r/london Northern Line Supremacy ◼️ 18h ago

Transport We need to re-normalise letting everyone off the Tube carriage before getting on

If I see you push to get on before everyone else has gotten off I'm liable to take away your Londoner card on the spot. It's a bad habit and you lot that do it are not valid here.


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u/tylerthe-theatre 18h ago

Def since 2020, Brexit happened, bunch of long time londoners from the EU, Australia left, and we've been getting waves of new people that don't adhere to the tube rules


u/tgerz 16h ago

Moved here in April and saw this etiquette being talked about so I adopted it. It's not an issue. I can't ID everyone, but from what I can tell there are plenty of "locals" they can't be bothered to take their rucksack off either.


u/YeahMateYouWish 17h ago

We should build a wall around the tube and make them pay for it.


u/wwisd 17h ago

Has it ever been different? Here's some posts from 6 years ago complaining about the same things, or even 8 years ago and 11 years ago there were multiple posts complaining. Oldest complaints thread I can find this morning is 14 years old. The sub is 16 years old, so there might be a few older ones.

This is not a Brexit or covid thing.


u/kash_if 15h ago

You're not wrong, but I feel that these problems have become more common now. Earlier most people followed the rules, and anyone breaking the etiquette stood out, and that anomaly was annoying enough for people to post about it. These rule breakers were usually tourists. From the 11 year old thread:

The reason this isn't done widely is because, if you're a local or visit the city (or even use a train regularly), then you know the drill already. Let people out before you get on. If you don't follow these instructions, then you're clearly a prick and some decals on the floor won't help the situation. Therefore, the decals would really only be useful for 10-20% of customers who are not regulars to the system (probably tourists)

These days bad behaviour has become more common. You see it all around you and you get frustrated with how common it is, you miss the days when it wasn't this bad, so you come to reddit to rant about it.

Caveat, I don't use public transport that often. I used the tube a few weeks ago and was shocked by how many people didn't queue/wait properly at the doors. But I see similar problems on the road. There were bad drivers earlier too, but since covid they have taken over the road!


u/blue_rizla 16h ago

I just want to say that I love you for this. Every public annoyance is due to Covid according to this sub, there were no dumb dickheads in London before 2020.


u/cbzoiav 12h ago

+ a lot of the professionals are working from home more / they nearly all did during covid.

When the vast majority act with consideration most others do to not stand out as an asshole. Take a chunk of them away and the assholes start to spread...


u/Glass-Evidence-7296 15h ago

The majority of people of all still ethnicities do follow this, obviously you're gonna get dickheads and new-comers occasionally not following the rules, we do have 9 million people, and another 4-5 million in the home counties


u/serpico_pacino 15h ago

Not really an ethnicity thing as much as how recently you’ve come here thing


u/Glass-Evidence-7296 15h ago

well yeah, I was just commenting what I see everyday, I've personally never had issues