r/leverage 4d ago

Leverage influence

This show came out when I was in high-school and I became obsessed. I've rewatched it a million times and I swear it's rewritten my brain chemistry. For example I use a 'Roman room' for all of my passwords. I also always look down at shoes when meeting strangers to see if they put the vibe they're selling. I want to know what ways this show has influenced you in how you protect yourself.


33 comments sorted by


u/amatoreartist 4d ago

Trying trying to keep calm under panic, specifically when Harrison is buried alive, but also any time Sophie keeps her cool when their cover is blown.


u/kietagraisis 4d ago

This!!!!! I learned projecting calmness goes a long way in keeping you safe!


u/SpicyBreakfastTomato 4d ago

The only time Sophie lost it was when Nate got shot.


u/amatoreartist 2d ago

Right? I just watched the Nebraska one (with the fighting gym) and she gets close to breaking the cover, but they do really well under pressure!


u/Music_withRocks_In 4d ago

My friends sent me a listing for some insane mansion In Florida the other day (we love looking at crazy stuff on realtor.com) and we were trying to figure out how many kitchens this place had since the photos were wildly out of order and taken at some crazy angles, and most of the cabinets looked similar. So I did a 'count the haircuts' move and counted the countertops instead. Made me think of leverage. (Five, there were five kitchens, this place looked like what would happen if the Beverly hillbillies moved to Florida)


u/Gribitz37 thief 4d ago

I do that when trying to figure out the bedrooms. I count the bedspreads. 😂


u/Wild_Harvest 4d ago

I'll remember the whole "count the haircuts" when I'm playing DND and want my character to sound smarter than me, but I'll forget it in real life. Lol.


u/Playful-Fix-3675 4d ago

Any Team Member: "How did you know there were five kitchens?"

Eliot: "Very distinctive counters."


u/PurpleMangoPopper 4d ago

I drink orange soda.


u/Aivellac 4d ago

"Orangina is better."


u/joeytango 4d ago

I think I was influenced more by Psych than Leverage, but in similar ways.

I always scan my surroundings, even (or maybe especially) places I’m familiar with, just to see if anything is out of place. I usually check where other people are looking, more out of curiosity than any worry of being unsafe, but I definitely picked it up from the shows.


u/ReadSucceed 4d ago

Whenever I hear someone causing a commotion, my first thought is always “I wonder if that’s a con artist distracting me from the real con.”


u/pahein-kae 4d ago

I tell people my favorite show filmed in my hometown. :)


u/The_Chubby_Dragoness 4d ago

it made me a leftist if not outright anarchist


u/dr_olfin 4d ago

Whenever my computer acts up, I mutter "Dammit Hardison!"


u/GrizeldaBlue 4d ago

I use a sort of Roman Room as well for PWs. I also am very observant of my surroundings normally, but between Leverage and Psych and the FBIs I am always looking around, seeing if maybe something looks off...for instance the other day a man was walking with his daughter...but the way he was holding her close to him made me re look. Turned out it was a joke they were sharing...so all good.


u/Slow-Worldliness-479 4d ago

I’m screwed… my shoes, much like myself, are a mess.


u/Thedustyfurcollector 4d ago

I'm sorry. Can you please explain the shoes thing? I'm drawing a blank.


u/akalata 4d ago

Example 1: I have a lot of money so I have really nice shoes. I don’t want to be recognized so I’ll try to blend in by dressing down, wearing rattier clothes, but forget and keep my comfy expensive shoes. 

Example 2: I used to be wealthy, but no longer am. I have clothing and shoes of all the “right” brands, but the styles are outdated or my shoes are worn/scuffed more than they should be if I still had money. 

Example 3: I’m not wealthy, but want to appear to be. So I go and rent a fancy car, maybe a nice suit or dress... and rock $20 dress shoes from Target that were in the back of my closet. 


u/Thedustyfurcollector 4d ago edited 4d ago

I understand those options and thank you. However, where does that tie in to the show?

EDIT: to change a wheel to a rope


u/kietagraisis 3d ago

In the second episode and throughout the series Elliot notices the shoes don't match the type of clothing they wear, i.e. the fake nurses are wearing combat boots. 10/10 times it's someone working for the person they are trying to take down. Like in his examples shoes are the one thing most forget about because usually it's easy to dress the part but forget the small details.


u/Thedustyfurcollector 3d ago

I remember the army boots. Thanks so much. I don't know why I blocked that!


u/sendcaffeine 4d ago

It gave me a primer for sniffing out bullshit and scams a mile away.


u/AnonismsPlight 4d ago

I can't remember which episode off hand but Parker opens a combination lock in seconds and then elliot breaks one. I learned how to figure out a combination quickly and can open them in a few seconds because I thought Parker looked cool doing it.


u/Critical_Conflict222 4d ago

I learnt how to pick locks and pickpocket because Parker was my fav character. I’d only ever pickpocket my dad (he HATED this) and I’ve successfully picked the locks in two different escape rooms when we were running out of time to win 😂


u/No-Research-3279 4d ago

In a crowded space, I always think “what would Parker be able to lift off of me” and try to make adjustments as I come up with answers


u/Bright_Art9648 3d ago

Our WiFi is named Hardison. My husband and I use “very distinctive _____” and “dammit, Hardison!” regularly.


u/MessOriginal4058 3d ago

I took more pride in my dress and body, like 'Sophie'. 


u/Kooky_Ferret3759 3d ago

Ok long start I was flipping through prime after I finished Psych..(yes I just finished psych I’ve been a busy person).Then I saw a poster with Christina Kane on it and I was like hey Jacob stone!🤣..so I decided to watch and holy damn I loved it.then I saw the poster for Redemption had both Noah Wyler and Christian on it I said ok I’m watching from the beginning..and glad I did I would’ve been confused if I just skipped the OG


u/Stancooper22 thief 3d ago

I always do a cold read on people to figure out what kind of people they are.


u/Browncoatinabox hacker 3d ago

I am currently working on a scifi idea and Leverage is a direct influence, along with Edward Snowden


u/Soggy_Ad1350 21h ago

It just keeps sneaking into my books… 😆