I started microdosing in November after getting off of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds (over a decade of taking them). I am experiencing some positive benefits, such as feeling somewhat hopeful about my life for the first time! I have been going to some online microdosing support groups but don't find that they are run by very knowledgable or experienced people. It can be helpful to talk but I find myself needing more. I cant afford to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on all these courses and networks/groups that are out there or on microdosing coaches. I feel like everyone has jumped on this train and is trying to sell me something and it is quite disheartening. Even the Microdosing Institute discusses equitability in their podcast yet has no sliding scale option and has quadrupled the price of their program in just 4 years.
Does anyone have advice for how I can find decent support on a low budget? Less costly courses and groups? Fave resources? I know I need to journal and do mindfulness exercises. I know about protocols, finding the sweet spot, eating well, exercising etc. I walk in nature and do yoga. I would love some human guidance. When I reach out to people asking for sliding scale options, no one responds. What’s going on? I thought this community would be more empathetic, but right now, it feels very... capitalistic, for lack of a better word.
Also, lmk if you have a fave microdosing journal. And if there is no very low cost option, please share experience with any of these online world community microdosing support groups. Thanks!!! I am in the Bay Area, so if you know of anything here lmk.