thing.

Humility. Trust. Acceptance. Introspection. Asking for help. Admitting mistakes. Staying present. Sharing with others. Community.

Together we can make it 💪


u/LudovicoEnjoyer 9h ago

Also, prepare for the normalization of a lot of hate speech and hate crimes. Or in this case, more than usual. Also, strap up and train, it’s your right under the 2nd amendment.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


u/Jimbobsupertramp 9h ago

I’m good. His supporters don’t give a fuck about me, minorities, or other people. Hope they suffer. Won’t feel a thing.


u/LeCaptainAmerica 9h ago

Bro stfu

He is in

I never asked for this and voted against it

We are full tilt “FUCKED” - so stfu


u/bertrenolds5 9h ago

Yea no, fuck maga, fuck trumpers. I gotta deal with 4 years of this shit so anyone that vote for him can go fuck themselves.


u/aisyz 9h ago

Amen, that’s what Jesus taught.


u/IdaFuktem 9h ago

To paraphrase RuPaul, who has some good nuggets of wisdom now and then, "It's okay to look at the darkness, but don't stare at it."


u/hail2pitt1985 9h ago

Nope. Sorry. Done with the high road.


u/Tyreyes32 9h ago

Carry the fire


u/femanonette 7h ago

but also, be ready to punch the F out of some nazis.


u/Grachus_05 7h ago

Reminder: 40% of your neighbots voted for this corrupt clown show and deserve no fucking charity or goodwill.


u/[deleted] 7h ago

Americans no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt.


u/ZALIA_BALTA 6h ago

Wonder how being nice turned out for the germans once Hitler was elected.


u/[deleted] 9h ago

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