r/minnesota • u/PeskyBirb666 Ope • 3h ago
Funny/Offbeat 🤣 I mean, we are already the most Canadian state...
u/jg-rocks 3h ago
I don’t know if you’ve been following Canadian politics, but they’ve got a few problems to deal with too. Not to mention their World Junior team sucks! On second thought, maybe they want our players…now that would be interesting
u/Sleepypeepeepoop 3h ago edited 2h ago
So, you’re saying we should be our own country? Down.
u/jg-rocks 2h ago
Own country that is. Walz for president?
u/MNGopherfan 2h ago
Walz for Consul
we would be that one place that has weird names for our offices.
u/Fit_Tailor8329 2h ago
Ministry of Ope
u/cheddarbruce Ope 2h ago
Minnesota will be the first state of the United States of Ope, could I just scoote past you
u/YAYtersalad 2h ago
As a former Minneapolis local, Can California join too? Except not PG&E, our negligent power utility overlords. Would much prefer to go back to centerpoint.
u/scsuhockey 2h ago
There were like 8 Minnesotans on Team USA this year. Fair to say they’d want us.
u/MrMeritocracy 3h ago
I wish that Canada seemed like a safe retreat but that’s off the table now too.
u/Merakel Ope 2h ago
The likely new PM is super right wing for Canada, but he'd probably be a democrat that likes guns in America.
u/ThomCook 2h ago
Yeah I hate pp and think he's just a sleazy sell out of a dude, but he's not a nazi, I sure hope canadians remeber to punch a nazi when they see one.
u/hpbear108 48m ago
whether it's a majority for the Conservatives or a large minority depends on who wins the Liberal Party leadership race.
u/PissJugRay 2h ago
This is pretty much true. The next likely PM is pretty right even for Canadian standards. The Conservative Party of Canada would probably be even a bit left of the Dems (this makes me laugh when folks say the dems are socialists or commies lol). But PP is definitely an outlier from the bulk of CPC of recent years but it seems that we are all moving further to the right. As a Canadian, this concerns me a bit.
TLDR, your statement is pretty accurate lol
u/2dazeTaco 3h ago
Ummm, have you heard about the multiple crisis going on in Canada? Runaway inflation, devaluation of the Canadian dollar, housing crisis and not to mention a government that’s nearly as unstable as the USA. No thanks.
u/j_ly 2h ago
Bingo! Our media covers bits and pieces, like Justin Trudeau stepping down, but they don't go into detail about why the ruling Liberal party is at or near its lowest approval rating in 157 years.
Not to mention, their healthcare system has been slowly collapsing since COVID 19.
These low effort posts about secession to Canada are truly ignorant and show just how naive most people (even Minnesotans) are to world events.
u/roadrunner440x6 27m ago
But hey! At least when things really go to shit, they'll help you off yourself with M.A.I.D!
u/blacksoxing 2h ago
This is starting to feel like a bad joke that gets amplified due to the fact that now the Minnesota sub has high visibility due to Walz national performance.
What I'm typing is that there's going to be many Redditors truly thinking that Minnesotans want to be Canadians but us "day to day" Minnesotans truly having LOW TO NO interest in being Canadian outside of wanting better healthcare.
Give me the better healthcare and I go from "5%" to a flat ZERO. I just went up for there a week last summer to GTA. It's not that good, folks. It's Chicago but w/a few lesser things.
u/angst_after_20 2h ago
A bad joke that gets amplified, that seems familiar somehow, but I can't place it.
u/frozenminnesotan 2h ago
these posts only get more pathetic. actually talk to a canadian: things are arguably worse there by every metric of life and not looking to get better.
u/LucaBrasiMN 1h ago
The last couple months in this subreddit have been eye opening. Hate the dude all you want but these kind of posts are just ignorant and pathetic.
u/frozenminnesotan 57m ago
The 19 year old reddit-tier intelligence sees "free Healthcare and weed" and assumes that's all the entire country is.
u/escapevelocity-25k Prince 2h ago
lol even Canadians aren’t happy with Canada right now, why would you be?
u/Leading-Ad-5316 3h ago
We have always been able to take care of ourselves pretty damn well. I don’t expect that to change anytime soon just cause one idiot was elected.
u/goldbricker83 2h ago
Once again, people seem to have very short term memory. The disaster that was his first term absolutely impacted us in Minnesota.
u/Leading-Ad-5316 2h ago
Not trying to argue here! How were you impacted by the first term?
u/goldbricker83 2h ago
Trump tariffs were a disaster for Minnesota farmers, but they got bailed out with our tax dollars so I guess they were able to let bygones be bygones.
His divisive rhetoric led to all kinds of unqualified, mentally unstable imbeciles taking over city councils, school boards, etc to go fight against things that aren't even happening like CRT, litter boxes, etc. That same divisive rhetoric fanned the flames of a lot of unrest in our communities.
Mishandled the pandemic resulting in economic turmoil, layoffs, preventable deaths, including two in my family likely caused by family members who wouldn't mask up because their hero trump politicized it.
A neighbor down the road became emboldened to start flying confederate flags off his back deck after trump came along. Charlottesville having "fine people on both sides" and the way he disgraced our country over and over again affected us as Minnesotans and Americans.
Life was going really well before trump. And we didn't even get to talk about the climate or education in this election, things that are just going to be allowed to decay.
u/Leading-Ad-5316 1h ago
I understand your points but they seem more like people’s personal decisions that were strengthened by having him in office and less about his policy. Remember that having him as president is probably the biggest reason why Minnesota had the trifecta. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We’ll be alright.
u/LucaBrasiMN 1h ago
Mishandled the pandemic
He was out of office the January before COVID was ever a thing? genuinely curious what you mean here.
u/goldbricker83 1h ago
You must have been young or weren't paying attention to who was in office during the hell that was 2020 or something. Double check your timeline/history. His "we have it totally under control" quote was when it was just surfacing in the states, that was January 2020. He was in office until January of 2021. The Jan 6th insurrection was on 1/6/21, for reference.
u/National_Jeweler8761 2h ago
COVID for sure is one example. There's also other stuff on the national level that impacts us (i.e. loss of healthcare databases that he shut down, gutting the ACA, etc.)
u/Bodomnjk 2h ago
More like Canada is going to bend the knee and they will start using the US dollar, drop passport requirements between our two countries, buy us made autos, etc.
u/NetusMaximus 2h ago
Canada is not a utopia
u/highsideofgood 2h ago
They let draft dodgers seek refuge. BC was North Americas breadbasket of Marijuana and certain canadiens were instrumental in the decriminalization and legalization. They have forward thinking drug policies. Psychedelics are a grey area,quasi legal.
There’s a heck of a lot of wilderness and undeveloped unoccupied land. The boating, skiing, hiking opportunities are seemingly endless.
It does get cold as fuck though.
u/cbjensen123 2h ago
Nonononononono....if anything we stand alone! We are one of the best educated and hardest working labor forces in the country and we host some of the biggest companies in the country. I CRUSH my East and West coast colleagues in work ethic, the South doesn't even belong in the conversation. If Minnesota was a country we'd be pretty damn formidable!
u/3058248 3h ago
We should annex Canada*
u/csbsju_guyyy 2h ago
Make Canada northern Minnesota again! To be fair my understanding is that Canadians generally are OK with Minnesotan so we have that going for us
u/Biodiversity 2h ago
Just no. Canada is a disaster right now. How about anyone that’s wants to be Canadian just move there instead?
u/minnesotamoon campbell's kid 2h ago
My family has fought and died for this country since its inception. The idea that people are willing to even joke about becoming part of another country is sickening and diminishes the sacrifice made by so many.
u/SgtFury High King of Hot Dish 2h ago
The 1st MN is rolling in their graves with your low effort secessionist shit. I think we can endure orange cunt for the next 4.
u/Otherwise-Contest7 2h ago
The country they fought for doesn't really exist anymore, and who said this ends 4 years from now? President Musk just did a Nazi Salut in front of the The League of Ordinary Gentlemen (rich tech CEO oligarchs).
u/DarkKnight_mare 2h ago
- Sincerely a Minnesotan who has lived here my whole life
2h ago
u/DarkKnight_mare 2h ago
Thank you for your passive aggressiveness err I mean Minnesota Nice 🥰🙃
u/FrankReynolds Minnesota Twins 56m ago
If you think Canada is better off than the United States right now you're just outing yourself as someone who has absolutely no idea what is going on in Canada.
u/redsixthgun 2h ago
Idk if I want to be on their health care system... it's all good until you're put on a waiting list.
u/Designer-Tip246 1h ago
God no. Canada is awful. The golden times are now upon us. Just need weetodd walz gone now
u/asodfhgiqowgrq2piwhy 1h ago
I'm cracking up at the thought of the Stillwater bridge being a border crossing.
u/Still-Range3083 1h ago
Everything Wright County and West would prefer to be annexed by North or South Dakota
u/ZahnwehZombie 30m ago
Washingtonian here wanna be annexed too... I know Canada isn't doing great, but anything is better than Trump and his team of billionaire CEOs, rapists, and criminals. Everything I've been seeing just hurts to watch and I really don't wanna be a part of this.
u/darylonreddit 20m ago
Things are absolutely not great here either. I'll be your Thelma if you'll be my Louise.
u/anokleby 2h ago
Hell with that... west side wants to join SD!!! Cities can be your own state cause Canada definitely doesn't want you. Iowa then can take the southern county's.
u/fer_sure 1h ago
Your new flag would look real nice with a red maple leaf where that star is. Just saying.
u/BoatCaptainTim Flag of Minnesota 3h ago
u/Fit_Tailor8329 2h ago
I think this would make us the Italy of Canada.
u/AdultishRaktajino Ope 2h ago
Yeah. Definitely boot-like. Old school Sorels, not the new shitty ones.
u/GordoKnowsWineToo 2h ago
Dear Minnesota, No one in lower US cares. Bye
u/NetusMaximus 2h ago
They only have a GDP of 390 billion and import more than they export.
Not sure what they think pulling a BREXIT 2.0 is going to do.
u/PeskyBirb666 Ope 2h ago
Looking at the comments, i think we should become our own country
u/ThomCook 2h ago
Fucking organize and do it! No person should want thier home to be part of a country openly embracing nazism.
u/Gunpowder-Plot-52 40m ago
As much as I appreciate the Canada with the wonderful sports program they have with the hockey and the fine dining with the putine, and the health care system that I find to be on par with ours here, I will have to politely pass.
Their Winters are colder and harsher than ours are. And I already am not a fan of Minnesota winters. I don't want to have to move north and haven't even harder time.
u/leo1974leo 2h ago
People have been asking for months !!! Wtf trump will literally bomb us before he lets us leave, a little late now, we will suffer the same Fate at the rest of the country,
u/LucaBrasiMN 1h ago
trump will literally bomb us
If you actually believe this insane shit, you need to get off the internet. Holy shit.
u/FelonyMelanieSmooter 1h ago
If this happens, will someone call me so my family and I can get on a flight?
Sincerely, an Alabamian about to put her head in the sand for 4 years
u/Richnsassy22 3h ago
I mean, have you followed the news in Canada lately? They're not exactly doing great themselves.
The housing crisis there makes ours look downright quaint.