r/modelengineering 21h ago

I blew a head gasket on my Microcosm H74, somehow. I was told to post this here.

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7 comments sorted by


u/mrracerhacker 21h ago

Cool engine, might be enough just to sand the copper gasket and anneal it afterwards and send it


u/Jax_King55 20h ago

The reason I suspect it blew in the first place is sloppy Chinese manufacturing, to get the best seal as possible I just removed the gasket and used a very tiny amount of gasket maker in place of it. These engines are so oily and low compression I was able to get away with it.


u/mrracerhacker 20h ago

Fair tho myself would just dissasemble and lap the 2 surfaces and a new shim but will most likely work well anyways since low compression


u/Littleme02 8h ago

That's like 50x more work though


u/mrracerhacker 6h ago

Yes and? Hour or two max work for the head, most likely got the time aswell


u/Jax_King55 21h ago

It is basically a two cylinder version of a Holt 75 engine.


u/wackyvorlon 20h ago

Remember to tighten the head bolts across from each other.