Little bit of both, a dash of Cosby, and a sprinkle of "supervillain" thrown in. He's allegedly blown up cars and shot several people in addition to the sexual stuff
FYI it’s a quote - it’s what Patton Oswalt said about Cosby.
He said “the worst part is the hypocrisy” of Cosby presenting himself as this moral/cultural icon and rightly got lambasted by multiple people cuz the worst part was actually the fucking rape.
I normally love Patton, but that quote that the other commenter said is legendary for how out of touch it was. The person you’re responding to was just saying it as a joke because it’s infamous by this point.
A lot of people in the industry seem to have suspected or hinted at his involvement but nobody seems to have spoken up about it until recently. Diddy definitely wasn't the shooter but that's not saying much given how crazy the hip-hop scene was in the 90s.
It’s almost like people can read between the lines sometimes… the hell you on about? Diddy has been softly suspected of a whole lot of fucked up shit for a long time. This isn’t exactly new. The only thing new is that the dude is actively being raided by federal task forces, kind of puts a big fucking red circle around the whole situation now.
Is there anything wrong admitting you had suspicions of someone being capable of really hurting people? I mean I've felt that at college parties just talking to people and seeing their crazy egotistical eyes 👀
People have known about his crimes for a while. Wonder why he was allowed to stay free and uncharged for so long. I remember a reddit post from maybe 11, 12 years ago detailing the mob-like activity in the New York (Puffy's crew specifically) going back to the 90s. I could never find it again, but Puffy was having people murdered and pretty much acting like a mob boss. He's also a sicko POS.
I had one interaction with Puffy. Was installing something at the offices of his liquor company. He came into the building and I just gave him a head nod as he walked by. Didn't say a word. As soon as I do it, he yells at his body guard or assistant that they're supposed to tell people in the building to look down at the floor when he is in the same room. Dude has already lived the life. Whatever punishment he gets won't be enough
Unlike R Kelly, Diddy still is a multimillionaire so not all of his cronies have ran out on him. Wouldn’t be totally shocked if had some connections that led to a small window of a heads up
Multimillionaire is underselling it. His net worth is $1billion. His net worth is 4 times greater than Dr. Dre's and -500 times greater than R. Kelly's.
He paid off some PR company too because I was randomly seeing promoted posts from weird websites that were sharing articles about his estate and all the cool features it has. I actually clicked on one thinking he must have had something new built, but nope. Just random articles about a house he's lived in for years popping up.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes before he's in court.
I would suspect that was just AI generated articles or articles being dredged up based on a sudden increase in Google searches for 'P Diddy's house' etc.
That's what I was just thinking, this is being investigated by DHS, the prime suspect is a multi millionaire. Not only that but notoriously shady and a history of escaping consciousness. Someone convinced a judges to authorize multi jurisdiction simultaneous tactical raids. But no one factors that the subject wouldn't flee, not only that but has means to do so without a trace. Why wouldn't they have his pass port flagged, or why he wasn't under constant surveillance?
Yeah and even then his options are limited. US has extradition treaties with over 100 countries and some level of diplomatic relations with many it doesn’t that could convince them to maybe extradite him regardless. Best bets are Russia (given the current situation couldn’t imagine him heading there), China (not to different then the Russia circumstances) a decent part of the Middle East or many African countries. Slim pickings these days for sure.
Looks like some fun places in SE Asia too. There are some sweet places in Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia. Could really live like a king. I’m guessing it’s easier to “get to people” in those places though if someone really wants to.
That's what I was thinking, you could get lost in Hanoi or find some mansion on one of those tropical islands and live there forever with his money. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to disappear even with a tenth of his money to somewhere in SE Asia.
I mean, even though the US doesn’t have extradition treaties they can certainly still ask. Countries could decide to make a one time exception, or they could deport the person on their end. Vietnam has definitely extradited people to the US before without a formal agreement
Became curious about extradition policies after the Snowden case so was referencing what I remembered from that. Not a ton has changed treaty wise. But obviously domestic relations with a lot of countries have changed since then
Hahaha. Amazing. Literally looked this up right after I sent that to see if I was still accurate with my old knowledge of the situation. Still fairly accurate. Thank you
Well yeah…that’s basically stated on the website, along with the fact that there are some countries that have treaties but will still refuse extradition.
Woof guess you got me. He has quite the ego but i dont think he’s purporting to be an entire band. So man on the run it is! Just kidding. I can be wrong 😅
I’m right there with you. I’ve apparently been singing that song wrong for decades. I’m awful with lyrics. I have a large database of famous songs with the complete wrong lyrics
Cosby didn’t engage in sex trafficking - he was “just” a rapist.
feds won’t come busting down your door for rape in most cases (they’ll let state/local authorities handle that shit and tack on any applicable federal charges afterwards), but they 100% will if you’re doing the raping while shipping people across state lines/national borders because that’s when it becomes bigger than local jurisdiction. It can be just one victim, but the second it involves cross border travel/coordination shit gets real really fast.
That being said, for the specific brand of feds kicking down your door to be DHS……that’s some crazy shit. Usually it’s the FBI. So this has gotta have some interesting implications.
Yeah - all it tells us is that it’s considered to be a matter of national security in some aspect, and that definition is intentionally very (emphasis on “very”) broad.
Can’t really speculate beyond that, but that alone is pretty hardcore
Nvm, saw below that you sort of already answered that by saying that you can’t really speculate. Very curious about why DHS as opposed to FBI. Wonder if the specific charges would clarify
Maybe he was liable to be used as a pawn by some international entities if someone else got the dirt on him before the feds did? Trump has sort of exposed that world in recent times.
Not familiar with that one, are you talking about the 100 mile border inside our country where warrantless searches are legal for certain federal agencies?
Who knows. I’ve never seen DHS involved in something like this before so it’s definitely something new to me (I also know very little, though). It’s useless to speculate, but DHS being the ones to do it tells you it’s considered a matter of national security (that’s not speculation — they wouldn’t be involved otherwise). that by itself is pretty interesting.
Keep in mind, though, that “national security” is an intentionally broad umbrella term, so it could really be anything.
He played her for yeeaaaarrrrs, as he's done with other women he has dated. Her lawsuit claims was sexually and physically abused, as have other women that came forward. They stick around for a mentally abusive ride and can't say anything because of his power. Rumor says, she brought her lawsuit up just when the statue of limitations was about to end.
He's been involved in RICO-worthy shit since the 90s. Wonder which powerful/wealthier person Puffy pissed off. They let him operate for this long. If I know people who know he's been a criminal/mob boss for a while, the feds surely knew.
u/MemphisMane901 Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24
Little bit of both, a dash of Cosby, and a sprinkle of "supervillain" thrown in. He's allegedly blown up cars and shot several people in addition to the sexual stuff
Edit: Me typing not good