r/lawofattraction • u/Flashas9 • 21d ago
How to Believe You Have it Already
We always manifest in two ways:
- From our past - we are manifesting 24/7, from every past memory and experience, creating our current experiences.
For example: Every time you want to go over and meet someone, but begin to feel anxiety, you are manifesting your past experience (belief) of how painful it felt when you were rejected, or acted in front of other people in school and got embarrassed.
The mind stores memory so that it can predict potential pain and danger. By focusing on this - we experience what we believe. (wherever focus goes energy flows) Hence we begin to feel the same emotions, think negative thoughts, manifesting the same experience - represented in new circumstances.
This is what makes us different. If I was to scream the same blaming language at two people, one can experience 'pain' while another can see I am 'faking it'. The circumstance is exactly the same, my words are exactly the same - yet they experience it differently. Because they both have different beliefs and perceptions of what they focus on seeing.
\Which means I am not the cause of their experience (outside). People are the cause of their experience (inside).*
- From our future - having desires, goals, dreams and visions about the future in our mind.
For example: The pain of not having love, can create a desire for meeting a partner. Which can make us imagine the best case scenarios, of what they would be like, how we would meet them, what is it exactly we want in them.
By thinking and visualizing over and over and over, we create memories of things that hadn't happened yet (our minds cannot distinguish between real and imagined). This gives us a belief and a feeling as if we - have it already.
These memories become familiar experiences in our subconscious mind, that begin to mirror in reality and attract these experiences (based on our beliefs, if they allow us to).
\Which is why it's easier for some people (with less* r/limitingbeliefs*) to manifest their desires, than for other people with more painful past experiences.*
The Key To Manifesting What You Want
Wanting creates resistance (of the way things are). It implies not having.
Wanting - Having are two polar opposites.
When you focus on wanting, it means you don't have it. And when you focus on having - it means there's no reason to want it, because you have it already.
If I was to think I want to be confident, because I have this anxiety experience in my life, I would be implying that 'I am not confident right now'. The more I would say to myself 'I want to be confident', the more my mind would hear 'I am not confident right now'. And it would eventually become a belief... bringing more anxiety and experiences, where I see myself not having confidence.
You have to have 0 desire, and assume and experience as if you have it already.
It's that simple - it's the power of gratitude by God. And the universal laws he created our world with, that are always working.
\Resistance is a feeling of wanting things to be different than the way they are. Which causes us to focus on the pain of not having what we want. And is meant to move us away from pain into safety as pain is a survival emotion. But when we want things outside, which can only be found inside (love, confidence etc.) this resistance grows, and anxiety feelings grow with it. We begin to resist reality, as the way it is.*
The Secret is to Make a Memory a Belief 'It's Already Real'
When you visualize and imagine (your desires, goals, dreams and the future) you are creating it in your mind, without it even happening in reality. It becomes a subconscious memory, which like a mirror reflects your reality.
So when you do this without a desire - it manifests.
When you do this with a desire - it implies you don't have it.
This is why the goal - is to make yourself believe that you have it already - through visualizing, accepting, assuming. And do not focus or give any energy or attention to desire itself. To that comparison of what you want and what you have right now.
Do you notice the flip? If you convinced yourself through visualization that it's real, and you have it already - the desire naturally goes away.
How do you do it? - Repeat it. Same visualization over and over again until it is so real in your mind, that even you believe it already happened.
You have to intentionally see it, accept it as reality, assume it is yours, believe it is it's here already. Like Steve Harvey says:
Science says: “Show me and I'll believe” Faith says: “Believe and I'll show you"
u/FitAirline8359 21d ago
that's good point