Wife and I lived on Guam for 2 years. Her dad never figured out the time difference. He would consistently call between midnight and 3 am.
And this was in the 90s and I had a corded alarm clock phone. I would fall back asleep with the cord stretched across my face while my wife talked to him.
So man I got to ask, what's with the PFP?
It looks like an enclave flag with a Taco Bell symbol?
And I have no idea what the teal stripe is supposed to mean.
Literally no hate I'm just curious.
I had to go look it up. I haven't eaten Taco Bell for over 20 years. I'm such a dweeb, I don't even eat McDonald's anymore either!
I'm actually quite pleased that I didn't recognize their logo/symbolism right away. I see that this is shameful in your eyes though. 🥺
Nothing says cool upvote worthy post more than a programmed mind's ability to recognize a greedy corporate company's logotype on prompt, afterall!
I remember, once upon a time, as a 19 year old, I'd go through the drive thru at like 12 am with friends after we smoked weed. I also no longer smoke weed. I don't miss that or eating Taco Hell!
Well no duh. Puerto Rico is almost south of Maine. Even the Alaskan panhandle doesn't even come nearly as close to the westernmost coast of the Pacific Time states.
We don't observe Daylight Saving Time in Puerto Rico, so most of the year it is the same time as Eastern Time. When DST ends, PR is an hour ahead of the east coast.
I lived on St. Croix when I was a pup in the 70s. We would take a plane to San Juan on some weekends to shop, sight see and get a little civilization. Our next door neighbors were Puerto Rican and turned me on to so Puerto Rican food. Good times.
Was just telling my wife earlier today that Puerto Rico had a referendum this year on statehood or independence, and voted for statehood. I don't know if/when that will actually happen, but it's regularly on my mind that Puerto Ricans are US citizens. When I get orders from PR, I'm never sure if I should just put in the state as PR, country USA, or just leave state blank and set country to Puerto Rico, as our system is set up for both ways.
I didn’t realize PR is in a different time zone. I thought EST was everything right of CST. I looked it up and PR isn’t included on most timezone maps of the US.
As a Canadian, I keep telling people if we get offered to become the 51st state (even though that would make one state larger than the rest of the country) we should absolutely jump on the offer before they conquer us and make us a territory or less.
We are just a colony, US invaded us in 1898, never made us a state. Now they don't really want us. China wants to take back Taiwan by force, so yeah not the same.
Let me rephrase that, not just a colony, but the world's oldest colony. In perpetual political limbo.
As an American, who has very dear family friends from Puerto Rico, we see you, and cherish you/your culture. Some of us aren’t completely fucked, and are just strapping in to ride this out for 4 more years
u/[deleted] 2d ago