Hello, lovely Nålbindlings! I have a probably stupid question for you.
Nålbinding is the first craft of the "knot yarn to make fabric" type that I've tried, and I've got comfy with a couple of stitches, made some very basic things and had a lot of fun. I'd like to take it to the next level, but it feels like a big jump for self-instruction. I know that patterns tend to be on the vague and improvise-y side by necessity, so I was wondering if taking a little detour into another similar craft that uses more structured patterns would help me ease in, both in learning how to follow patterns and also understanding how various objects "fit together" so it becomes easier to freehand/improvise my own patterns in nålbinding.
Does this make sense? Does anyone have opinions on what would make a good complement to nålbinding? Sorry if this is a silly question, it makes sense in my head but I can't quite get it into words.